BTEC Level 3 in Business Unit 2 Business Resources Learning Outcomes: Know how human resources are managed Know the purpose of managing physical and technological resources Know how to access sources of finance Be able to interpret financial statements TY 2013
Consider this……. What does a business require to operate? TY 2013
Managing Human Resources Definitions: Human resources are the people that staff and operate an organisation. Human Resource Management is the organisational function that deals with all issues related to staff such as recruitment, performance management, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, disciplinary procedures, administration, and training. TY 2013
Key points: In most businesses, human resources represent the largest single cost. All business organisations depend on having the right number of staff with the right skills available to them in the right places at the right time if it is to achieve its strategic goals. In the ever changing world of business, effective management of human resources is key to business success. Effective HRM should balance the needs of the organisation with the needs of its people. TY 2013
Staffing to meet changing business demands HRM - Workforce Planning Model Right quantity Right skills Right place Right time TY 2013
Human Resources Information System (HRIS) To help assess the current workforce many larger businesses use a HRIS. It is a computerised record of all staff, their qualifications, experience and any training they have undergone. It can help them plan where to expand or reduce the workforce as well as helping in succession planning. TY 2013
Produce a booklet for small business owners in the restaurant industry P1 – Describe the main recruitment documentation used in a selected organisation Produce a booklet for small business owners in the restaurant industry Describe the four main documents used to recruit staff Job Advertisement Job Description Person Specification Application Form TY 2013
Job Description This is a description of the main duties and responsibilities of a job and the worker’s place with the organisation. Purpose: To inform content of job advert Sent in application pack to candidates Compare with application when shortlisting TY 2013
Person Specification This is a description of the person you want to fill the job. It should include skills and qualities that the employer particularly seeks (some will be ‘essential’ some will be ‘desirable’) Purpose: Can inform content of job advert Compare with application when shortlisting Sometimes sent in application pack to candidates TY 2013
Where should you advertise a job vacancy? For a graduate trainee programme with NatWest Bank For a waiter in a local pizza restaurant Now create a mind map of all the places you can think of TY 2013
A good job advertisement should….. Create a list or mind map TY 2013
Produce a booklet for small business owners in the restaurant industry P1 – Describe the main recruitment documentation used in a selected organisation Produce a booklet for small business owners in the restaurant industry Describe the four main documents used to recruit staff Job Advertisement Job Description Person Specification Application Form TY 2013