Eng. Stefan Petrov, Head of department GIS, GCCA Digital cadastre in Bulgaria. Information system of cadastre and property register Eng. Stefan Petrov, Head of department GIS, GCCA
Cadastre and property register act - CPRA (adopted 2001) CADASTRE PROPERTY REGISTER lots of immovable properties acts recognizing or conveying right of ownership; acts establishing, conveying, modifying and terminating other real rights over immovable properties; interdictions and mortgages over the latter; other legal actions, circumstances and legal facts for which recordation is envisaged by law. Cadastral map Location, boundaries and extent of immovable property; State borders; Boundaries of administrative-territorial units Cadastral identifier Integrated information systems for cadastre property register (IISCPR) Cadastral register Right of ownership and other real rights over immovable properties Cadastral identifier
Directorate Directorate EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SECRETARY GENERAL DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EXPERT SECURITY OF INFORMATION GENERAL ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION Directorate Administrative, Legal and Financial Services Directorate Cadastral and Special Maps Directorate Geodesy, Cartography, GIS Main Directorate Regional Offices Finance and accounting Creation and maintenance of cadastral and special maps Geodesy and Cartography Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Office - Blagoevgrad Control Geoinformation systems Legal Planning and Special Activities GCC Office - Bourgas Administrative Activity and Laws 28 GCCO in districts centers Property Management Human Resources and Chancellery GCC Office - Jambol
Territorial administrative units – 28 districts District boundaries District administrative center Capital city
Territorial administrative units – 264 municipalities District boundaries Municipality boundaries
Territorial units – settlement lands Municipalities are subdivided into settlement lands; Urbanized territory and surrounding agricultural and forest territories belonging to the settlement are located within its boundaries; Every settlement has a unique code (EKATTE) from the Unified classifier of administrative-territorial units; The immovable properties receive unique identifier formed within the boundaries of a settlement.
Data sources for creating cadastral map and cadastral registers Data from digital map of the restored ownership of agricultural and forest lands Data from previous cadastral, regulation or structural plans The data that correspond by contents and precision the requirements determined by the CPR Act are combined for creating digital cadastral map and cadastral registers Data for the owners and holders of other real rights, gathered from the registers to the maps and plans and the registers of the municipal and regional administration Data gathered through geodetic, photogrametric and other measurments and calculations
Immovable properties, objects in the cadastre Land property is the basic unit of the cadastre, it is a part of the surface of the earth, including durably covered with water, defined by boundaries compliant with the right of ownership. The land properties fully cover up the territory of the country, defined by the state borders, without overlapping each other. Building, including also rough construction (building or structure which surrounding walls and roof have been made) Self-contained object (SCO) in a building or in a facility of the technical infrastructure - part of the building or facility that has a self-dependent function and building with exposed walls. SCO can be an apartment, office, studio, garage, store, etc. Each land property, building or self-contained object is attributed an identifier, a unique number by which the immovable property is singularly identified within the territory of the country.
The unique identifier of an land property in cadastre Land property identifier 06286.76.20 Boundary of a settlement territory with code EKATTE 06286 Cadastral region № 76 within the boundary of the settlement land Land property № 20 within the boundary of the cadastral region
Integrated information systems for cadastre and property register CADASTRE INFORMATION SUB-SYSTEM Internet module “KAIS portal” Record keeping module “KAIS Office” GIS module “Cadastral map and cadastral registers” PROPERTY REGISTER INFORMATION SUB-SYSTEM Module - Registration of Documents Module – Act entry and property lot Module – Reports and Services Integration process – exchange of notifications via XML messages
Architecture of Cadastre information subsystem CENTRAL LEVEL - GCCA Customers INTERNET External systems Database replication REGIONAL LEVEL – 28 GCCO
Internet module “KAIS portal” of the cadastre information system Registration of a personal account for the client Specific roles and access level for different clients. Searching and accessing cadastral information KAIS portal Real time reports for cadastral objects Receiving of final documents Following the status of ordered services Registration of application forms for cadastral services Payment for ordered services
Internet module “KAIS portal” of the cadastre information system http://kais.cadastre.bg
Application forms for requesting services via “KAIS portal” Application forms for a service are filled in and sent to GCCA for implementation; GCCA employees handle the request in the statutory deadline; Depending on the type of final document, the result can be available electronically in the client profile in KAIS or shall be received in the GCCA reception room; Application forms for some services require to be digitally signed by the client; For the services of cadastral map and cadastral registers shall be paid fees determined by a tariff approved by the Council of Ministers.
Reports in “KAIS portal” Real time references, automatically generated by the system; Free references to basic cadastral data of the immovable properties; Free information for geodetic base points and their coordinates; Available electronically in the client profile in KAIS; Reports in *.pdf format from cadastral map and cadastral registers; A copy of the cadastral map and cadastral registers in digital vector format; For some reports of cadastral map and cadastral registers shall be paid fees, determined by a tariff approved by the Council of Ministers.
Record keeping module “KAIS Office” of the cadastre information system Registration and management of incoming documents Registration of payment orders for services. Registration and maintenance of the clients data MAP functions for searching and identifying cadastral objects Registration and management of outgoing documents KAIS Office Reports for incoming documents, clients, payments, contracts Internal processes for tasks management History of orders and documents
“KAIS Office” – component MAP
“KAIS Office” – component DOCUMENTS
Module “Cadastral map and cadastral registers” (CMCR) Import new cadastral map and cadastral registers Projects for editing and updating of cadastral data. Loading external spatial data GIS module Cadastral map and cadastral registers Specially developed GIS interface with different work modes Exporting cadastral data in digital vector format Specific roles and access level for the employees Historical reports for changes in immovable properties Issuance of reports, certificates, sketches, diagrams and excerpts
Mode “Cadastre map” of the module “CMCR”
Mode “Cadastre registers” of the module “CMCR”
Mode “Thematic map” of the module “CMCR”
Coverage with cadastral map and cadastral registers corresponding to the requirements of CPR Act Coverage 18.3 % of the territory, over 7 millions immovable properties Priorities in the creation of CMCR: - District centers; - Municipality centers; - Areas with increased investment interest (coast, mountain and beach resorts, border areas, areas with intensive and active land market development) 3 002 655 land properties 1 966 316 buildings 2 111 258 self-contained objects
Present and future development of GCCA information systems Cadastral information system Migration from decentralized to centralized model of cadastral database Migration to open source Database management system (DBMS) – PostgreSQL Coordinate transformation of the cadastral data to coordinate system BGS2005 Implementation of a new file format for cadastral data, based on OGS standards Implementation of INSPIRE Harmonization of spatial data sets and implementation of INSPIRE data specifications for the following Thematic Working Groups: Coordinate reference systems Geographical names Cadastral parcels Metadata for the spatial data sets Establishment and operation of a network services for the spatial data sets and metadata Development of new information systems Information system of Geokartfund Information system for specialized maps under Act on the black sea coast spatial development
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