Desert biome By: Mary, Kendall, Skylar
location In North America there are 4 main deserts; Chihuahuan Sonora Mojave Great Basin
Temperature There are 4 major types of climates in the desert: Hot and dry Semiarid Coastal Cold
Temperature There are different types of temperatures in each desert range. The average temperature of the hot desert is to at least degrees F, but the extreme temperature is degrees F. The average temperature for cold deserts is degrees F, whilst in the summer its range is degrees F.
Elevation The desert biome elevation is relatively low since they tend to lie in valleys or flatlands. They can be subdivided into dry, cold, shrub, and coastal desert. Temperatures vary, especially for high elevation deserts, from a blazing degrees F.
Organisms Algae are water plants, blue-green algae do appear in the desert. They survive as spores during the long dry periods and return to life as soon as it rains. Fungi are commonly found in desert regions. They, too, reproduce by means of spores. Lichens are among the plants that live the longest. Lichens grow slowly, they are very hardy and can live in barren places under extreme conditions. During very dry periods, they rest. When it rains, they grow and make food.
In the desert plants must be able to hold water,stay protected from animals, and live through the hot and cold temperatures of the desert. These plants are some very good examples of all of those important adaptations.
Prickly Pear Cactus Opuntia Humifusa The stem of the cactus holds a lot of water giving the plant plenty of energy. When the stem gets older in age it creates a thin protective bark. It is 2-8 feet in height Life span can be up to 20 years
Palo Verde Tree Cercidium Microphyllum This plant has a thin, waxy, green bark with large thorns.The tree sheds its leaves during dry periods, enabling the tree to store energy in the roots. It is feet in height Lifespan 100 years »Brittle Bush Encelia Farinosa The plant’s hairy green leaves insulate when the cold night comes and hold water for the plant. It is 2-5 feet tall The lifespan is less than 20 years
Saguaro Cactus It can provide homes for animals and holds a lot of water in it’s long stem. It feet tall Lifespan is years »Ocotillo Fouguieria Splendens The pollen from this plants flowers provide food for hummingbirds enabling it to reproduce. It is 20feet high Life span is years
Animal adaptations The animals in order to survive stay in the shade or go underground. Most animals when its cool hunt at night. Animals get the moisture they need from insects and cacti's. Some animals have concentrated the bodies fat to one specific to a certain place.
Camels The humps on the Camels back is stored with body fat. They can last a long period of time without water. They drink at least 20 gallons of water at a time. Bilby The bilby lives in the Australian outback. They are considered Australia's kangaroo mice. They are small so they can find shelter from the sun. They are about 29–55 centimeters (11–22 in) in length. Bilbies have an excellent sense of smell and sharp hearing
Animals Thorny devil A lizard is cold blooded so the heat doesn’t really matter to them. The thorny devil can make raindrops come directly its mouth when it falls, because there is little water in the desert. The thorny devil grows up to 20 cm (8.0 inches) in length, and it can live up to 20 years. The thorny devil is covered in hard, rather sharp spines that dissuade attacks by predators by making it difficult to swallow. Thorny devil also has a false head on its back. When it feels threatened by other animals or birds, it lowers its head between its front legs, and then presents it false head.
Animals Water-Holding Frog Spends most of their time underground. It develops a sort of cocoon. This allows them to store water to keep them going through the dry times. This is a very unusual habitat for an amphibian. It spends most of its time underground and they only come up to the surface after a heavy rain. The Water-Holding Frog will bury itself in the ground up to 3 feet (1m) deep.
Animals Armadillo lizard This lizard’s nostrils are tube-like to help the lizard smell for food. When it curls up for protection from predators it’s body is like a spiny ring. Its size ranges from 16 to 21 cm. in length. It grows up to 12 centimeters in length. The lizard's skin is covered with thick, squarish, protective scales along its back make it awkward for its predators, such as birds of prey to attack in defense.
Editing and effects : Mary information : skylar, Mary, Kendall Shoebox production : skylar and Kendall