DTC T RAINING W EB E X R EQUIRED FOR A LL DTC S Tuesday, November 4, 2014 (3:00 – 4:30 p.m. PT) Wednesday, November 5, 2014 (9:00 – 10:30 a.m. PT) Thursday, November 6, 2014 (3:00 – 4:30 p.m. PT)
DTC T RAINING R EQUIREMENTS New training requirements in place for All District Test Coordinators must: 1. Watch all Training Modules 2. Submit response to Training Survey 3. Participate in ODE-facilitated WebEx Objectives for today’s WebEx: Clarify misconceptions identified through Training Survey results Address questions raised by DTCs Ensure a common understanding of the test administration requirements of the Oregon Statewide Assessment System
F ORMAT AND N ORMS FOR T ODAY ’ S W EB E X Format Review questions and correct answers from the Training Survey covering all training modules Discuss common incorrect answers and clarify rules and policies Address questions raised by DTCs through the Training Survey Norms Please keep your phone muted Use chat feature to submit questions to host Please allow the host to respond to all questions
M ODULE 1: T EST C OORDINATORS Question 1: How can you ensure that Test Administrators are administering tests consistent with state and district policies? a) Ensure staff have read and understand the pertinent sections of the Test Administration Manual and the Oregon Accessibility Manual. b) Provide training to staff using ODE-provided training modules and provide TAs with an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification. c) Review promising practices with staff and use the training site to practice setting up and administering tests. d) All of the above
M ODULE 1: T EST C OORDINATORS Question 2: Who is n ot eligible to act as a test administrator? a) Instructional assistants b) Volunteers c) Substitute teachers d) Student aides
M ODULE 1: T EST C OORDINATORS Question 3: True or false, for the Smarter Balanced Assessments students in grades 8, 9, and 10 may not target up to the grade 11 assessment. a) True b) False
M ODULE 1: T EST C OORDINATORS Question 4: In addition to considering technology resources within your building, which sections of the Test Administration Manual provide guidance to help you establish appropriate school-imposed test windows? a) Section 4: Planning for Test Administration b) Appendix A: Statewide Test Schedule c) Appendix F: Student Inclusion d) All of the above
M ODULE 1: T EST C OORDINATORS Your questions: Can we use the audio with the appropriate modules for TA training? Yes! (Sec. 1.5) Can we provide the TA training to staff using an online system such as Google Classroom? Qualified yes (Sec. 1.5) If viewed independently, how would we know that staff actually watched the training modules? Districts set up local procedures (Sec. 1.5 & Promising Practice) Module 1 notes that Regional ESD Partners are available to answer questions and training, on behalf of my districts - would you please clarify what training their Regional ESD Partner may provide and in what venue? Regional ESD partners can provide make-up training for DTCs in January or other schedule coordinated with ODE (Sec. 1.5) What requirements need to be completed before a person may be granted access to TIDE? Can they have rights to TIDE and then later be given TA rights once the TA requirements are completed? While not strictly required, this is strongly encouraged as a promising practice (Promising Practice) May TAs that complete the training to administer the OAKS to seniors in January wait to complete the Smarter Balanced module prior to administering any of those tests (SB) and still administer OAKS in January? Yes (Sec. 1.5) For the extended assessment training, define specialized training. Qualified Trainer and/or Qualified Assessor Training
M ODULE 1: T EST C OORDINATORS Your questions: In a small school district where there is sufficient technology, do we have to have a school-imposed window or can we use the full range of the state window that falls within the parameters of our school year? State window for Smarter opens 3/10/15 for all grades. (App. A) For Smarter, local windows are required to meet instructional days criteria; local windows encouraged but not required for OAKS Science, Social Sciences, or Grade 12 Retests (Sec. 4.6) How are instructional days defined? Generally defined as any day instructional content is delivered I'm interested to know how others are creating a test schedule. ODE can develop a promising practice document I am not sure I understand the "targeting up". I understand who may do it, but I am not aware of what it is. Does it mean that students may test ahead of their grade level? Yes. And if so what does that mean for subsequent years of testing? Students in grades 3 – 8 must test each year; either at grade level or “targeted up.” 8 th grade students who take High School OAKS Science or Social Sciences and meet will have scores “banked” and won’t need to retest in high school. (App. F) Do students in grades 3-7 have to meet on grade level tests prior to targeting up? No, the student does not need to also take the grade level assessment. (App. F) Can 9th and 10th graders take the HS reading and math tests? No for Smarter; yes for OAKS Science and Social Sciences. (App. F)
M ODULE 2: T EST A DMINISTRATORS Question 1: What are some examples of assistance to students that are not allowed? Select all that apply. a) Reading the student directions aloud. b) Answering student questions related to a test item. c) Reminding students to use instructional strategies during testing (e.g., showing work or using Think Aloud). d) Administering accessibility supports from the Oregon Accessibility Manual that have been previously identified based on individual student need. e) Providing students with access to non-allowable resources.
M ODULE 2: T EST A DMINISTRATORS Question 2: Which accessibility support cannot be changed once a student is approved to start a test? a) Language b) Print size c) Text-to-speech
M ODULE 2: T EST A DMINISTRATORS Question 3: True or false, when in doubt about a particular practice, if it’s not in the Test Administration Manual or the Oregon Accessibility Manual, don’t do it. a) True b) False
M ODULE 2: T EST A DMINISTRATORS Your questions: Is the Oregon Accessibility Manual required reading for all TAs? Yes (Sec. 1.5)
M ODULE 3: A CCESSIBILITY Question 1: Which of the following are the new categories of statewide assessment accessibility supports? Select all that apply. a) Allowable Resource b) Designated Support c) Universal Tool d) All of the above
M ODULE 3: A CCESSIBILITY Question 2: Why are accessibility supports provided to students? a) In order to provide students with equitable access to instruction and assessment b) In order to ensure students participate in the statewide assessments c) Because the new ELA & Math assessments are more rigorous d) Because they are in a student’s IEP
M ODULE 3: A CCESSIBILITY Question 3: What are some common errors in the administration of accessibility supports and how can they be avoided? a) Accessibility supports are not provided correctly b) Accessibility supports provided without an assessment of individual student need c) TAs are unclear of the difference between various accessibility supports (i.e., Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations) d) All of the above
M ODULE 3: A CCESSIBILITY Your questions: I'm not seeing anything in the training about text-to-speech feature in terms of how to use it during the test. Practice tests now available through oaksportal.org to provide opportunity to practice features such as TTS; TA User Guide provides step-by-step instructions. (TA User Guide) Not very clear who can use text-to-speech. TTS for Smarter Math, Smarter ELA items, and OAKS Science, Social Sciences, and Grade 12 Math Retest is available as a designated support for any student based on individual need; TTS for ELA passages is available as an accommodation for grades 6-8, & 11 students with this documented need in their IEP/504 Plans (OAM) Even though a calculator is available for grades 6-8, and 11 is it correct that some items will not allow a calculator and thus not be available at those grades? The provision of calculator will differ between Oregon's statewide assessments (OAM). The calculator icon will appear onscreen for those items for which this support is available.
M ODULE 3: A CCESSIBILITY Your questions: I want to confirm that directions may not be translated by a TA, but ODE will be providing translated directions. The provision of translated directions differ between Oregon's statewide assessments (OAM) I am assuming that the SPED teacher that is doing IEP will be using the same language and verbiage as the testing program uses. So when a student says I need this printed out, it should say somewhere in her IEP that this is an accommodation, correct? Correct (OAM) There is apt to be confusion between universal tools used for 3-8 and 11 Smarter Balanced and those universal tools allowed for 12th grade oaks ODE recognizes that the transition to the new assessments and accessibility supports may create some challenges
M ODULE 4: T EST S ECURITY Question 1: What are some strategies to minimize the risk of test security violations or test improprieties in general? a) Get clarification from your Regional ESD Partner on whether particular practices are allowed before testing. b) Review and ensure understanding of how to properly administer accessibility supports. c) Review test-taking procedures with students before testing begins and ensure sufficient spacing between students. d) All of the above
M ODULE 4: T EST S ECURITY Question 2: If an impropriety has occurred, what steps should you take? a) The DTC investigates and decides whether to report it to ODE. b) The DTC investigates and reports all potential improprieties to ODE within one business day of learning of the potential impropriety. c) The DTC investigates and checks with their district superintendent before deciding whether to report it to ODE.
M ODULE 4: T EST S ECURITY Question 3: If an test impropriety occurs, what is the most likely outcome for impacted tests a) Invalidation b) Test Reset c) No impact
M ODULE 4: T EST S ECURITY Your questions: The DTC must REPORT a potential impropriety within 1 business day. But, just to clarify, the DTC then has 30 days to INVESTIGATE. Is that correct? Correct (Sec. 3.6) Can student notes from the class activity be used for the PT part of the Smarter test? No (Sec. 2.4) Will there be a reset option for SB tests if there was an adult-initiated impropriety? Reset criteria are in Table 14 of TAM (Sec 3.5) A "promising practice" does not have the same expectation as a requirement described in the TAM - correct? I am assuming that promising practices are suggestions and not mandates. Correct
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Question 1: Which of the following is a T RUE statement about the Smarter Balanced Classroom Activity associated with the Performance Task? a) For both math and English language arts, the Classroom Activity should be completed in one sitting. b) It is required that the Classroom Activity be completed the same day students begin work on their Performance Task. c) The notes taken by students during the Classroom Activity may be kept for use during the PT as long as they are kept secure. d) Materials for the Classroom Activity must be kept just as secure as those for other aspects of Smarter Balanced testing.
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Question 2: Which of the following resources was previously available for the writing portion of the state assessment but is n ot an allowable resource for the Smarter Balanced test? a) A dictionary b) A thesaurus c) A spell checker d) A graphic organizer
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Question 3: Which of the following resources was previously available for the math portion of the state assessment but is n ot an allowable resource for the Smarter Balanced test? a) Scratch paper b) Graph paper c) A formula and conversion sheet d) A highlighter
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Question 4: If a test is paused for longer than 20 minutes, which of the following occurs? a) The test will reset to the last question the student had saved. b) The student will automatically be logged out of the testing session. c) The test will resume at the screen showing the last unanswered question. d) The student will be directed to review the last set of questions he or she answered.
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Question 5: What is a main difference between the Smarter Balanced training test and practice test? a) The practice test will produce a student score and the training test will not. b) The training test gives takers experience with a wider range of item types. c) The practice test has different testing settings and tools than the training test. d) The training test is intended for people giving the test rather than those taking it.
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Your questions: Who is allowed to download Classroom Activity? Any authorized staff (Sec. 6.3) What is the training requirement for a teacher who will only be providing the classroom activity? Same as for other Smarter TAs (Sec. 1.5) Can classroom activities be recorded for absent students to view when they return to school prior to their performance assessment? Yes (Sec. 6.3) How are students who do not understand English supposed to participate in the Classroom activity? Follow instructional practices (Sec. 6.3)
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Your questions: Answers still pending When will districts receive access to the classroom activities? Is it correct that all students within a grade and subject in the same school will receive the same classroom activity? May students still receive different performance tasks with the same school and grade level?
M ODULE 5: S MARTER B ALANCED Your questions: Can passages of the Smarter Balanced ELA test be printed and if so is that considered a universal or designated support or an accommodation? Yes (OAM) Please explain the use of the Save button. Allows students to save their work (TA User Guide)
M ODULE 6: OAKS O NLINE S CIENCE, S OCIAL S CIENCES, AND G RADE 12 R ETEST Question 1: How can TAs ensure that students are familiar with the OAKS online test system prior to testing? a) Have students take a paper/pencil version of a practice test b) Have students take the training test c) Have students take the practice test d) Both b and c oaksportal.org
M ODULE 6: OAKS O NLINE S CIENCE, S OCIAL S CIENCES, AND G RADE 12 R ETEST Question 2: What resources are available to help TAs prepare? a) Test Administration Manual (TAM) b) Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) c) Test Information Distribution Engine User Guide (TIDE) d) OAKS portal (Practice Test) e) All of the above
M ODULE 6: OAKS O NLINE S CIENCE, S OCIAL S CIENCES, AND G RADE 12 R ETEST Question 3: Where do TAs look to find the universal tools (formerly known as allowable resources) for the OAKS assessments? a) Test Administration Manual (TAM) b) Test Information Distribution Engine User Guide c) Oaks Portal d) Oregon Accessibility Manual
M ODULE 6: OAKS O NLINE S CIENCE, S OCIAL S CIENCES, AND G RADE 12 R ETEST Your questions: Will all writing scores for seniors be available at the same time regardless of when seniors complete the OAKS writing within the window? Yes The same secure browser will serve both OAKS and Smarter Balanced testing? Yes (OAKS Portal Resources page) Do we need seniors to retake the Science test to prove growth even if they have a banked met score? No (App. F, Best Practices Guide) Any accountability to be tied to Science this year? Yes
M ODULE 7: ELPA Question 1: What is the process for deciding which students should take the ELPA? a) Ask the Test Administrator who should be testing b) Review TIDE for the LEP code = Yes, check with the ELD specialist/coordinator that all codes are correctly updated, then administer to all students with LEP code = Yes c) Review last year’s test records and administer to all those students d) Ask the students if they need to take the test
M ODULE 7: ELPA Question 2: How should a TA determine which accessibility supports should be provided for a student taking the ELPA? a) Ask the students when they arrive to the testing lab b) Ask the School Test Coordinator about the accessibility supports available for the ELPA c) Coordinate with SpEd staff, ELD Specialist/Coordinator and review pre-coded accessibility supports and the OAM prior to administering the assessment d) Give students any accessibility support they request as the test proceeds
M ODULE 7: ELPA Question 3: What steps should a TA follow to ensure valid test administration for all eligible students? a) Observe another TA and do what that person does b) Review training materials, Test Administration Manual (TAM), and Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM), and ask any clarifying questions to the School Test Coordinator prior to administering the test to students c) Follow the onscreen instructions for the test, because those encompass the instructions that students need to hear and know at the time of testing d) Call the District Test Coordinator for assistance with valid administration of the ELPA
M ODULE 7: ELPA Your questions: In Module 7, it says if students arrive after they must take the ELPA, math & science, but then it says if they arrive after the student is not required to test. Can you please clarify? Students arriving on or after 5/1/15 are not required to test (App. F) Can you clarify what is meant by a newcomer “misses” the ELPA window? If a student enrolls after the close of the ELPA window (April 15, 2015), they have missed the window Can fully funded title staff admin test? No (ESEA) Can you please clarify the rules around testing newcomers in the April 1st-15th timeframe? Whether newcomers arriving April are required to take the ELPA depends on whether the student is officially enrolled and identified as an EL by April 15 (EL Program Guide) If a LEP code is incorrectly flagged, how long does it normally take for the system to recognize the change so the student can test? 1 – 3 days
C ONGRATULATIONS ! You have successfully completed your DTC training requirements Next steps: Local training of STCs and TAs Monitor weekly AA Updates for updates related to assessment and accountability, distributing to staff as appropriate OAKS Online and ELPA test windows open Jan. 6 Smarter Balanced test window opens March 10 Happy testing!