Tennent’s Some thinking about Tennents.com
Overview 1.Understanding the brief a)What is the website for? b)What is Tennent’s online? c)Who is it for and why will they visit? 2.Initial thoughts
a) what is the website for? Brand objectives Integration/ basic site objectives Audience objectives Tennents.com
Integration 1.Tennents.com should be a ‘generic central brand area’, a ‘hub’, connecting all activity 2.It should offer longevity and flexibility 3.Target audience should take notice and feel renewed connection to the brand 4.It should reflect Tennent’s personality and tone of voice
Audience objectives 1.Retain those already considering 2.Recruit those who don’t Robbie: “Entertain him on his terms, in his territory, online”
Brand objectives Lead Robbie from awareness to preference Awareness Consideration Preference
Brand objectives Grow 3 favourite brand score amongst year olds: “Drunk by people like me” “Is part of the community” “A brand I’d recommend to friends” “A brand I’ve heard good things about lately” “Knows what it means to be a football fan”
Brand objectives Brand objectiveAudience response “Drunk by people like me”Show me why it is/should be “Is part of the community”What’s it doing in mine? Is it part of mine? “A brand I’d recommend to friends” Why should I? “A brand I’ve heard good things about lately” Who’s talking about it? What do I think is good? “Knows what it means to be a football fan” What does it mean to me to be a football fan?
Online communications can help you address your objectives separately via relationship-building conversations with your audiences Ideas Involvement Experiences Conversations Ideas Involvement Experiences Conversations
The best relationships are built through equal measures of give and take What the customer expects from you What you get from the customer
Generous brands create something of value in the world: Entertainment value Social value Belief value Generous brands are additive to people’s lives and culture. They help to build ideas in the world: they leave something behind. Modern branding is learning to give as much as you take. Source: Fallon Generous brands create something of value in the world: Entertainment value Social value Belief value Generous brands are additive to people’s lives and culture. They help to build ideas in the world: they leave something behind. Modern branding is learning to give as much as you take. Source: Fallon
You’re already a ‘generous brand’, e.g. especially through music How much recognition are you getting for it? You can give your audiences much more online to build connection and engagement, leading to long term relationships that, in time, inspire more relationships You’re already a ‘generous brand’, e.g. especially through music How much recognition are you getting for it? You can give your audiences much more online to build connection and engagement, leading to long term relationships that, in time, inspire more relationships
b) what is Tennent’s online?
b) what is Tennent’s (online)? Lager Music Football Music Football Irrepressible spirit Bonding with my friends/family/city/Sc otland Pride in Scotland – what Scotland makes me Affinity with what’s integral to Scotland Bonding with my friends/family/city/Sc otland Pride in Scotland – what Scotland makes me Affinity with what’s integral to Scotland TennentsRobbie
b) what is Tennent’s (online)? Irrepressible spirit Bonding with my friends/family/city/Sc otland Pride in Scotland – what Scotland makes me Affinity with what’s integral to Scotland Bonding with my friends/family/city/Sc otland Pride in Scotland – what Scotland makes me Affinity with what’s integral to Scotland Insight can help us to bridge this gap
b) more meanings for Robbie? Irrepressible spirit I’m always looking for new experiences My job doesn’t define or pigeonhole me Me and my friends share the interesting stuff we find I always try to make the most of my spare time I’m most like myself when I’m with my friends One of the most important characteristics of Scots like me I’d rather be doing than watching
c) Robbie’s reasons to engage Irrepressible spirit I’d rather be doing than watching Tennent’s is a brand that helps me make the most of my spare time
Helping Robbie make the most of his spare time Build on/make the most of existing activity Use lots of little ideas and activities to build the brand around Constant, ongoing content generation – UGC (shared ownership) and branded ‘slippy’ content Refer to the hub to reinforce full range of activity
2. Initial thoughts 1.Hub site review 2.How a Tennent’s hub could work 3.Rewarding brand engagement: T-Time 4.How should we work together? 5.Next steps
How should we work together? Regular planning meeting Project activity / ongoing communication Project costs / budget for new content Measurement and recommendations Regular feedback
Next steps? Project and creative brief Initial strategy and planning Deliver Be Chilled and T-Break Inter-agency meeting
Any questions?