BREAKOUT 1: Identifying the Gap (or Journey) (13.45 – 15.00)
Workshop Objectives Present learning from a pioneer site, including their gap from current state to achieving their aim. Identify and explore the gap between now and where you want to be. Have fun!
Some Important Notes Our discussions today are about learning, not about performance, so… sharing your challenges and failures can be just as important as sharing your wins and successes. In the room people will be from these camps: Openers – full of great ideas Narrowers – seeking to focus more Closers – becoming frustrated by the 2 groups above!
Meeting Norms Refresh Suspend judgment as best you can. Respect one another. Seek to understand rather than persuade. Invite and honour diverse opinions. Speak what has personal heart and meaning. Go for honesty without going on and on and on.
Project aim Aim: Identify, by December 2014, an evidence based change package which can improve attachment-led practice within pre-school settings in Aberdeen. Aim: Improve children’s emotional wellbeing in 1 pre-school setting in Aberdeen by October 2014 through the use of an evidence based assessment tool and individual support plans. Clearly set out the problem that you and your team were trying to address Aim statement(s) should state ‘how much by when’ Consider the questions that the tables will be considering after you finish: Is your project(s) tied to achieving the big aim of the key change area or workstream? Can you answer the 3 questions: aim, measures, change ideas? Are you doing at least one small test of change per week? Are you measuring data over time on one or more measures? What will it take to move your project forward from where you are today to your aim for the CPP? What assets can you draw upon from your partners and the community to move this work forward?
Understanding of Attachment/ Nurture Communication Systems Tests of Change Improving Attachment-led Practice 1⁰ 2⁰ Use of assessment tools to assess children’s emotional wellbeing Use of individual plans for children to improve emotional wellbeing Operational definition of attachment-led practice. Saying a positive ‘Goodbye’ to all children (making use of names and touch to demonstrate positive regard) Providing ‘protected time’ for parents and children during transitions (drop off and pick up times) Increasing positive parting and reunion experiences between parents and children. Increase and improve interactions between parents and school staff by acknowledging all parents (making use of names, and facial expressions to demonstrate positive regard) Changing drop off and pick up times at nursery to provide ‘protected time’ for communicating with parents Improve use of positive language during all interactions with children Increase number of specific positive reinforcements provided from adults to children. Increase awareness about brain development and the importance of attachment within staff teams. Positive & consistent behaviour policies and approaches are adopted Importance of emotional wellbeing is recognised in all policies and practices Attachment-led practices are included in policies, practices & philosophy of pre-school settings Promote tolerance and caring attitudes towards all individuals Aim Settings provide emotionally safe, secure and supportive environments Identify, by December 2014, an evidence based change package which can improve attachment-led practice within pre-school settings in Aberdeen. Understanding of social/emotional development incl. early brain development Continuous Professional Development opportunities Understanding of Attachment/ Nurture Importance of transitions is understood Early intervention Understand attunement Positive verbal & non-verbal language Unconditional positive regard towards all adults & children Communication Systems Involvement of children and communities through informal/ formal routes of communication Version 3 13/02/2014
Supporting children’s emotional wellbeing 1⁰ 2⁰ Tests of Change Supporting children’s emotional wellbeing Engage parents in planning for transitions Include information on brain development and emotional wellbeing into parent’s information pack Introduce use of home visits to engage parents in development of transition planning Introduce evidence-based, standardised assessment tool (Leuven Scale for Emotional Wellbeing and Involvement) Develop ‘transitions bundle’ to support assessment and interventions for children during transitions Provide Learning Sessions on Attachment-led practice Develop on-line resource on early brain development and importance of emotional wellbeing Provide information to parents about importance of emotional wellbeing and early brain development Informed & Engaged Parents Share assessment information with parents Aim Engage parents in development and implementation of support plans Improve children’s emotional wellbeing in 1 pre-school setting in Aberdeen by October 2014 through the use of an evidence based assessment tool and individual support plans. Individual support plans are developed and implemented for children with low levels of emotional wellbeing and for all children during transitions Use of evidence-based, standardised assessment tool Reliable Assessment & intervention All children are regularly assessed All children are assessed during times of transition Provide learning opportunities for practitioners about importance of emotional wellbeing and early brain development Informed & Engaged Workforce Provide training to all practitioners on use of assessment tool Version 1: 2 May 2014
Pre-school Setting 1 Learning from data Cycle 2: Test use of Leuven Scale with two practitioners and small group of children Cycle 3: Test use of Leuven Scale with three practitioners and all children. Implementation Cycle: Introduce weekly meetings to support implementation of assessment & support plans Implementation Cycle: Test smiley face observation document with 3 practitioners Cycle 5: Test use of run chart to display progress for individual children Cycle 4: Develop individual support plans for specific children Cycle 1: Test use of Leuven Scale of Wellbeing & Involvement with one practitioner and small group of children
Data Insert any data slides relevant to your testing – warts and all – not showing great improvement? Still great learning!!
Learning from failure The ‘F’ word is good in improvement, but only if you learn from it! Describe what went wrong as well as what went well. Importantly describe your iterative learning, your learning by doing, so that others can learn too
Site Sharing: Reflecting on Our Work to Date Project has potential Aim Measures Change ideas Speed up PDSA testing Simplify data collection Implementation plan Start testing in other sites IA/Pioneer describes the current work they are doing in the key change area, describes the long term aim, and describes the gap or journey ahead to get there.
Table Reflection and Discussion part one Using the guidance form – self assess your own work – 20 minutes Then turn to a partner and debrief your reflections – 20 minutes – questions next slide
Table Reflection and Discussion Is your project(s) tied to achieving the big aim of the key change area or workstream? Can you answer the 3 questions: aim, measures, change ideas? Are you doing at least one small test of change per week? Are you measuring data over time on one or more measures? What will it take to move your project forward from where you are today to your aim for the CPP? What assets can you draw upon from your partners and the community to move this work forward?
Table Reflection and Discussion part two – 20 minutes Discussing as a table, participants are invited to share what they realise they are missing and what they saw about their gap.
Report Out What did you discover in your review of where you are now? What surprised you in your discussions? What ideas are you taking home from your table discussions? For all of us as leaders are there leadership issues to consider? Or leadership issues we need to escalate?
THEMEs from the room PLEASE INSERT HERE (DURING SESSION): Top 5 emerging themes based upon facilitator themes from tables.
Today was about exploring and exposing the gaps, we close tomorrow! Parting Thoughts Today was about exploring and exposing the gaps, we close tomorrow! Take your explorations to CPP planning, share and discuss with colleagues today and reflect overnight Come back tomorrow for closure! Parting Thoughts from Facilitators Participants will have dedicated time during Day One CPP Planning Session and Day Two Breakout Sessions for action planning to close the gap they’ve identified.
Thanks for a great session!