The Top 10 Questions every parent of an athlete needs to ask
Other than the coaches of my son or daughter’s specific sport, who will they need to interact with as an athlete at Wilmington College?
Dr. Terry Rupert – Vice President of Athletics/ Athletic Director Beth Floyd – Senior Women’s Administrator Judy Doyle – Business Manager Steve Spirk – Director of Athletic Development Carl Cortney – Equipment Manager Brian Dykhuizen – Head Athletic Trainer Ameer Rasheed – Sports Information Director
What does my son or daughter need to do before coming to campus to be eligible for his or her sport?
Final High School Transcripts Immunization Records for the Health Clinic Complete financial aid paperwork with One- Stop Complete housing paperwork Complete Physical Paperwork ◦ Download paperwork from: ◦ ◦ Sickle Cell Trait
Please complete the medical history, sign the release forms, and provide the primary medical insurance for the athlete. The policy holder of the primary medical insurance will need to sign the form that asks for the primary medical insurance. Physical must be completed by our team physical or his designee on campus. ◦ (Do not take physical to your own family physician)
New requirement from the NCAA in 2013 (The NCAA wants all athletes to be aware of their Sickle Cell Trait) Tested at birth and part of your immunization records We can order a test You can chose to waive out of the test.
August 12 th beginning at 1pm ◦ Football at 1:00 ◦ Men’s Soccer and Men’s Cross Country at 2:15 ◦ Women’s Soccer, Women’s Cross Country, and Volleyball at 2:45 ◦ Cheerleading at 3:00 August 26 th at 7pm August 31 st at 7pm (All physicals will be done in the new Center for Sport Sciences)
As the Athletic Director, what do I expect from our athletes at Wilmington College?
STUDENT/ athlete Leaders on Campus Know your priorities Know your campus resources
What are the differences between being a high school athlete and a college athlete?
Moving to adulthood/ being accountable Balance/ time management Bigger, Faster, Stronger Division III Athletics/ Not life's work Athletics is a privilege not a right It’s OK if priorities change ◦ (College athletics is not for everyone)
What are the academic requirements that my son or daughter will need to maintain to stay eligible?
The academic progress of all students at Wilmington College is reviewed at the conclusion of each semester in order to determine the academic standing of each student. Good standing is determined by the following criteria: a. The student must average 12 earned credit hours with passing grades of "D" or better during full-time semesters* enrolled at Wilmington College. (However, credits earned during summer session count toward good standing even if the student is taking less than 12 credit hours) AND b. The student must complete EN101 (and EN100, if required) with a grade of "C-" or better after one attempt AND c. The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of: 1.80 at close of first semester at Wilmington College 2.00 at close of all subsequent semesters.
What happens if my son or daughter has a medical related injury?
Brian Dykhuizen – Head Athletic Trainer (Football, Swimming, and Women’s Lacrosse) Cathy Williams – Assistant Athletic Trainer (Men’s Soccer, Women’s Basketball, and Men’s Lacrosse) Alex Rhinehart – Assistant Athletic Trainer (Volleyball, Cross Country, Track, and Baseball) Robbie Oates – Assistant Athletic Trainer (Women’s Soccer, Men’s Basketball, and Softball)
Dr. Shaun Swick – General Medicine Dr. Timothy Kremchek – Orthopedic Surgeon Orthopedic Fellow from Beacon Orthopedics Gregg Harris – Drayer Physical Therapy
Beacon Orthopedics Drayer Physical Therapy Clinton Memorial Hospital Imaging Center ◦ (X-ray, MRI and CT Scan) Dr. Rolf Chiropractic Care
What if we have medical bills as a result of an athletic related injury?
Any medical bills related to an athletic injury will be applied to the athletes primary insurance first. We are required by the NCAA to have a secondary insurance or athletic insurance policy to cover our athletes
Submit the bills you receive that the primary insurance does not cover. Must meet be an injury that is a direct result of participation in intercollegiate athletics. ( Will not cover injuries that occur during intermural or other “non official activities like “open gyms” and “Captain's practices.) Injuries must be reported to the AT staff for documentation
Under Written by Mutual of Omaha Covers medical cost up to $75,000 ◦ The NCAA provides a “catastrophic” medical policy with much high limits This policy has a $1000 deductible ◦ So will have some out of pocket medical expenses
What might my son or daughter need for practice?
Athletic laundry is done daily Shoe/ cleat questions need to be directed to the head coach of the particular sport Non-traditional/ Traditional season
What is the policy for parent admissions to games and contests?
We only charge admission to football and men’s and women’s basketball. ($5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children) All others are free Football and Men’s and Women’s basketball parents will receive via mail, prior to the season, parent and OAC passes.
When will my son or daughter need to report?
Football – August 12th Softball – August 16th Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, Cross Country, and Cheerleading – August 17th Volleyball – August 19 th All others report for freshman orientation and should meet with coaches during scheduled team meetings after class begin.
For further information and a copy of this presentation, please see our website at: