Increasing Young Women on Boards A Case Study YWCA of Adelaide Inc.
Leadership Pathways To meet our purpose, the YWCA has developed a pathway to illustrate how it will support the leadership development of girls and young women through a coherent program framework that starts in primary school and ends in the YWCA Boardroom:
Building Better Boards Organisation Purpose Constitution – 30% women <30yrs Mission – Leadership of Women and Girls Strategic Plan – Young Women & Girls building skills & attributes for Leadership Governance Resource Building Board Training SHE Leads Program, career development and mentoring Nominations Process that values quality and contribution Meaningful opportunity and results to members Harnessing Interest Traineeships Committee Memberships Board Culture Development Create Safety -Celebration and profile of new members -Establishing ‘group’ norms and values -Confirming knowledge and encouraging learning through induction Create Learning -Professional development needs identified -Learning from each other encouraged -“Buddy” Creation -Accessibility and Support of Chair - high profile, high achieving young women “Walking the talk” -Ok to not know and ask -Holding each other accountable -Engagement with real business of organisation through key staff presentations -Staff/Board Forum Process Drivers Formal Induction – Sassy and Savvy based Meeting Discipline -Time Control -Agenda Development -Decision Focused Agreed Norms Confidentiality Agreement Allocation of time to safety and engagement via “check in” Creating respect – bringing skills matrix alive
Outcomes for YWCA of Adelaide Improved membership choice for Board nominations for 3 Board positions nominations for 4 Board positions Improved preparation for Board membership of nominating women had completed or were registered for Board training program applicants for one Board traineeship position Improved support for Board membership 2013 a group who participated in the session in October hit it off so well that they now catch up for lunch once a month Diversity Targets Meeting Skill Requirements 2014 Quality Board 70% < 30 years old at appointment
Increasing Women on Boards in SA Since attending YWCA Board Training I…...gained confidence to nominate for the Y Board of Adelaide and the IEU-SA state executive..have joined the board of a commercial bank (West Beach Community Bendigo Bank), a not-for- profit organisation (SASRAPID Inc.), and have joined an advisory board in a paid position for a privately owned family business in Sydney.. received a grant to undertake the Foundations of Directorship program through the Australian Institute of Company Directors. I completed that earlier this year and successfully passed my exam.. have joined my sons' Governing Council for his school and was elected to the South Australian Screen Industry Council...nominated for a further term on the Council of the Law Society of South Australia (“LSSA”) (at the time of the training session I was a junior member of the Council with my term due to end in late October).. have been appointed as the chair of the Education Subcommittee of the Women Lawyers Association of South Australia (I had joined the WLASA Committee only a few weeks before the training session)...applied for the YWCA Board Traineeship position, which I was then invited to interview for in May Although I was not successful, I ultimately joined the YWCA Nominations Committee in May 2014 as a result. My aim at this stage is to apply for a YWCA board position later this year; And many more…
What Motivated you to join your board?
What forms of diversity are desirable on your board? Strategy to recruit a diverse board
YWCA of Adelaide Inc. Building a Better Board by: Diversity Objective established e.g 30% <30 years Building source of applicants going where the leaders are? Promotion and transparency of application process Plan for transparent succession encouraging individual and collective planning Creating entrance pathways Internship Sub Committees Minute Taker
YWCA of Adelaide Inc. Liz Forsyth E: M: Nicole Swaine President MD - Explore Potential E: M: If you would like: A copy of this presentation Board Skills Matrix Board Recruitment Process Templates Please leave your business card in the bowl provided and we will send them to you very soon. Thank you