Understanding Military Culture
Understanding Military Culture Branches of the Military Army- Founded in 1775 Referred to as Soldiers or Warriors Navy- Founded in 1775 Referred to as Sailors Marines- Founded in 1775 Referred to as Marines Coast Guard- Founded in 1790 Referred to as Guardians Air Force- Founded in 1947 Referred to as Airmen
Understanding Military Culture Branch Components Active Duty Full-time, paid through federal government All branches have an active component During deployments Service Members may be required to work long hours to complete missions Reserve Part-time, paid through federal government Typically train one weekend a month and two weeks a fiscal year during Annual Training (AT) May be called suddenly to active duty orders/assignments or deployments Leave family, jobs, school and community National Guard Part-time, paid through state and federal government Army and Air Force only
Understanding Military Culture Deployment length: Army Typical deployment is 12 months. Reserve/Guard soldiers may miss 2-3 semesters. Navy Typically serve on ships, some are assigned to other branches Sea to shore ratio depends on job and rank Marine Corps Marine deployments are typically 6-9 months Marine Reservists could miss 1-2 semesters Air Force Standard deployment length is 4 months Reserve/Guard may miss 1-2 semesters Coast Guard Most units do not deploy because of domestic mission Three month deployments for select units and special missions
Understanding Military Culture Rank and Structure There are three types of rank: Enlisted- includes noncommissioned officers and petty officers (pay grades E-1 through E-9) (84% the military is enlisted) Warrant Officers- highly specialized subject matter experts (pay grades W-1 through W-5) Commissioned Officers- highest ranking officials, either attended a military service academy or ROTC at a four-year college (or attended an officer cadet training course as prior enlisted) (pay grades O-1 through O-10) (14% of the military) For a visual guide to enlisted rank structure, go to: http://www.defense.gov/about/insignias/enlisted.aspx For officer rank, go to: http://www.defense.gov/about/insignias/officers.aspx
Understanding Military Culture Job Specialty: MOS: Military (or Marine) Occupational Specialty NEC: Navy Enlisted Classification Rate: Coast Guard term for job title AFSC: Air Force Specialty Code MOS/NEC/Rate/AFSC indicates the type of job, duties or specialty performed in the military. For example: In the Army, Infantry Soldiers (Basic Rifleman) have an MOS designation of 11B (or 11C if they have additional training as mortar man), but in the Marine Corps an infantryman has an 03 (0311=rifleman) indicator. Every enlisted Service Member goes through Basic Combat Training or “Boot Camp”!
Understanding Military Culture In Basic Combat Training… You are broken down to be built back up. You are stripped of your individuality. Degredation ceremony-used to initiate people into a total institution such as mental hospitals, prisons, and military units. The purpose is to deprive people of their former identities and dignity in order to make them more accepting of external control. (about.com) Team work, camaraderie and espirit de corps are all emphasized. You are assigned a “Battle Buddy” Introduced to a structured chain-of-command You are trained for combat and to be ready when called upon
Understanding Military Culture You learn a new language… Military acronyms: AWOL-Absent With Out Leave BAH-Basic Allowance for Housing DFAC-Dining Facility DZ-Drop Zone FOB-Forward Operating Base G.I.-General Issue IED-Improvised Explosive Device JAG-Judge Advocate General KIA-Killed in Action MEDEVAC-MEDical EVACuation MIA-Missing in Action RECON-Reconnaissance SOP-Standard Operating Procedures OIF-Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF-Operation Enduring Freedom Operation New Dawn GWOT-Global War on Terrorism VA-Veterans Administration NCO- Non-Commissioned Officer ROTC-Reserve Officer Training Corps DoD-Department of Defense MRE-Meal, Ready to Eat OPSEC-Operation Security EAP-Emergency Action Plan ROE-Rules of Engagement RUF-Rules of the Use of Force OPORD-Operations Order FRAGO-Fragmentary Order Dependent-Spouse, child, or other person who is dependent of the service member for support AT-Annual Training MUTA-Military Unit Training Assembly
Understanding Military Culture The military… Emphasizes group cohesion & espirit de corps that connect service members to each other. Has a distinct set of ceremony and etiquette that create shared rituals and common identities. Maintains a high standard of discipline that helps organize and structure the armed forces Emphasizes the importance of always doing your best and giving 100% (anything less isn’t acceptable and, in combat, can lead to people getting hurt or killed.) Emphasizes attention to detail. Emphasizes punctuality If you show up early, you’re on time. If you show up on time, you’re late. Establishes a professional, or warrior, ethos of loyalty and selfless-service that maintains order during battle. Mission First!
Core Values Courage Integrity first Service before Self Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless-Service Honor Integrity Personal Courage Courage Commitment Integrity first Service before Self Excellence in all we do Honor Courage Devotion to Duty Core Values
Understanding Military Culture Understanding our current conflicts (2001-Present)… Global War on Terrorism Operation Active Endeavor (Mediterranean Sea) 2001-Present Operation Enduring Freedom (2002-Present) Afghanistan Philippines Horn of Africa Trans Sahara Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2010) Operation New Dawn (Iraq after August 2010) Service members can be deployed multiple times in support of these conflicts.
Understanding Military Culture Common military stressors/experiences Acculturation into the Armed Forces (Basic Combat Training/Boot Camp) Exposure to combat or life threatening situations Loss of a close friend, team member or leader Inner conflict/self-doubt Wear and tear Operational Stress-Lack of sleep/rest High expectations at all times Physically and mentally worn down
Understanding Military Culture Common myths about the military: People who join have low intelligence or are without opportunities Women have a hard time achieving success Military jobs and training have little relation with the civilian world The military is only for people who like war/fighting War=Combat Once you go to war, you come home and are done with your military service The military will let anyone in who applies
Transitioning into the Civilian World Transitioning service members can often… Feel “lost” or “alone” (no one understands them or can relate to their experiences) Struggle with not having structure or goals Worry about finances or taking care of their family Miss the adrenaline rush associated with various military experiences Become easily annoyed with civilians who take things less seriously or are too “laid back” May have anger or resentment towards those who did not serve or towards other military personnel Feel and edge or tense Feel that everything back home has changed Feel down or depressed soon after being separated from service or coming home from deployment
Understanding Veterans Myths about Veterans: They’re “crazy” or “ticking time-bombs” Ready to snap at any moment They’re “baby killers” and “war mongers” They all have PTSD or TBI issues About 11-20% of OIF/OEF Veterans, and 10% of Gulf War Veterans experience PTSD.
Understanding Veterans They challenges they face… Service Connected Injuries/Disabilities PTSD and TBI Sleep issues Hearing loss/tinnitus Back/Leg problems Transition from military to civilian life Concerns about personal safety (hyper- vigilance) Lack of strong support network/structure (interdependence) Financial issues Retirement issues
Veteran Strengths Leadership Characteristics: Lead by example Carefully consider directions Inspire and influence Providing purpose, direction and motivation Collaborative Team Member: Complete their duties by accomplishing tasks as part of a team. Flexibility and Adaptability: Learned to be flexible and adaptable to meet the constantly changing situation, mission and environment.
Veteran Strengths Self-Directed: Outstanding Work habits: Trained to understand and solve difficult problems and complex tasks. Their ability to function efficiently independent makes them dependable and reliable. Outstanding Work habits: Possess pride and enthusiasm for their work. Personal integrity by adhering to moral principles. Invested in their Community: Strong desire to be productive citizens and serve their community with selfless sacrifice.
Building Rapport with Veterans Share if you have a personal connection to the military Validate their military background and show “respect” to build rapport and trust Being punctual Directly connecting to needed services Giving clear steps for “mission” that needs to be accomplished Follow-up after appointments (stay on their radar) Need to be direct and concise with requests Be clear and up front Being mindful of political sensitivities/patriotism Don’t ask the wrong questions Know current Veteran Resources available in the community, at the VA and other resources to support Veterans and their families
USMC Wounded Warrior Regiment GySgt Heydo Zando District Injured Support Coordinator (DISC) Warrior Summit
Wounded Warrior Regiment Mission Provides and enables assistance to wounded, ill, and injured (WII) Marines, sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their family members in order to assist them as they return to duty or transition to civilian life. Serves the total force – active duty, reserve, retired, and veteran Marines. The only official Marine Corps unit charged with providing non- medical care to WII Marines. Wound IED Blast Gunshot Traumatic Brain Injury Training Accident Vehicle Accident Post Traumatic Stress Cancer Chronic Illness Mental Health Illness Injury
Wounded Warrior Regiment support is not a factor of luck and location Global Reach Wounded Warrior Regiment support is not a factor of luck and location
The Recovery Mission It’s a relationship, not a process Providing individualized support through the phases of recovery. Photo by Dan Gross, The Gazette The WWR is strategically positioned in order to establish a personal relationship with each Marine. The needs of our WII Marines and their families can be extensive and vary in type and intensity throughout the phases of recovery. There is no “one size fits all” approach to care and the Regiment surrounds Marines with a specialized care team as the first line of offense, helping the Marine and their family navigate their recovery mission. Stabilization The stabilization phase begins at the point of injury or diagnosis and ends with release from acute inpatient care (when the Marine is discharged from the hospital). Medical treatment is the top priority. Rehabilitation The rehabilitation phase generally begins when the Marine moves to out-patient status and continues through the tapering off of treatments such as physical therapy. Medical treatments are still a priority, but the line of operation goals and preferred end-state become increasingly more important. Reintegration The reintegration phase is when the Marine prepares to either return to full duty or separate from the military and return to civilian life. There are many stories of recovery success – Marines are resilient. I would like to take a moment to share a few with you. Sgt. Adam Jacks: Sgt Adam M. Jacks went to boot camp on June 19 2005 Parris Island SC and graduated in September of 05. First duty station was at Marine Barracks in Washington D.C from 2005- Dec. 2006 attached to Bravo Company 3rd Plt. Performed duties as a ceremonial marcher and then was selected for Dover Delaware funeral detail to carry off transfer cases that brought our KIA back from theater. Also was on company's firing party that did the 21 gun salute at funerals at Arlington National Cemetery. Deployed three times with 3/8 where completed three combat tours: one to Iraq and two to Afghanistan. During his second tour in Afghanistan on April 3 2011 he was struck by a IED while conducting dismounted patrol through the green zone in Heydirabad In the Upper Gerisk Valley Helmad Province Afghanistan. Injuries sustained from that blast resulted in the amputation of the right leg below the knee, scaring and shrapnel wounds on his left leg. He was accepted for EPLD, has reenlisted and hopes to become a Marine Corps Drill Instructor down at Parris Island SC. Marines Stay in the FIGHT! 23
WWR Population and Demographics As of August 2014 (Active Duty / Reserve) Complex Care Incident Type: Joined and External Population Marines Joined to the WWR East: 315 West: 177 External Marines Supported by an RCC TOTAL + = PTSD, Training Accident 492 453 945 Auto Accident, Cancer Ill/Injured In Combat Zone Ill/Injured Outside Combat Zone Joined Marines : Transferred by Service Record (TR/SR) or Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) Assigned an RCC External Marines : Not joined to the WWR (Marines who have stayed with their parent unit) Assigned an RCC Receive support from the WWR (example) Patients supported by the WWR at a MTF (not part of total number) 50 Combat Wounded TBI, Gun Shot, Burns N=945 Source: (MCTFS) Source: Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) 22% Marines joined to WWR or supported by an RCC in various IDES phases Marines joined to the WWR or supported by an RCC in the IDES Process 589 Total Marines in the IDES Process 2,730 MEB Phase 154 210 169 44 PEB Phase Transition VA Benefits Source: Veterans Tracking Application (VTA) (12 Cases Between Phases) Veteran 3,598 Sergeant Merlin German Wounded Warrior Call Center 764 Disability retired and Veteran Marines receiving, as needed, short or long-term recovery support District Injured Support Coordinator Support Source: DISC Program Manager Marines who remain with parent unit WWR Staffing Marine: 320 Civilians: 120 Contractors: 104 Total: 544 (Active Duty and Reserve) (GS and NAF) 29,096 Veteran Active Duty / Reserve Source: MCWIITS
Marines Recovering at their Parent Units CMC expressed intent that WII Marines should remain assigned to their parent units, so long as their medical conditions allow and their units can support them. WWR provides services to help Commander’s ensure WII Marines’ productive recoveries via: Wounded Warrior Battalions East and West Contact Center: Outreach to Marines (Active Duty and Reserve) who remain with their parent commands Recovery Care Coordinators: RCCs support qualified external cases with Comprehensive Recovery Plans WWR Medical Cell: Medical Advocacy (TBI and PTS) and liaison to the medical community District Injured Support Coordinators: Support transitioning Marines in their communities Administrative Support (WWR has sole responsibility for Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance, Special Compensation for Assistance With Activities of Daily Living, Pay and Allowance Continuation) Integrated Disability Evaluation System Advocacy WWR provides Commanders tools and guidance to help them support their WII Marines: “Does my Marine require an RCC?” “Does my Marine qualify for special compensation?” 25
Communication / Outreach Communication is Key to Support WWR Call Center / Contact Centers Sergeant Merlin German Wounded Warrior Call Center Monthly call volume: 9,500 outreach / 1,200 incoming Target population: Veteran Marines (TDRL, Purple Heart, PCR) Population total: Nearly 30,000 Wounded Warrior Battalion Contact Centers Monthly call volume (combined): 3,500 outreach / 400 incoming Target population: Recovering Marines with their parent commands Population total: Nearly 4,000 Social Media Facebook Includes a Support Form Over 100,000 Followers! Twitter YouTube Flickr WWR Mobile Application Recent launch of version 2.0 Provides prompt and easy access to WWR resources Over 6,000 downloads! WWR Quarterly Report One-page report suitable for internal and external audiences Downloadable from the WWR website Sergeant Merlin German
The Future of the WWR Whether at war or in times of peace the WWR will continue to care for our WII Marines. Never before has recovery care been so comprehensive. Care assets are aligned under a single command – the WWR. Support must be enduring in view of issues resulting from the current decade of war: Catastrophic injuries and illnesses requiring acute care Traumatic brain injuries Psychological health problems including PTS Conditions such as TBI and PTS are not solved by short-term care, and will require continuing services. “I think it’s probably one of the greatest success stories coming out of this war.” “The wounds of this war will be with us for a long time.” “We also have typical things that happen to our young men and women – cancer, accidents, tragedies that happen.” “My sense is that it will be around for a long time.” Gen Amos: Speaking about the WWR
Contact Information: John P. Teske, Psy.D. 920-498-5595 John.Teske@nwtc.edu Jeremy Galica 920-498-5744 Jeremy.Galica@nwtc.edu GySgt. Zando 414-350-2618 Heydo.Zando@usmc.mil Wendy Burdick 608-372-3971 (x66810) Wendy.r.burdick2.ctr@mail.mil
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