East of England Scheme Launch 05 December December 2014 David Kidney, Executive Director, UKPHR
2003 UKPHR started to register PH Specialists Generalist (2 routes), Defined & Dual 2011 UKPHR began practitioner registration 2014 Accredited Voluntary Register status Do employers require UKPHR registration? Do commissioners? Workers’ own needs - continuing competence
A private Company limited by guarantee No shareholders Independent of Government No commercial links with training providers Registrar’s independence guaranteed Operates a stakeholder Consultative Forum
CfWI estimates 36k-41k core PH workers in England. Up to 10,000 may be unregulated UKPHR has piloted practitioner registration since 2011 with good evaluation results Ten local practitioner registrations schemes, including East of England Currently 144 practitioners registered
Schemes cover geographic areas. Each has own Coordinator & admin support. Schemes recruit assessors and verifiers. UKPHR trains assessors and verifiers. Variety of funders – DsPH, Local Authorities, HEE, PHE, PHW, Health Boards, Universities
Guardians of standards are: Assessors, verifiers, verification panels Moderators, responsible for moderation and quality assurance UKPHR, through application process and registration approval UKPHR and scheme coordinators, for example monthly meetings by teleconference
West of Scotland North East England West Midlands Wales East of England Oxford London NCE West of England Wessex Kent, Surrey & Sussex
More new schemes being set up: London-wide South West England In talks with other potential establishers of schemes in East Midlands, North-West of England and Scotland Advanced Practitioner pilots
For all registrants: Renew annually – declaration + fee. Continuing Professional Development (differentiated). 5-yearly re-registration – evidence of CPD, appraisal & personal development planning. Revalidation – nearly ready for specialists, to be designed for practitioners.
The process ensures every registrant has fully demonstrated they have met the standards Each scheme has been able to recruit and train adequate numbers of volunteer assessors and mentors and can run support activities that facilitate practitioners to complete portfolios. UKPHR has demonstrated its capacity to provide central support and guidance systems to the schemes.
Accredited Voluntary Register is a quality assured standard awarded by Professional Standards Authority UKPHR achieved the standard in April 2014 It is a statutory process: Health & Social Care Act 2012 Annual renewal is rigorous
Department of Health has consulted on a Section 60 Order. Specialist register could transfer to HCPC next year: protected title, CPD, no revalidation Make UKPHR statutory regulator, UKPHR says
Doing it helps your own self-worth. More so than a manager giving you feedback – it means so much more when you see it yourself. Practitioner, Wales At Kent County Council it is our duty to protect the public, and employing and commissioning registered practitioners will help us to do that. Councillor Graham Gibbens, Kent County Council
UK Public Health Register, 18c Mclaren Building, 46 Priory Queensway, Birmingham, B4 7LR Tel