ABSTRACT Due to the limited resources for the management of burn in most regions of Africa there is a significant role for many aspects of tradition herbal medicine. The active component of many traditional preparations is often of natural origin and more than 25 plants have been described as useful in relation to burns and wound healing. Carica papaya is currently used in Kenya at Kiambu District Hospital in the pediatric unit as the major component of burns dressings, where it is well tolerated by the children.
Carica papaya is cheap and available locally; the pulp of the papaya fruit is mashed and applied daily to full thickness on infected burns. It appears to be effective in desloughing necrotic tissue, preventing burn wound infection, and providing a granulating wound, suitable for the application of a split thickness skin graft. Possible mechanisms of action include the activity of proteolytic enzymes, chemopapain and papain, as well as an antimicrobial activity, although futher studies are required.
INTRODUCTION Papaya referred taxonomically as Carica papaya, is a powerhouse of nutrients, it contains both macro and micronutrients and several enzymes. It is used globally in several ways due to the beneficial effects of these contents. The macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats provide the necessary calories for energy expenditure whereas micronutrients are essential in several physiological functions. Micronutrients include vitamins C, E and A which serve different functions in the body such as in the synthesis of collagen and proliferation and maturation of cells. It contains pantothenic acid and folate which is essential in DNA synthesis. It also contains other trace elements such as manganese and zinc. The enzymes include papain, chymopapain.
JUSTIFICATION Scientific proof for antimicrobial activity of herbal medicine is increasing and could therefore promote its practice as an alternative to the expensive conventional medicine currently available. Carica papaya has not been famous among researchers around the globe and not many studies are carried out on its pharmacology and therapeutic activities. Research on this plant carried out in order to expand the field of drugs, and have many options from which we can choose to treat bacterial infections. This project may also encourage more research to be done on this plant in the future as it has shown to have a lot of usefulness as a traditional herbal medicine.
OBJECTIVES General objectives The major objectives of this work is to investigate antimicrobial activity of the fruit of carica papaya (caricaceae). specific objectives To screen for antimicrobial activity of the fruit
EXPERIMENT Ripe pawpaw fruits were obtained from Carica papaya plant in Nairobi Kenya.The fruit was crushed using a mortar and pestle under a laminar flow hood to obtain a paste which was filtered through a gauze. Agar plates used to culture the microorganism (staphylococcus aureas, Bacilus subtilis,clostridium sporaginase and candida albicun). The zones of inhibition were measured using laboratory vermer calipers
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the antibacterial screening, Carica papaya seed extract at concentration of 50 l displayed a substantial antibacterial activity, against all three organisms, that is, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacilus sabtilis and clostridium sporaginase. The degree of this activity varied from one organism to another as potrayed by difference in diameter of the zone of inhibition. The diameter of the zones of inhibition due to the seed extract were 9.30mm in S. aureus, 14.46mm in B. subtilis and 19.87mm in C. sporaginase. The fresh fruit of Carica papaya at concentration 50 l displayed a substantial antibacterial activity. The diameter of zones of inhibition due to the fresh fruit were 14.46mm in S. aureus, 17.92mm in B. subtilis and 19.89mm in C. sporaginase.
Positive controls showed antimicrobial activity meaning that the target organisms are susceptible to antimicrobial therapy. The negative controls showed no activity meaning that none of the observed antimicrobial activity was due to the solvent. In the antifungal screening the seed extract at 50 l concentration displayed antifungal activity in C. albicans. The diameter of the zone of inhibition was 16.48mm and the fresh fruit extract did not have any activity against candida albican.
Conclusion Carica papya showed significant antibacterial and antifungal activity thus suggesting its potential therapeutic usefulness against infection caused by S. aureus, B. subtilis, C. sporaginase and C. albican. Recommendation The study was done on the fruit and seeds of Carica papaya hence other part of this plant should be studied and tested such as the leaves and the root. They may contain constituents with antimicrobial, laxative and antihypertensive effects and futher tests should be carried to screen for activity against wider range of microorganisms like group A - hemolytic streptococci and pseudomonas ariginosa.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Dr. J. O. Ogeto and Dr. P.M. Njogu for being patient with me and for the much guidance they gave me when doing this project. I also thank Mr. Jonathan Nyamatari and the entire Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry for the technical assistance and facilitation of this project.
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Thank you.