GE Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania Growing European Access to Quality Global Education Improving the Quality & Reach of Global Education Global Education.


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Presentation transcript:

GE Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania Growing European Access to Quality Global Education Improving the Quality & Reach of Global Education Global Education Conference, 13 th April 2015 – Vilnius, Lithuania. Eddie O’Loughlin, Coordinator GENE.

Summary Introduction to GENE Progress - Major GE Events / Initiatives in Europe General Developments / Trends in GE Practical Example of Learning from Comparative Experience – Peer Review Process… Eddie O’Loughlin, GENE

GENE – an introduction GENE - Global Education Network Europe GENE is the network of Ministries and Agencies with national responsibility for Global Education in Europe. Our aim is to work towards the day when all Europeans have access to quality Global Education. What do we do? We share Policy Learning! Eddie O’Loughlin, GENE

GENE Started in 2001 with 6 bodies sharing learning Now over 40 Ministries and Agencies & EC 32 Roundtables Peer Reviews Internat. Symposiums and Seminars Bi-lateral & Common Initiatives Vilnius GE Conference, April 2015

GENE Roundtables 1. Vienna (March 2015) 2. Brussels (October 2014); 3. Espoo Finland – side-meeting (May 2014) 4. Brussels (October 2013); 5. Dublin (May 2013); 6. The Hague (Autumn 2012); 7. Warsaw (Spring 2012). Eddie O’Loughlin, GENE

Progress in Global Education? Growing Cooperation and Policy Learning at a European level over the last decade

Major GE Events / Initiatives Maastricht Congress (2002) Learning for a Global Society (London confer. 2003) European Conference on PA & DE (Brussels, 2005) Conference on European DE (Helsinki, 2006) EC DEAR Study (2010)

Major GE Events/Initiatives Espoo Symposium on GE in Curriculum Change (2011) Lisbon GE Congress (2012) GENE Hague Symposium on GE (2012) Espoo Symposium on Education of Global Citizens (2014)

Developments / Trends Growing Cooperation and Coordination at European level Strengthened European Policy Frameworks Growth in National Support Structures Growth in geographic spread of GE in Europe Growth in Quality National Strategies

Developments / Trends Moves towards greater Conceptual Clarity Funding? Greater Emphasis on Monitoring and Evaluation Growing Interest in Research and Academic work Strengthened GE in development of and reform of curricula

In Particular ….. Growing Movement of GE from an add-on, to being more central.

Espoo Finland Conclusions (2011) 1. “Education must put Global Education at the heart of learning, if it is to be considered quality education.” Source: The Espoo Finland Conclusions on Global Education in Curriculum Change.

Comparative Policy Learning The European Global Education Peer Review Process.

Peer Reviews European Global Education Peer Review Process It is a Practical Mechanism for Supporting and Sharing Learning in Global Education.

GENE Peer Review Process KEY FEATURES: Aim: To improve and increase Global Education in European countries. Process: Peer Support and Learning Mechanism – “critical friends”. Key Output -National Report: Overview of the national situation and highlights good practice, makes recommendations.

Peer Review National Processes Cyprus (2004)- Pilot Review Finland (2004); the Netherlands (2005); Austria (2006); Czech Republic (2008); Norway (2009/2010); Poland (2009/2010); Slovakia (Launched February 2014); Portugal (Launch, 3 rd Oct; and 28 th October 2014). Ireland – 2015

Peer Review Portugal National Report Launch in the National Parliament (Oct 2014) MPs, Parliamentary Committees; MFA, MOE, CSOs etc

Examples of Observations & Recommendations National Strategy – develop? Clarify Ministry/Agency Roles; Teacher Education integration; Integration of GE into Curriculum Reform; Role of NGOs – clarify; Strengthen Funding; Conceptual Clarity – build on..

In Conclusion: Sharing Approaches That Work Going Forward Need to continue strengthening Cooperation, Coordination and Sharing of Policy Learning on GE in Europe; Need to Build on these Approaches which Work; A lot has been progressed in the last decade by sharing policy learning, a lot more can be achieved over the next 10 years.

Thank You! Copies of all GENE reports mentioned are available at: Contact:

Maastricht Declaration Global Education is education that opens people’s eyes & minds to the realities of the world, and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity & human rights for all. GE is understood to encompass Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainability, Education for Peace & Conflict Prevention and Intercultural Education; being the global dimensions of Education for Citizenship. Maastricht Declaration on Global Education in Europe (2002).

National Strategy Development A Key Focus for GENE - Sharing Policy Learning on Quality National Strategy Development

In Common? Strong emphasis on need for: Learning from International Experience. Quality. Official Institutional Support

Critical Questions!  Why? Is there a need for a Strategy?  Who is leading the Strategy process?  Where are the stakeholders at now?  Does it have official institutional support?  Is there a common understanding of DEAR concepts?  Is it learning from international experience and practice?

Critical Questions  How Participative is it?  Is adequate time being allowed?  Is capacity building needed and where?  Is it result and quality orientated, With monitoring and evaluation?