Let’s begin by reviewing the characteristics of Kingdom Plantae: Eukaryotic multicellular Autotrophic Non-mobile Reproduce with seeds and pollen
Large Land Plants have vascular tissue, to help them move water and food materials around within the plant. It works very much like our circulatory system, with arteries and veins. Phloem takes food (glucose) made in the leaves during photosynthesis, DOWN to toward the roots, supplying food for all the plant parts in between.
Write the following function for phloem on this side of your foldable: moves glucose made in leaves of plants downward to all plant parts Remember!!! Phloem and Food BOTH make the “F” sound…easy to remember
Xylem is a separate tissue from phloem Xylem is a separate tissue from phloem. It moves water and nutrients from the ground Upward.
In your foldable where the arrow is pointing, write the following function of xylem: Moves water and nutrients from the ground UP
Now go to the next page in your foldable and highlight the definition of vascular tissue, indicated by the arrow
Lets continue with the vocabulary on this page of the foldable. Continue to use your highlighter to mark important terms and definitions
Geotropism -Growth movement shown by plants in response to GRAVITY
More examples of geotropism
Phototropism is the growth of a plant toward the light source.
Examples of phototropism
Turn to the pages with Plant Parts Cut the sections of the plants apart on the lines separating them on both sides.
Turn your foldable sideways and write the term “MONOCOT” on the left side flap, as shown
Turn your foldable to the other side and write the term “DICOT” on the right side flap, as shown
Notice that the functions of each plant part, FLOWERS, LEAF, STEM, and ROOTS are located under each flap, AND if you will notice, the sides are different, and specific to the monocot and to the dicot. Let’s look at these differences:
Monocots Corn Grass seed Monocot means that the seed has only 1 or “mono” seed parts, like sunflower seeds or corn. Corn Grass seed
Monocots Flower petals are in multiples of 3’s Leaves are usually long and slender and veins all run parallel
Monocots Roots tend to be fibrous or a bulb shape
Dicots Dicot means that the seed has 2, or “di” seed parts, like a peanut or a pinto bean.
Dicots Flower petals are in clusters of 4 or 5’s or multiples of 4 or 5. Leaves are usually long and slender and veins all run parallel
Dicots Roots are called tap roots, and have a main root, with smaller branching off of it.
Now we will take a look at each part of the plant and highlight their function. Lets start with the flower. What is the purpose of the flower? Flowers are reproductive structures that are often times brightly colored and fragrant to attract birds/insects to aid in pollination. Flowers contain both male and female parts for reproduction.
Leaves Leaves are adapted to trap sunlight during photosynthesis. They also allow for gas exchange through the stomata. Look on the BACK of your foldable for a picture of the stomata and guard cells.
Stomata & Guard cells in leaves The stoma is the actual opening for gas exchange in the leaf. They are very small and there are many on each leaf. The guard cells AROUND the stoma open or close, to control: amount of gas exchange time of gas exchange.
Now flip back to your vocabulary terms and highlight the stomata and guard cell terms and definitions.
Leaves Leaves also have a cuticle. The cuticle is a waxy layer that covers the surface of a leaf. Its main purpose is to protect the plant from bacteria, fungi and viruses, as well as to prevent water loss.
Now flip back to your vocabulary terms and highlight the cuticle term and definitions.
Leaves Leaves also exhibit phototropism, which is a plants growth toward sunlight.
Stems Stems give structural support for the leaves and flowers and contain the xylem and phloem to transport materials around within the plant. Some plants have woody stems, like trees. Other plants have soft tissue stems, like garden plants. Those are called herbaceous stems
Roots The function of roots is to anchor the plant to the ground and to absorb water and minerals from the ground. Two important points to remember about roots: Roots can be fibrous or a taproot Roots exhibit geotropism
photosynthesis The most important factor that distinguishes plants from other kingdoms is the fact that they photosynthesize. This process happens in the chloroplasts of each and every leaf cell of the plant. Fill in the following photosynthesis formula on the back of your foldable.