AICE AS-Level Psych Mr. Meyers & Dr. Alper Unit 1: Approaches to Psychology & Research Methodology
I. AICE Approaches in Psychology A. Social Approach 1. Focuses on how people interact/influence/control the behavior of others. 2. Examines the dynamics of group processes such as conformity and compliance 3. Studies: Milgram, Zimbardo, Tajfel, & Piliavin
I. AICE Approaches in Psychology B. Developmental Approach 1. Focuses on the development of social, moral, and cognitive growth and how behavior changes over time 2. Major question is nature vs nurture 3. Studies: Freud, Bandura, Langlois, Nelson C. Physiological Approach 1. How physiological systems (nervous system or endocrine system) impact/cause/explain behavior.
II. AICE Approaches in Psychology 2. Examines systems from general to specifics 3. Tends to be reductionist in explanations of human behavior. 4. Studies: Schachter & Singer, Dement & Kleitman, Maguire, Dematte D. Individual Differences Approach 1. Mostly involves the study of personality, intelligence, and variations of behavior across the normal/abnormal spectrum
I. AICE Approaches in Psychology 2. Can be either reductionist or holistic 3. Studies: Rosenhan, Thigpen & Cleckley, Veale & Riley, Billington E. Cognitive Approach 1. Explains behavior based on how the mind works 2. Problems caused by maladaptive thinking 3. Explores areas such as memory, thinking, learning, language
I. AICE Approaches in Psychology 4. Often uses the model of a computer to understand human behavior. 5. Studies: Mann, Loftus & Pickrell, Baron-Cohen, Held & Hein