1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Welcome: Workshop Overview of the Workshop Yong Cai NSLS-II February 7-8, 2008
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Workshop, February 7-8, 2008 Purpose of this Workshop The Project Beamline Present the current design of the beamline aiming to achieve the 0.1meV resolution goal of NSLS-II for IXS Discuss the scientific drivers and the technical requirements and specifications of the beamline Establish the Beamline Advisory Team (BAT) for the project beamline The Letter of Interest (LOI) for the project beamline – primary deliverable of the workshop Beyond the Project Beamline Discuss the scientific and instrumentation needs of the IXS community beyond the project beamline Establish a working group to contribute to the CD0 for a suite of beamlines to be funded by the MIE money
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Workshop, February 7-8, 2008 Workshop Agenda Overview John Hill: Overview of NSLS-II, model for beamline development Yong Cai: IXS program at NSLS-II and current project beamline design Xianrong Huang / Zhong Zhong: Status and progress of 0.1meV R&D at NSLS-II Michael Krisch: Next generation science with IXS Project Beamline – 0.1-1meV Science Soft matter and biomaterials (Sow-Hsin Chen, Tim Sage) Glassy and disordered systems (Filippo Bencivenga, Tullio Scopigno) Strongly correlated materials (Steve Shapiro) Materials under high pressure (Ho-Kwang Mao) Instrumentation and current status at APS (Ercan Alp, Yuri Shvyd’ko) Beyond the Project Beamline – 10-50meV Science... Charge dynamics (Wei Ku, Peter Abbamonte, Young-June Kim) Materials under high pressure (Ho-Kwang Mao) Instrumentation and current status at APS (Yuri Shvyd’ko)
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Workshop, February 7-8, 2008 Discussion Sessions: Towards the LOI The Scientific Case for the Beamline(s) What are the key scientific drivers for the beamline(s)? How will NSLS-II impact this field? What unique capabilities will it provide? Which scientific questions will these capabilities address? The Technical Requirements and Specifications of the Beamline(s) Choice of insertion device(s), straight section, tuning range, brightness, flux, … Energy and momentum resolution and scan range, polarization, beam size, detector(s), stability, … Sample environments, on and off line sample handling capabilities, … Data acquisition and analysis, computing support, any other user needs, … Membership of the Beamline Advisory Team (BAT) Outline of the Letter of Interest (LOI) for the Project Beamline
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Workshop, February 7-8, 2008 Questions to Think About What novel experiments would you perform with this beamline? What instrumentation and infrastructure would you need at this beamline? What other IXS capabilities and beamlines would you need for your research at NSLS-II? All questions and suggestions are welcome!