George V Russell, MD University of Mississippi Clamshell Osteotomy George V Russell, MD University of Mississippi
Objectives Framework Evolution/rationale Implementation Evaluation
Angular Deformities
Osteotomy Basics
Malunion: Deformity IR ER CORONAL SAGITTAL AXIAL MEDIAL LATERAL TRANSLATION MEDIAL LATERAL ANTERIOR POSTERIOR SHORTENED LENGTHENED ANGULATION VARUS VALGUS FLEXION [PROCURVATUM] EXTENSION [RECURVATUM] IR ER So you think about translation and angulation in the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes. And you decide that by the nature of its intramedullary position and its inherent strength through design and material properties, it should be pretty good at controlling deformity in the coronal and sagittal planes. It will be hard for the bone to deform by translation or angulation because you have a good fit between the implant and the bone on each side of the fracture. But the axial plane worries you…and for good reason.
MULTIAPICAL DEFORMITIES MULTILEVEL SOLUTION Osteotomy per CORA Other Muy complicado Compliments of Jeff Mast, MD
Single Cut Solution
TA, 43 yo male
Your Approach? Closing Wedge Single-Cut Dome/ Crescentic Opening Wedge Milch
JH Desperation
IMN for Osteotomies
Nail as Reduction Tool
Clamshell Osteotomy Simple planning
Clamshell Osteotomy
Clamshell Osteotomy
TA, 43 yo male Preop osteotomy
TA postop osteotomy
TA 3 mos post osteotomy
TA 1 yr postop 2 yrs postop
BT, 53 yo female
BT, postop
BT, 10 mos
Materials and Methods 3 Medical Centers IRB approved Complex diaphyseal malunions 4 femoral malunions 6 tibial malunions
Materials and Methods All deformities post-traumatic Deformity 18 years (1-50 years) Avg age 41years (14-71 years) 7 males, 3 females
Results Independent Evaluation Osteotomies healed by 6 months
Radiographic Corrections Coronal: 2-20 degrees Sagittal: 0-32 degrees Axial: 0-25 degrees Length: 0-5 centimeters Within 2cm contralateral limb
Complications Delayed union—dynamization Broken interlocking bolt 2 wound dehiscences Local wound care D&I, closure
Clamshell Osteotomy: A New Technique to Correct Complex Diaphyseal Malunions Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American). 2009;91:314-324.
DJ, 40 yo female
DJ, postop 4th year resident
EG, 38 yo male Preop osteotomy recurvatum posterior translation varus shortening Preop osteotomy
EG Postop osteotomy
EG--4 years
EM, 60 yo male Longstanding malunion HTN Fall
EM postop
EM 6 mos postop
EM—1 yr
EM--3 years
Contraindications Morbid obesity Intramedullary osteomyelitis Short metaphyseal segment No intramedullary canal
Why I Like Clamshell Planning is simple Nailing is familiar Nail as reduction device Technique is transferable
Thank You The Miracle Center