Fall 2014 Meeting
Resident Liaison: Dr. Ellen Connor, PGY-2 President: Rebecca Pistorius, L4 L3 Class Representative: Sarah Qayum, L3 L2 Class Representative: Tricia Rood, L2 Administrative Coordinator: Ms. Leslie Davis
Available in early December Big thank you to Drs. Moss and Alquist!!
Broad field, relevant to all specialties and organ systems The study of the nature of disease, its etiology, and consequences on gross and microscopic levels Provides and interprets laboratory information to help solve diagnostic problems and monitor therapy Varying levels of direct patient interaction Procedures: Bone marrow biopsy, FNA, Frozen Sections, Autopsy
Anatomic and/or Clinical Pathology Diagnostician, consultant, procedures, teaching, scientific research Community Practice (80%) Academic (15%) Industry (3%) Government, Public Health & Regulatory (FDA, NIH, CDC) (1%)
49.2 hour work week vs. 55 hour average work week for all specialties Above average professional satisfaction (70%) Above average family satisfaction Average professional respect Below average stress
The average base salary is $257,850 1-10 years of experience: $201,775 years of experience: $260,119 30+ years of experience: $279,011
There will be a shortage of pathologists in the next two decades, starting in 2015: Beginning in 2014, the number of retiring pathologists will increase, peaking by The number of graduating pathology residents will be less than the number of retiring pathologists per year. Anticipated population growth and increases in disease incidence will lead to a net deficit of more than 5,700 pathologists by
Anatomic and Clinical Pathology (4 years, 85%) Anatomic Pathology (3 years, 10%) Clinical Pathology (3 years, 5%)
Accredited programs: 145 Percent female 53.9% Average resident compensation: $48,524 Resident work hours (PGY-1) Average hours on duty per week: 51.4 Average max consecutive hours on duty: 13.7 Average days off per week: 1.8 Average number weeks vacation: 3.3
Most are 1 year! Subspecialty certification: Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Chemical Pathology Clinical Informatics Cytopathology Dermatopathology Forensic Pathology Hematology Medical Microbiology Molecular Genetic Pathology Neuropathology (2 years) Pediatric Pathology (offered at LSUHSC-NO)
Other Subspecialties Cytogenetics Molecular Pathology Nuclear Medicine Anatomic/Surgical Pathology Subspecialties Bone & Soft Tissue Cardiac Gastrointestinal/Hepatic General Pathology GU Pathology Gynecologic Head & Neck Pulmonary
3 rd Year Career Planning Elective: 2 week elective, Pass/Fail 4 th Year Elective: 4 week, graded elective
Morning Conference: 7:30am-8:30am Grand Rounds: Twice per month, Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00pm Please check box on sign-in sheet if you would like s for these events!
Dr. James Brown Dr. Randall Craver Dr. Rachna Jetly Dr. Leo Pei