The Six Kingdoms
Domains Broadest grouping of living things Three domains: Archae- no nucleus, cells wall without peptidoglycan Bacteria- no nucleus, cells wall with peptidoglycan Eukarya- have a nucleus
The Six Kingdom System Kingdom 2 nd Broadest Grouping of Organisms Six Kingdoms Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Monera (in the 5 Kingdom system)
Who are we more closely related to in terms of evolution (Archae or Bacteria)?
Domain- Archae Archaebacteria- “extreme bacteria” Cell Type- Prokaryote (no nucleus) Organization- Unicellular Cell wall- lacks PEPTIDOGLYCAN Nutrition- Heterotroph/ Autotroph (chemosynthetic) Locomotion: Squirm, flagella, cilia Diverse Ex: Live in thermal vents (Thermophiles) Live in salt marshes (Halophiles) live without O 2 (Methanogens)
Domain- Bacteria Eubacteria- “true bacteria” Cell Type- Prokaryote (no nucleus) Organization- Unicellular Cell wall- has PEPTIDOGLYCAN Nutrition- Heterotroph/ Autotroph (photosynthetic) Locomotion: Squirm, flagella, cilia Diverse Ex: Yersinia pecsis Lactobacillus bulgaricus Cillia Flagella
Domain- Bacteria Yersinia pecsis- bubonic plague
Domain- Bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus - yogurt bacteria
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Protista- Cell Type- Eukaryote (has a nucleus) Organization- Unicellular, Multicellular (colony) Cell wall- some yes, some no Nutrition: photosynthetic (autotrophic), or heterotrophic (eats) Locomotion: Yes (Cilia, Flagella, Ooze) Examples: Amoeba, Algae
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Protista Amoeba proteus Euglena Diatom
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Fungi Cell Type- Eukaryote Unicellular (yeast), Multicellular (molds, mushrooms) Cell Wall- Yes (Chitin) Nutrition- heterotroph (saprophyte/decomposer) Locomotion- No Ex- Yeast (unicellular), molds, mushrooms
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus)m Fungi
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Fungi Yeast
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Fungi
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Plantae Cell type- Eukaryote Organization- Multicellular Cell Wall = Cellulose Nutrition- Autotroph (Photosynthetic) Locomotion- No Examples- Pines, Flowering plants, mosses
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Cell type- Eukaryote Organization- Multicellular (Specialized) Cell Wall- No Nutrition- Heterotroph (ingestion) Locomotion- Yes Examples- Insects, worms, mammals
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Performa- Sponges Cnidaria
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Echinodermata Platyhelminthes- flat worms Pictured- liver fluke
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Nematoda- round worms Annelida- segmented worms
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Mollusca
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Arthropoda
Domain-Eukarya (nucleus) Animalia- Chordata