What might your VRR look like? Meet Joe Chapter-Member, a member of Chapter #2 and resident of San Diego. He wants to help his fellow veterans by participating in VRR as a Rally Captain. As Rally Captain, Joe will be responsible for motivating and overseeing his team. Joe recruits fellow chapter members and Auxiliary Unit #2 members to become members of his VRR team. He meets with them and they discuss what roles they will play on the Volunteer Recruitment Rally team. A time is chosen for the Volunteer Recruitment Rally. The chosen dates are at least six weeks away. Joe and his team members meet to map out their VRR. They brainstorm over the following items and develop a game plan.
Who should be contacted? Area DAV Chapters Area DAVA Units DAV Department Service Officers DAV Transportation Coordinators Hospital VAVS Directors Legislators/Political Leaders Media Contacts Local High Schools VA Contacts Other
After Joe and his team map out possible locations and plan out the details with their contacts, they decide what materials they will need. They consider the venues at which they have scheduled recruitment events, and plan accordingly. For instance, they order plenty of Jesse Brown Youth Memorial info for the high schools. For all of their event venues, they request lots of general information on DAV as well as all the volunteer programs. Joe makes sure to request some Round To-Its (pictured above) as well. These will be given to those who sign up to volunteer at the rally as a little reminder to stay committed to helping the veterans in their community. Make sure to let Department know what you need six weeks in advance.
Joe’s team alerts DAV Department HQ six weeks prior to their VRR, so that Department can perform proper community outreach and get Joe and his team the materials they need. Throughout their recruitment events, Joe’s team speaks to several people. They develop a connection and help interested individuals determine which volunteer program they might fit into best. If they meet someone who is already assisting veterans, Joe and his team members encourage them to enroll in the Local Veterans Assistance Program (LVAP), so DAV can recognize their contribution to their community. A team member marks down when they follow up with a volunteer.
During and After your VRR During: Joe keeps Department in the loop so that Department’s website and social networks can help promote his teams events. His team sends lots of pictures and updates. Initial InteractionFull-Fledged Volunteer Joe’s team does a great job of following up with individuals who signed up to volunteer. By working alongside them through the initial process, they ensure that the veterans in San Diego now have several more community members there to lend a helping hand.
VRR (Volunteer Recruitment Rally) Checklist Get inspired to reach out to potential volunteers in your community Become or find a Rally Captain Get acquainted with DAV’s volunteer programs o Transportation o LVAP o Hospital Volunteerism o Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship Program Assemble your Rally Team. Make sure to recruit area DAV chapter and DAVA unit members. Establish a point of contact with a VA Volunteer Coordinator, and work with them throughout the process. Hold a VRR team meeting. Brainstorm and develop a plan concerning the following: o When- Choose approximately a two week period in which to hold this community initiative. (Note: choose a start date of at least six weeks away in order to provide Dept. Headquarters ample time to obtain materials) o Who- Who in your community could join your team or provide publicity for your VRR? (Examples: DSOs, Transportation Coordinators, local celebrities, community figures, political leaders) o Where- Where will you hold events? (Examples: stores, libraries, high schools, VA Hospitals) o What- What materials will you need? Examples: Volunteer Brochures? VRR Tablecloth? Membership Info? Informational Brochures? Membership Applications? Round To-Its (To be given to those who sign-up to volunteer)? Contact Department Headquarters six weeks prior to event to notify of them of your VRR and order materials. (Note: Department will contact local media and send letters to the community) Hold your VRR! Keep Department in the know throughout your VRR, send pictures and updates, and let them know what is coming up so they can advertise online. Follow up with all potential volunteers, and work with them throughout the orientation process.
Save the Date! Sunday, November 9, 2014 San Diego, CA