History and Physical Examination Chapter 1 History and Physical Examination
Objectives Discuss the factors essential in the creation of a therapeutic climate. Explain three considerations of an effective health history. Explain the relevance of cultural diversity in the history-taking process. List the major components of a health history. Identify the four major examination techniques.
Objectives Define common terms used in assessment of the respiratory system. Explain the technique for auscultation of the chest. Define terms associated with normal and abnormal breath sounds. List the signs associated with respiratory distress. Identify common pathologic processes of the respiratory system and pertinent physical findings that extend to other body systems.
Objectives Identify the significance of various chest landmarks. Explain the significance of sounds heard during cardiac auscultation. Explain the significance of jugular venous distention. Explain common findings associated with an assessment of the neurologic system.
Creating a Therapeutic Climate To ensure a therapeutic, professional relationship, competence and caring must coexist. Variables supporting a therapeutic climate: Caring demeanor Competence Eye contact Judicious use of touch Professional image
Components of the Health History Chief complaint History of present illness Occupational and environmental history Geographic exposure Activities of daily living Smoking history Cough and sputum production Family and medical history Review of systems
History of Present Illness Onset Location Duration Character Associated Manifestations Relieving factors Treatment
Stop and Think You are seeing a patient for the first time. You are told that the patient has COPD. What information would you collect regarding the patient’s health history?
Vital Signs Vital signs are: Pulse Respirations Blood pressure Normal body temperature is 37° C (98.6° F).
Age-Specific Angle Compared with adults, infants and children have higher respiratory rates, higher pulse rates, and lower blood pressure readings.
Techniques of Assessment Respiratory assessment techniques include: Inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation
Percussion Technique © Jones & Bartlett Learning. Courtesy of MIEMSS.
Percussion Notes Flat Dull Resonant Hyperresonant Tympanic
Stethoscope (Diaphragm and Bell) © Martin Kubát/ShutterStock, Inc.
Physical Examination of the Lungs and Thorax The clinician must be thoroughly familiar with human anatomy and have an in-depth knowledge of structure and function to assess findings of underlying pathologic processes.
Thoracic Landmarks
Topographic Landmarks of the Chest Anterior Thorax
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax
Breathing Patterns Tachypnea Orthopnea Hyperpnea Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Kussmaul respirations Cheyne-Stokes respirations Bradypnea Dyspnea Biot’s respirations Platypnea
Patterns of Respiration Reproduced from Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination, Seidel HM, Ball JW, Dains JE, et al., Copyright Elsevier [Mosby] 1999.
Physical Examination of the Lungs and Thorax Flail chest is the appearance of a thorax with multiple rib fractures, causing instability of the chest wall. Flail chest with paradoxical respiration indicates a serious injury. Nasal flaring Pursed lip breathing Use of accessory muscles
Chest Wall Abnormalities Barrel chest Pectus excavatum Pectus carinatum Scoliosis Kyphosis
Barrel Chest
Pectus Excavatum (Left) © Custom Medical Stock Photo; (right) © M. English, MD/Custom Medical Stock Photo.
Scoliosis Courtesy of Darci Manley
Kyphosis (Left) © Dr. P. Marazzi/SPL/Science Source; (right) © Apogee/Science Source
Lordosis (left) © Wellcome Trust Library/Custom Medical Stock Photo; (right) © medicalpicture/Alamy Images.
Physical Examination of the Lungs and Thorax Skin color may indicate: Cyanosis Pallor Plethora Jaundice Use of accessory muscles may indicate increased work of breathing.
Physical Examination of the Lungs and Thorax Those in respiratory distress commonly exhibit nasal flaring. Those with emphysema may use pursed lip breathing to maintain airway patency and better expiratory flow.
Physical Examination of the Lungs and Thorax Subcutaneous emphysema is the presence of air in the subcutaneous tissues of the neck, chest, and face. The assessment of respiratory expansion is used primarily to determine whether the lungs are expanding symmetrically. Tactile fremitus is defined as the palpation of vibrations of the chest wall as a patient speaks.
Stop and Think Before initiating a respiratory care plan, you are assessing a patient with a history of COPD. The patient is thought to have pneumonia precipitating an exacerbation. What are your considerations when performing a physical assessment?
Clubbing Clubbing of the finger Normal digit (A) © Biophoto Associates/Science Source; (B) © Jorge Salcedo/ShutterStock, Inc.
Clubbing Lung tumors Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Congenital heart disease Liver and gastrointestinal disease Hereditary Not COPD
Measuring Diaphragmatic Excursion
Age-Specific Angle Stridor is associated with croup in children. Grunting is associated with respiratory distress in the newborn.
Auscultation Intensity of breath sounds Presence of bronchial breath sounds Presence of adventitious breath sounds: crackles, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, pleural friction rubs
Sequence of Auscultation from the Posterior View
Sequence of Auscultation from the Right Lateral View
Sequence of Auscultation from the Left Lateral View
Sequence of Auscultation from the Anterior View
Breath Sounds Noted in the Ill and Well Patient
Auscultation Intensity of breath sounds Presence of breath sounds Presence of adventitious breath sounds: crackles, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, pleural friction rub Symmetry of breath sounds Bronchophony, egophony, and whispered pectoriloquy
Patient Assessment A patient presents with nasal flaring, coughing with a large amount of sputum production present, vital signs are stable, cyanosis is present. What other key factors are missing from your assessment?
Assessment of Heart and Blood Vessels Precordium is the chest wall over the heart. Heart sounds include notations of rate and rhythm, extra heart sounds, and murmurs.
Areas for Auscultation of the Heart
Cardiac Auscultation Heart rate and rhythm Extra sounds Murmurs
Palpation of the Apical Pulse
Jugular Venous Distention
The Neurologic System Glasgow Coma Scale used for an alteration in the level of consciousness because of trauma or some other hypoxic or metabolic event Other indications of neurologic integrity are normality and equality of strength in all extremities.
CAM ICU Reproduced from Guenther U, Popp J, Koecher L, et al. Validity and reliability of the CAM-ICU flowsheet to diagnose delirium in surgical ICU patients. Crit Care. 2010;25:144–156. Copyright 2010, with permission of Elsevier.
Decorticate Posturing
Decerebrate Posturing
Dilated Pupils
Constricted Pupils
Unequal Pupils
Key Points The health history provides a detailed, chronologic record of the patient. The HPI offers a description of the onset of the problem including whether it developed suddenly. The 4 exam techniques commonly used are inspection, palpation, percussion and ausultaion.
Key Points Accessory muscle use implies increased work of breathing. Respiratory expansion assessment helps determine if the lungs are expanding symmetrically. Auscultation of chest allows assessment of adventitious breath sounds.
Key Points Auscultation of heart sounds includes notations of rate and rhythm, extra heart sounds, and murmurs. Glasgow Coma Scale is used to assess the level of consciousness. The level of sedation in critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients the Ramsey score or the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale is used. Delirium is measured with the CAM score.