Check-in/ Check-out with PB4L Schools Rob Horner University of Oregon
Goals Define the logic and core features of Check-in/Check-out (CICO) as a Tier II intervention within the PB4L approach. Provide empirical evidence supporting CICO, and practical examples from local schools. Build an action plan for CICO implementation Define the process for self-assessing CICO implementation
CICO within PB4L The basic logic of CICO is to build self-regulation To teach a student how manage his/her own behavior To teach a student how to get the support he/she needs from adults CICO is highly efficient in use of staff time All Tier II interventions are more effective, and more durable, if they are done with Tier I school-wide behavioral expectations as a foundation.
TERTIARY PREVENTION SECONDARY PREVENTION PRIMARY PREVENTION ESTABLISHING CONTINUUM of SWPBS TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Wraparound Person-centered planning TERTIARY PREVENTION ~5% SECONDARY PREVENTION ~15% SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction Peer-based supports Social skills club PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach SW expectations Proactive SW discipline Positive reinforcement Classroom Systems Parent engagement Bully Prevention PRIMARY PREVENTION ~80% of Students
Major Features of Targeted (Tier II) Interventions Intervention is continuously available Rapid access to intervention (72 hr) Very low effort by teachers Consistent with school-wide expectations Implemented by all staff/faculty in a school Home/school linkage Flexible intervention based on assessment Functional Assessment Adequate resources (admin, team) weekly meeting, plus 10 hours a week for coordination Student chooses to participate Continuous monitoring for decision-making
Check-in Check-out Cycle Weekly CICO Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT CICO Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-out Home Check-In Student Recommended for CICO Request for Assistance ODR Level Family or Student request CICO Coordinator Behavior support team Class Check out Teacher Checks Class Check in
Check-in Check-out Cycle Weekly CICO Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT CICO Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-out Home Check-In Student Recommended for CICO Morning Check-In Check student “status” Review home card Provide Daily Progress Rpt Greet and praise Class Check out Teacher Checks Student give card to teacher Teacher praise/ prime Provide Daily Progress Rpt Greet and praise End of class feedback Teacher Checks Class Check in
Check-in Check-out Cycle Weekly CICO Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT CICO Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-out Home Check-In Student Recommended for CICO Home Check Student give card to parent Parent praise/ prime No negatives Parent signs Class Check out Teacher Checks Afternoon checkout Review day Retrieve card Send copy to family Record points in SWIS Class Check in
Check-in Check-out Cycle Weekly CICO Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT CICO Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-out Home Check-In Student Recommended for CICO Team Meeting Review student progress Adjust support plan if no improvement in two weeks Build self-management steps when appropriate Exit when appropriate Report to School-wide Team, Administration, Whole Faculty Class Check out Teacher Checks Class Check in
CICO Record Total 5 6 Safe Responsible Respectful Check In 0 1 2 Name: _______Darin_________________ Date: __March 2, _______ 0 = Need work, 1 = “OK” 2 = Nice Job Safe Responsible Respectful Total Check In 0 1 2 5 Before Recess 6 Lunch After Recess Check Out Today’s goal 28 Today’s total points 28 Comments:
Keep hands, feet, and objects to self HAWK Report Date ________ Student ______________Teacher___________________ 0 = Not Yet 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Be Your Personal Best Teacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Working in class Class 0 1 2 Recess Lunch Total Points = Points Possible = 50 Today ______________% Goal ______________%
Daily Progress Report Periods (block schedule) along the top Goals (along the side) are the school-wide expectations (may need to be individualized for some students) Rankings – 2 = followed expectation, 1 = so- so, 0 = did not meet expectation
Why does CICO work? Improved structure and predictability Prompts are provided throughout the day for correct behavior. System for linking student with at least one positive adult. Student chooses to participate. Student is “set up for success” First contact each morning is positive. “Blow-out” days are pre-empted. First contact each class period (or activity period) is positive, and sets up successful behavioral momentum. Increase in contingent feedback Feedback occurs more often. Feedback is tied to student behavior. Inappropriate behavior is less likely to be ignored or rewarded.
Why does CICO work? Student recruits adult support Student uses card to recruit adult attention. Very low “effort” for teacher Program can be applied in all school locations Classroom, playground, cafeteria (anywhere there is a supervisor) Elevated reward for appropriate behavior Adult and peer attention delivered each target period Adult attention (and tangible) delivered at end of day
Why does CICO Work? Linking behavior support and academic support For academic-based, escape-maintained problem behavior incorporate academic support Linking school and home support Provide format for positive student/parent contact Program is organized to morph into a self-management system Increased options for making choices Increased ability to self-monitor performance/progress
Getting CICO Started Use the CICO Self-Assessment Use the CICO Action Plan Team Recorder Facilitator 39
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity1: All-Faculty Orientation to CICO Assessment of need (ODR rates, staff assessment) Team to manage CICO CICO Team Lead CICO coordinator 1. Faculty and staff commitment Is problem behavior a major concern? Are staff willing to commit 5 min per day? Is CICO a reasonable option for us? More than 5 students need extra support CICO is designed to work with 10-12% of kids in a school CICO typically “works” (50% reduction) with 67% of students. CICO does NOT replace need for individualized supports. 2. Team available / Coordinator available Team leader CICO coordinator (morning, afternoon) Team (meets at least once every two weeks)
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity 2: SWPBIS Tier I in place (TIC = 80%; SET = 80/80) Request for assistance process defined. Criterion for CICO support defined. 3. School-wide PBS in place School-wide expectations defined and taught Reward system operating Clear and consistent consequences for problem behavior 4. Process for identifying a student who may be appropriate for CICO Student is not responding to SWPBS expectations Request for Assistance Student finds adult attention rewarding Student is NOT in crisis. Example: > ODRs, Teacher nomination, Student/Parent nomination
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity 3: Daily Progress Report developed Home report routine developed Define how families will be informed of process 5. Daily CICO progress report card Same expectations for all Common schedule All staff taught rules for accepting, completing and returning the card. 6. Home report process Can be same as progress card Can be a unique reporting form
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program 7. Trading menu Reward for collecting and turning in daily progress card Reward for meeting daily goal Exchange system for points earned 8. Collecting, summarizing and using data Daily updates Weekly review by team Referral for individualized interventions. 28
Daily Data Used for Decision Making
Daily Data Used for Decision Making
Check-in Check-out SWIS
Check-in Check-out Embedded Within SWIS
Decision-making Is CICO being implemented? Activity 4: Rewards for CICO points defined and available Process for collecting, entering, summarizing and reporting data is defined. When would a student be referred for more intense support? Is CICO being implemented? CICO self-assessment checklist (80%) Who is receiving CICO support? How many students/ % of student body (9-12%) Which students Is CICO working? % of student on CICO with 80% points? Trends? Who needs more support? Modification of CICO Referral to Individual Student Supports
We can also add a comparative measure to this report to see how the staff fidelity data connects to Brian’s asking for help data. ISIS-SWIS reports will give teams and administrators powerful information with which to make good decisions!
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity 5: Check-in location defined Process for teaching students check-in routine defined Teacher check-in/check-out routine defined Teacher check-in/check-out routine presented to staff. 9. Morning Check-in Routine Teaching students when, what, how Teaching check-in coordinator Assess Reward Set-up or Redirect 10. Teacher Check-in/Check-out Routine Teach students when, when, how Teaching staff/faculty Set-up for success, positive momentum Evaluation
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity 6: End of day check-out routine, location, staff defined. b) Family check/signature routine defined. c) Procedure for family orientation to CICO defined. 11. Afternoon Check-out Routine Teach students when, where, how Teach CICO coordinator data collection, acknowledge success, encourage improvement. Consider self-recording system for older students 12. Family Review Routine Teach family only to acknowledge success, sign
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity 7: Team meeting schedule defined for the current year. Team meeting agenda defined (data review, decision protocol) Decision-rules: Stay as is Move to self-management Move to individual support. Move off CICO Sample Decision Rules Stay as is: * < 6 weeks of success or upward trend Move to Self-management * > 6 weeks with 4 days per week of success. Move to more intense support * 2 weeks without improvement Graduate off CICO * 4-6 weeks of success on Self-management 13. Team Meeting Decision Making Reporting of student status Process for adjusting when CICO is not successful 14. Planning for success Identifying success Fading support Embedding self-management
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Activity 8: Define self-management process. Use card, but no teacher review No, card, but still check in b) Substitute teacher orientation materials c) Use of card in non-structured areas 15. Planning for more intensive, individualized support. Functional behavioral assessment Tier III support team 16. Substitute Teacher routine How to inform and orient new teachers 17. Playground, cafeteria, bus routines
Empirical Support for Check-in/ Check-out
The Effects of a Targeted Intervention to Reduce Problem Behaviors: Elementary School Implementation of Check-In/Check-Out Todd, A. W., Kaufman, A., Meyer, G., & Horner, R. H. (2008). The Effects of a Targeted Intervention to Reduce Problem Behaviors: Elementary School Implementation of Check-In/Check-Out. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions, 10(1), 46-55.
Baseline Check-in Check-out Trevor Todd, Kauffman, Meyer & Horner Baseline Check-in Check-out Trevor Peer Composite Chad Percentage of Intervals with Problem Behavior Kendall Eric
Evaluation of a Targeted Intervention Within a School-Wide System of Behavior Support Hawken, L. S., & Horner, R. H. (2003). Evaluation of a targeted group intervention within a school-wide system of behavior support. Journal of Behavioral Education, 12(3), 225-240.
The Importance of Functional Assessment in Targeted Interventions March, R. E., & Horner, R. H. (2002). Feasibility and contributions of functional behavioral assessment in schools. Journal for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 10(3), 158-170.
Video Leanne Hawken 5:30
Check-in/ Check-out Self-Assessment Individually score the elements of the CICO Self-Assessment In place; In progress; Not in place As a team review your ratings, and agree on a single summary for the school For elements not scored as “in place” define the actions that will move you toward implementation. Who will do what, when? Define a schedule for meeting to review progress and implement your CICO plan.
Summary Targeted interventions Highly Efficient, structured support CICO is one option emphasizing self-regulation Assess for whom it will work Enlist whole faculty involvement CICO will still need supplement from Tertiary, Function-based support system