NA-FRAC Update FRAC Steering Committee Meeting December 17, 2014 by Gilberto Olaya
2014 NA-FRAC - Members Name Company Email address Gilberto Olaya Syngenta Crop Protection Allison Tally David Ouimette Dow AgroSciences George Musson Bayer Crop Science Bond McInnes DuPont Scott Walker BASF
Phenylamides update Mefenoxam and metalaxyl: Several claims of Pythium spp. and Phytophthora sojae isolates insensitive to mefenoxam and methalaxyl have been made in the state of Ohio. These claims have been made in University newsletters but no data have been published. A key gap in knowledge appears to be the magnitude of insensitive isolates for this reason Syngenta will follow up with a Pythium spp. and Phythophthora sojae survey next year”.
QoI update Rhizoctonia solani (rice sheath blight): Syngenta has continued in a smaller scale the azoxystrobin resistance monitoring of Rhizoctonia solani isolates in some rice fields in Louisiana. Isolates have been collected and their sensitivity to azoxystrobin is being determined. Other QoI resistance monitoring studies are being conducted by Louisiana State University, University of Arkansas and University of Texas. Syngenta has provided technical support and azoxystrobin technical active ingredient.
QoI update Zymoseptoria tritici (Septoria tritici blotch of wheat): Resistance to QoI Fungicides in North American Populations of Zymoseptoria tritici (Septoria tritici blotch of wheat) was reported for the first time in Oregon in 2013. Oregon State University have conducted more isolations in 2014 and is cooperating with Syngenta in the sensitivity studies.
Publications of interest Plant Management Network - Focus on soybeans Principles of Fungicide Resistance: Focusing on Soybean and Corn Production. By Carl A. Bradley, University of Illinois Management of Frogeye Leaf Spot and Fungicide Resistance. By Heather M. Kelly. University of Tennessee
Book Update FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE IN NORTH AMERICA (2nd edition) The editors are working on the book and are making progress, but it is very slow and we are still waiting on the last few chapters. The good news is that most of the chapters have now been reviewed and revised and they have received most of the final revisions (although they are still waiting on a few of those too). Publication depends on how long it takes to get the last few chapters completed. They are hoping that the last few chapters will be completed within the next 6 months.
Book Update FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE IN NORTH AMERICA (2nd edition) Once that is complete, the final formatting can begin at APS Press (which also takes several months). It is difficult to predict a publication date, but based on the rate of progress so far, it is estimated that the publication date is sometime in 2016. Book editors: Katherine Stevenson (University of Georgia) Christian A. Wyenandt (Rutgers University) Margaret T. McGrath (Cornell University)
NA-FRAC website NA-FRAC will be moved into the global GRAC website. Not much progress! Files will be transferred to Lisa Hoffman 2. Files will be transferred to Lisa Hoffman NA-FRAC website information is in Syngenta server and will be migrated to the FRAC website.