NAF’s Supervisor Assessment of College and Career Readiness (SACCR) aka: the Internship Assessment
Learning Objectives Understand how to navigate the SACCR process. Discover tools and resources for support throughout the SACCR process.
College and Career Readiness
Culminating Project Assessments End of Course Exams Internship Assessment S tudent C ertification A ssessment S ystem SCAS NAFTrack Certification
NAFTrack Certified Hiring Initial Program Benefits May Include Pre-interview and resume support College internship opportunities and connectivity Support to ensure more NAF Certified Graduates attend the postsecondary institutions where they recruit Guaranteed interviews in equally qualified applicant pools Potentially expedited advancement in the hiring process Priority hiring among equally qualified applicant pools Applicant feedback and coaching post interview Potential higher starting salary for NAF certified graduates
NAFTrack Certified Hiring Partners
Rigorous Academic Core Curriculum Challenging Technical Core Curriculum + Industry Certified Curriculum Assessments + Certified Work-Based Learning Experience College AND Career Ready The NAF Approach
Foundational Skills Assessed Through Internship
Applied Workplace Skills Assessed Through Internship
Self-Management Skills Assessed Through Internship
Career Contextual Knowledge Assessed Through Internship
Position-Specific Technical Skills Assessed Through Internship
Internship Supervisor - Welcome From: NAF Certification Assessment System
Tips for Successful Internship Experiences
Maintain Contact with Supervisors
Employers Should Keep Notes
Maintain Contact with Students
Review the Assessment with the Student
Review the Completion Online
High Value Dimensions – Score 3 or 4Score 3 or 4 Part IA3. Critical Thinking – Foundational Skills Part IB4. Teamwork/Collaboration – Applied Workplace Skills Part IC9. Exhibits responsible and professional behaviors – Self-Management and Personal Responsibility, Part II4. Knows how to interact with supervisors, clients, and teammates – Knowledge of the Field and Organizational Context
To receive a satisfactory rating, students must: Participate in a qualifying120-hour internship (2015)* Receive a 2, 3, 4 performance level within each dimension; and Meet or exceed expectations on a majority of the dimensions in the four categories; and Be rated as “Meets Expectations/Usually” (3) or “Exceeds Expectations/Always” (4) on a set of dimension deemed “high value:”
For more information: Instructional Managers: –Brooke Rice –Kevin English –Laura Fidler Network Liaisons –Ana Morrison –Fred Press –Tony Asplin –Lori Bitar –Jennifer Geisler