Monday 15 th June (pm) 1 ½ hours 4 questions All questions have equal weighting – 15 marks per question There are marks for spelling and grammar as well as content
Question 1 This question takes the form of an essay and students will be required to show their knowledge of a range of real TV News programmes. The question is usually straight forward such as ‘What makes a successful TV news programme ? Using examples from 3 programmes you have studied, comment on sets, presenters, stories and narrative, scheduling and location and say how they work together to make the programme a success’
Question 1 cont…… To prepare for this we have written an essay answering this question We have also put key facts and figures onto revision cards We do need to be careful about how the question is phrased and make sure we can adapt our answer accordingly Eg: ‘ TV News programmes are a dying breed because the internet has taken over – do you agree?’
Question 2 & 3 will ask for details about ideas for a new TV News programme Give us your pitch Tell us about your marketing and promotion campaign ideas Tell us why your programme will be a success with it’s target audience Show us the planned running order and scheduling for your programme Script a 2 minute segment of your programme
Question 4 – design task Sketch out your ideas for a website homepage for your programme Storyboard the opening sequence for the programme Storyboard a trailer for the programme Sketch out your set design