The Spirit of Edmund Rice Leader: Father, you led Blessed Edmund Rice to serve you in great and unexpected ways. Grant us the love which filled the heart of Blessed Edmund inspiring him to educate children. Grant us the kindness of Blessed Edmund who always had time for the smallest and weakest. Grant us the gentleness of Blessed Edmund who brought the gentleness of Christ to all his relationships. Grant us the goodness of Blessed Edmund whose broad vision saw ways all around him to spread the goodness of the Kingdom. Lord, teach us to live in the spirit that is so evident in Blessed Edmund Rice Live Jesus in our Heart Response:: Forever
Welcome and Opening Prayer Mr Ivan Banks (Headmaster) Academic Issues Mr Simon Harvey (Deputy Principal - Year 7, 9, 11) Pastoral Issues Mr Andrew Osnain (Head of Year 9) & Mrs Aoibheann O’Brien (College Psychologist) Year 9 Christian Service Mrs Marya Stewart (Dir. of Christian Service) Agenda
Testing Prerequisites Year 10 > Year 11 Homework & Study Points covered tonight…
NAPLAN Week 2.4 Year Nine Exams Week 2.9 & 4.8 Bishops’ Religious Literacy Assessment Literacy Test Week 3.2 YEAR 9 – A TESTING YEAR
NAPLAN Exemptions, Adjustments & Withdrawals, must all be applied for. Secondary value in 2015 & beyond YEAR 9 – A TESTING YEAR
Students who achieve Band 8 or above in any component (Reading, Writing, Numeracy) in the Year 9 NAPLAN will be recognised as meeting the minimum standard required for that component to achieve WACE. They will not have to sit that component as part of the Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessment. (OLNA) YEAR 9 – NAPLAN
Prerequisites for entry into Yr 11 Courses
Two distinct entities Homework is completing work that has been set by teacher. Study involves looking over the work covered that day/week. - Highlight key points/Make own notes/Write summaries, key cards Be mindful of why the material is presented? Foundation work, pre assignment, topic test, examination Homework & Study
Why study? Solidify what is taught in class Be up to speed for each lesson, no lag time Gear for the bigger picture, assignments, tests and alike – avoid the last minute cram. Create the right habits. Homework & Study
Parent Council Parent Council proudly present DAN HAESLER International speaker on Student Resilience and Well Being. Tuesday 10 th MARCH Commencing at 7pm
Mr Osnain
Characteristics of Year 9 boys; Communication Drive & motivation Risk taking Sleep patterns Energy Levels YEAR 9 – A TESTING YEAR!
Year 9 students; Have unique learning needs Have a high absentee rate Begin to consider aspirations Develop varied sleep patterns YEAR 9 – A TESTING YEAR!
Adolescent changes; - physical, social, emotional and intellectual. Hormonal changes - melatonin (sleep – wake cycle) - sleep deprivation!!! YEAR 9 – A TESTING YEAR!
What can we do? Be aware. Engage in conversation (goals & aspirations). Emphasise routines. Keep students active (mind & body) Monitor sleep patterns. Monitor diet & nutrition. Monitor/Regulate technology. Be supportive in a firm and fair way. YEAR 9 – WHAT A YEAR!
Communication Your son!! Publications (Handbooks) SEQTA / Newsletter Diary Telephone Face-to-Face Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Student Reports INTERDEPENDENCE Partnership Between Home and School
Pastoral Care concerns should be directed to your son’s Pastoral Care Teacher as a starting point. Curriculum concerns should be directed to your son’s classroom teacher as a starting point. INTERDEPENDENCE Partnership Between Home and School
Leadership Opportunities 1.Year 9 Pastoral Care Group Council 3. Charity Committee 4. Within our Pillars
Ballroom Dancing Term 2. Every Thursday afternoon 3.30 – 4.30 beginning Week 2. Students bused to Mercedes. Then group splits into two venues. – Mercedes College. – Gilkinson’s Dance Studio. Social in week 9, Thursday 18 th June.