Promotions As of: 1 September 2006
Promotions Requirements Automatic: 12 Months TIS and 4 Months TIG Waiver: 6 Months TIS and 2 Months TIG Automatic: 24 Months TIS and 6 Months TIG Waiver: 18 Months TIS and 3 Months TIG Automatic: 6 Months TIS Waiver: 4 Months TIS
Automatic Promotions The SM will be automatically promoted unless they are flagged when they reach the required TIS and TIG.
Denial of Automatic Promotion CDR can deny automatic promotion with a 4187 and a flag. When flag is lifted and a 4187 is done then the SM will be promoted to the next rank.
Waivers The SM must first be circled on the AAA117. Waiver is done on a DA 4187 by the Orderly Room and signed by the Commander. The amount of waivers we get vary from month to month.
Promotion Requirements Primary Zone: 34 Months TIS and 6 Months TIG Secondary Zone: 16 Months TIS and 4 Months TIG * Minimum of 350 points after board Primary Zone: 82 Months TIS and 8 Months TIG Secondary Zone: 46 Months TIS and 5 Months TIG * Minimum of 450 points after board
Process SM must be circled YES on the AAA-294 that they will be going to the board. SM attends the promotion board and gets recommended. SM points become effective 1 ST day of 2 nd month. SM meets the cut off score. SM will be promoted the upcoming month from when the points come out.
Where do the 800 points come from? 150 Commanders Points 150 Board Points 100 PT and Weapons (Pts vary with form) 200 Military Education 100 Civilian Education 100 Awards
So what do I turn in? Civilian Education (1 transcript) Military Education (All COTs, Correspondence Courses, 1059s) Awards (OMPF) The Orderly Room, Training Room and S-1 will take care of the rest
How to Add Points Promotion Point Adjustment Promotion Point Reevaluation
Promotion Point Adjustment SM has within 30 days of going to the board to turn in additional points for them to become effective with the initial packet. Note: 30 days is the entire process of getting turned in, signed by Company Commander, to S-1, to PSB and for them to process it.
Promotion Point Reevaluation SM can turn in points at any time. However, they must be turning in a minimum of 20 new points or else the PSB will not add any of the points. Exception: If you have a minimum of 781 points, then you can add any amount of new points.
ERB SM can use the ERB as an official document while deployed for points. HOWEVER, the SM has 60 days to get the actual documents turned into PSB when we redeploy. That 60 days is when it has to be at PSB and input. So…plan accordingly.
Promotable w/o Boarding A SPC will be given the promotable status automatically when they reach 46 months TIS and 10 months TIG, their points become effective 60 days later. The SM can not add points to that w/o going to a promotion board. This process can be stopped if started early enough.
FAQs You can find almost any answer about promotions in AR Q: When is the last day in a month that I can turn in points? A: 14th to the Orderly Room Q: When do I have to have my promotion packet turned in by? A: 4th to the Orderly Room
FAQ Cont. Q: Can I get a waiver for one of my PROFIS Soldiers? A: Yes Q: Where can I find a copy of my awards? A: OMPF Once Again…. You can find almost any answer about promotions in AR