Teacher notes – Sewing machine Background – Imparting key aspects on safety procedures when using a sewing machine, identification of main parts of a sewing machine and sewing effectively. Background – As you have gathered by now we are a digital learning orientated bunch, and teaching pupils the key aspects of how to use the sewing machine digitally, has made it easier. Firstly, none of us have to any longer, physically hold up the sewing machine so the whole class could see what parts of the machine we were referring to. (more time at the gym instead now) Secondly the machine is now a 6 foot object on the white board and everyone in the room can see it! It has made the teaching of this aspect a lot more effective for the pupils.
Background – Introduction to correct technical terms. Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. We have found it helpful in practical sessions that pupils have a basic understanding of the main functional parts of a sewing machine, and that they can refer to parts of the machine using appropriate terms. Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. As above - Again a large version of the machine helps with this.
Background – We have tried lots of ways of teaching pupils how to thread a sewing machine and even using poems! The curse of any Textile teacher, this!. The presentation slide is set up as an introduction to threading the machine – each step of the threading of the machine, requires a mouse or touch pad click. Pupils have responded well to the slide, apologies for the thread colour but it is “well” visible. Like many of our presentation slides this is left “looping” until the majority of the class understand, and then can help each other. Background – Pupils can confidently use the sewing machine safely. Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. Pupils know how to undertake a range of task safely and independently – e.g. select a range of stitches, straight, zigzag, embroidery, reverse etc.
Background – Imparting key aspects on safety procedures when using a sewing machine foot. No pressing another persons foot down while they are using it rule, and also how to use the foot effectively.,