What clinicians are saying about you... “All said, a well-rounded (student) therapist and will make a wonderful coworker in the future.” “She has a strong dedication to the physical therapy profession.” “GREAT JOB!! You will be an excellent physical therapist!!! “
What clinicians are saying about you... “You do a fantastic job with patients.” “She is very compassionate and caring with her patients.” “All in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better student.”
What clinicians are saying about you... “She really knows her stuff well.” “You have been a fantastic student!” “He got very positive comments from other health care professionals and families.”
What clinicians are saying about you... “He will be a wonderful addition to the physical therapy profession and I look forward to watching his career take off!” “You will be a great asset to the physical therapy profession.” “We keep trying to recruit her to stay here and do acute care with us.”
What clinicians are saying about you... “She has provided excellent care to the patients she has treated.” “She has a professionalism that can't be taught.” “She is very technically competent and personalizes all of her sessions to make great connections with our patients.”
What clinicians are saying about you... “You made my job easy. Thanks!” “Patients and family members have commented on how much they appreciate your help and how well they liked working with you.”
What clinicians are saying about you... “Presents herself very professionally.” “She would be an excellent clinician in whatever path she chooses!” “This PT student has excellent evaluation skills.”
The UWM DPT faculty and staff wish you the best!