The Microbial World Chapters 5, 15
The Marine Environment
Plankton Collection
Plankton Classification Megaplankton cm Macroplankton 2-20 cm Mesoplankton mm Microplankton μm Nanoplankton 2-20 μm Picoplankton μm
Metabolism Metabolism- all chemical reactions that occur in an organism. Autotrophic- requiring carbon dioxide and a source of energy for the synthesis of organic molecules (glucose). –Photoautotrophs- absorb light energy from the sun. –Chemoautotrophs- derive energy from chemical compounds. Heterotrophic- requiring complex organic compounds; obtains energy by consuming organic matter.
Bacteria and Archaea
Photosynthetic Prokaryotes Kingdom- Bacteria –Phylum- Cyanophyta
Cyanophyta Characteristics Examples- Oscillatoria, Synechococcus, Synechocystis.
Cyanobacterial Cell
Cyanophyta- Gram Negative Bacteria Gram positive- peptidoglycan layer; stains with crystal violet. Gram negative- peptidoglycan layer sandwiched by lipopolysaccharide and protein layers; does not stain with crystal violet.
Global O 2 from photosynthesis 80% comes from marine cyanobacteria. –Synechococcus –Synechocystis 20% comes from terrestrial systems. –5% of this comes from tropical rainforests.
Archaea Prokaryotic Extremophiles –Hydrothermal vents –Hypersaline basins –Highly acidic env. –Highly alkaline env.
Photosynthetic Protista (the algae) Dinophyta- dinoflagellates. Haptophyta- haptophytes. Heterokontophyta- heterokont algae. –Xanthophyceae- yellow- green algae. –Bacillariophyceae- diatoms.
Dinophyta- dinoflagellates Characteristics Examples- Ceratium, Pfiesteria.
Pfiesteria piscicida
Haptophyta- haptophytes Characteristics Examples- Prymnesium, Phaeocystis.
Heterokontophyta- heterokonts
Xanthophyceae- yellow-green algae Characteristics Examples- Vaucheria.
Bacillariophyceae- diatoms Characteristics Examples- Coscinodiscus, Chaetoceros.
Frustule Morphology
The Protozoans Granuloreticulosa- foraminiferans. Polycystina- radiolarians. Ciliophora- ciliates.
Granuloreticulosa- foraminiferans Characteristics Example- Globigerina.
Pink Beaches of Bermuda
Polycystina- radiolarians Characteristics Example- Hexacontium.
Various Radiolarians
Ciliophora- ciliates Characteristics Examples- Strombilidium, Tintinnopsis.
Fig. 5.14
Kingdom Fungi Characteristics Example- Aspergillus.