MN State Network Meeting State Updates Fall 2014 Tami Childs MN Low Incidence Project Coming Soon… State Specialist Minnesota Department of Education
Monday AM C2 Design, implement, monitor and adjust evidence-based instructional methods and strategies to teach social, communication, behavioral, academic and functional skills that are age and ability appropriate across environments. Monday PM A1 Historical and philosophical foundations, legal basis and contemporary issues pertaining to the education of students with ASD. Tuesday A4 Impact of the range of neurological differences, communication, and social understanding on learning and behavior. A7 Impact of co-existing conditions or multiple disabilities. D2 Provide and receive consultation and collaborate in a variety of settings regarding development and implementation of the comprehensive evaluation process, individualized education program planning, delivery of instruction and accommodations, and transition with individuals and agencies. D7 Engage in continuing professional development and reflection to increase knowledge and skill as a special educator and inform instructional practices, decisions, and interactions with children and youth and their families. This two day training was designed to address the following ASD standards for those applying for ASD license through the Eligibility Review Process (You will receive a Page 11 for each day when with your CEUs)
Areas of Focus in MN Tami Childs TBN MN Low Incidence Project State Specialist Metro ECSU Minnesota Department of Education ASD Community of PracticePBIS Facilitator ASD Professional Learning ModulesASD Teacher Licensing ASD ResourcesState Department Contact
A note about funding… Funding for the low incidence project has been reduced Changes in the grant include: less sit-n-get workshops and more cross-categorical work This will impact the State Network and other ASD activities sponsored by the Low Incidence Project Together, with your input, we are committed to developing and implementing initiatives that will help you teach students with autism spectrum disorders
MN Low Incidence Project ASD Work Plan ASD Community of Practice Professional Learning Modules (PLMs) Charting the C’s conference (April th ) Statewide Resources List Serve Lending Library Updated State Manual
MN ASD Community of Practice
Other Statewide Initiatives ASD License Teacher recruit and retention Autism Navigator Centers for Excellence
Current Trends in ASD Child Count… Minnesota Schools
New: DSM 5 Autism Spectrum Disorders Impairments across two domains: 1. Social Communication (this was 2 domains: social interaction and communication in DSMIV) 2. Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors Severity Level Level 3 "Requiring very substantial support” Level 2 "Requiring substantial support” Level 1 "Requiring support” (identified for Both Domain 1 and Domain 2) Level of Severity Social Communication Restricted & Repetitive Behaviors Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) About 1 in 68 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups ASD is almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 42) than among girls (1 in 189) Research has shown that a diagnosis of autism at age 2 can be reliable, valid, and stable
Update on Autism License Process Transition Process Standard Process
Introduction to Autism Navigator
MI Low Incidence Project Website
Additional Resources /
Evidence Based Practices for Students with ASD
Thank you for your participation! Enjoy your networking with other ASD educators!
In groups of 3-5 people (by area or grade level), read and briefly discuss the blue PLM handout Do you have a PLC or similar format that may be conducive to collaborative professional development in ASD? Who could/would be involved? Tami Childs will demo the site to show how it works Discuss with the people in your group: Do you have a PLC or similar format that may be conducive to collaborative professional development in ASD? Who could/would be involved? What do you see as barriers and what are the solutions to these barriers? What support do you anticipate needing? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Did anyone in your group attend the Summer Symposium? What do your schools currently have in place to promote opportunities for our students with "typical" peers? Are the "typical" peers trained to engage our students? Have you heard of (LEAP?, Integrated Play Groups, PEERS)? How might your school use a PLM to increase skills/knowledge in the area of Peer Mediated Intervention? PLM Small Group Activity