Matthias Clausen DESY, Hamburg, Germany Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL
2 11. October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY How it works: a closer look at the facility Scientific instruments for research Undulator systems Electron injector Superconducting electron accelerator
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Construction site DESY-Bahrenfeld 9 August 2013 Modulator hall Entrance hall Linear accelerator Entrance hall Electron injector Cryogenic hall AMTF hall
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Using X-rays to explore matter Synchrotrons Electrons traveling in a wide circular path, emitting light as the change directions Light is UV or X-ray, but not coherent Free-Electron Lasers Electrons accelerated in a straight line and manipulated to generate light Light is coherent and intensely bright in very short pulses, showing objects in even more detail and revealing processes
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY A big facility for studying tiny objects… Total facility length: 3.4 km
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY 6 XFEL-Cryoplant Production Readiness Review Meeting XFEL-Cryoplant - Requirements Start-up: 17.5 GeV state Spec20 GeV17.5 GeVOffer (one! CB) 2K K K
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY CM Distribution Box XLVB Distribution Box XIVB FB CM FC EC 3,9 GHz FC EC 3,9 GHz Injectors XFEL Refrigerator Distribution Box DB54 CC Box CB44 SC CB 41 SC CB 43 SC XRTL XLTL1 XLTL3 XLTL2 CMS FC EC CMS FC EC CMS SCB EC CMS FC SCB Contributions: LINDE KRYOTECHNIK BINP DEMACO XFEL Cryogenic Equipment - Overview Option © Tobias Schnautz
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Commissioning of XFEL Cryogenic Equipment XFEL Refrigerator Distribution Box DB54 CC Box CB44 SC CB 41 SC CB 43 SC XRTL Contributions: LINDE KRYOTECHNIK BINP DEMACO Building 54 Commissioning of cryo equipment in building 54 is almost finished © Tobias Schnautz
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY XFEL Refrigerator Distribution Box DB54 CC Box CB44 SC CB 41 SC CB 43 SC XRTL Contributions: LINDE KRYOTECHNIK BINP DEMACO Building 54 CXRTL Commissioning of XFEL Cryogenic Equipment Pre-commissioning of XFEL refrigerator with CB44 in building 54 Now – November 2014 © Tobias Schnautz
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Cold Compressors and Distribution Box in the Injector Building © Tobias Schnautz
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY 671 control valves 2647 temperature sensors 800 pressure sensors 212 flow sensors >100 level sensors 433 regulation loops > records (description of process parameters) > properties (set values, critical values, scanrates, calculation codes, etc.) Signal Overview © Tobias Schnautz
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY CM Distribution Box XLVB Distribution Box XIVB FB CM FC EC 3,9 GHz FC EC 3,9 GHz Injectors XFEL Refrigerator Distribution Box DB54 CC Box CB44 SC CB 41 SC CB 43 SC XRTL XLTL1 XLTL3 XLTL2 CMS FC EC CMS FC EC CMS SCB EC CMS FC SCB Process Controller for the Cryogenic Equipment Option © Tobias Schnautz
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY The Cryogenic Control System EPICS for process controls and as a SCADA system Process Controller: EPICS IOC (Input Output Controller) PLC: Siemens (machine protection, (partly) control functionality OPI: CSS (Control System Studio) Operator Interface (graphic, alarm, trend, diagnostic) Configuration: graphics, Profibus, controls(signals, loops), SNL (State Notation Language) editor Field bus: Profibus
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Where the Controls reside Turn KeyKS2/ FLASHKS1/3/ XFELCold CompressorsXFEL Distribution examplespecifyimplementspecifyimplementspecifyimplementspecifyimplement GUISCADAControl System Studio - Graphic DESY Linde/ DESYDESYLindeDESY - Faceplates DESY - Alarms DESY - Trends DESY Process Controller EPICS-IOC -Process Control Blocks DESY LindeDESY - State Notation/ Sequences DESY LindeDESY - Communication with PLC LindeDESYLindeDESY PLC used for ControlsPLC--Siemens- - Process Control Blocks Linde PLC - Machine protection Siemens - - Turbines hard wiredLinde - Compressors Sulzer* Sulzer/DE SYLinde Linde/ DESYLinde … where the control resides
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Running Controls in PLCs Pros and Cons Pros: The ‘Turn Key’ aspect: Do not care/ no responsibility - as a customer Intellectual property of the contractor (turbines/ cold compressors) kept in the PLC as a ‘black box’ Cons: No knowledge about implementation details Change management must be organized with contractor – or in addition - with sub-contractor Any signal in the PLC which shall be modified from outside must be configured in communication with higher level applications (read/ write) Complex to implement sequences
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Running Controls in EPICS IOCs Pros and Cons Pros: Any property of any control block is accessible without any additional configuration. (read/ write) Deep knowledge about implementation on customer side Easy to add custom control blocks Change management can be organized in house Sequences/ states are implemented in SNL Cons: Work load on customer’s staff Organize the implementation according to contractors specification Reliability: Is not an issue to decide between IOCs and PLCs
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Cryogenic Controls in the AMTF (Accelerator Module Test Facility)
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY The Injector Building
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Equipment in the XFEL Injector Tunnel OLM and DP/ PA Gateways WAGO I/O and Custom Temperature- Heater Modules Redundant Power
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Custom Hardware for Temperature readout and Level Measurement incl. Heater Control. Specialized low temperature read out system designed at DESY. The system is designed to support any kind of resistive measurement over a range from 0 to 200kΩ and voltage measurements in the range from 0 to 1.17V. The LHe level monitor supports a wide range of on the market available LHe level sensors like AMI. The bus coupler can be exchanged to support different field buses (or Ethernet).
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY XFEL Installation
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY XFEL Installation
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY CSS GSD CSS I/OCFG CSS DCT CSS SDS Configuration – or: How to get a Valve to the Console EPICS IOC CSS SDS XML EPICS DB Driver Config EPICS Database XML SIM Add simulation Win MOD
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Simulation Simulating I/O is a powerful tool Applications: New installations: Verify I/O configuration Test displays Modifying existing configurations Check new logic Check sequence programs In general: Reduce commissioning times Stable applications from the very beginning
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Cryogenic Control Room
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Screen Shot from CSS Applications SDS (Synoptic Display Studio)
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Screen Shot from CSS Applications SDS Correlation Plot
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Screen Shot from CSS Applications Trend Plotter
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Screen Shot from CSS Applications Alarms / Messages SNL - Log PUT - Log ALARM Other: System Diagnostic …
Cryogenic Controls for the European XFEL October 2014, CryoOps Workshop Daresbury Matthias Clausen - DESY Summary Over the last two decades we developed EPICS for cryogenic controls. It has reached a mature state which combines the reliability of PLCs with the fexibility of the open source control system EPICS. Custom hardware for temperature readout and level controls is intergated into the control system. Redundancy for power, process controllers and field-bus connections increases availability. The cryogenic control system for the European XFEL is ready to go.