T&L HUB MEETING 12 th January 2015 Revision Skills
Objectives of the session Why are revision skills important? How do we teach students to revise? Let’s share ideas! WOW week(s)
Why are revision skills important? Our students find revision difficult Skills to study and learn efficiently GCSE success Skills that will remain with students for the rest of their lives
1. Understand 2. Process 3. Create 4. Revise 4 Steps to Revision Success – a THW approach
Understand… Don’t understand? 1. Ask your teacher Not in school? 1. Ask your friends 2. Ask your parents 3. Ask Google
Use highlighter pens to pick out the key points in your notes. You could, where appropriate, colour code these, so that sections in a certain topic are in a certain colour. Whenever that topic comes up, the same colour is used Highlighter Pens
Some people like to produce reduced notes, which have the key points alone on them Reduced notes
Making bullet pointed summaries of key sections of notes can be useful. It works well for some! Bullet points
Post it notes Key words – Key formulas – key questions etc. Stick them up in the house where you will come across them…
The average person can take in four numbers or words at a time, can concentrate on revision for a maximum of 45 minutes at a time and remembers information best shortly before bedtime. Chunking
Mnemonics Rest Exercise Variety Imagination Structure Individual Ongoing Not too long Mnemonics work best when you try to make your own…
Practice Materials Cards Posters Quizzes Create
Reduced notes can then go on cue cards. You can easily put them in your pocket and look at them again when you have a few spare moments… Cue Cards
Quizzes Make quizzes Exchange with friends Have a revision ‘party’
We take in: 10% of what we see; 20% of what we hear; 50% of what we see and hear and 95% of what we teach someone else (Barwood 2005). Teach someone
Practice - Past Papers 1. Ask teachers 2. Use Revision Guides 3. Look in the back of your text book Best way to practice for an exam is by doing exams!
1. Understand 2. Process 3. Create 4. Revise 4 Steps done!
Around 70% of what you learn is likely to be forgotten within 24 hours - you must review the information regularly after the first learning. For each topic, spend around 10 minutes going over your revision notes within the first 24 hours, a day later, then weekly until the time of the exam. ‘All learning without reviewing is like filling the bath with the plug out ’ (Hughes 1999). Revision Strategies
Ideas/Activities I always use Ideas/Activities I am going to try
WOW week(s) Department Meeting: create a/some subject specific exemplar revision material(s) to be put on to Frog.