SCHA Price Transparency Task Force Report by Task Force Chair Bill Manson July 22, 2014
SCHA Price Transparency Task Force Devoted the last year to studying transparency efforts in other states and monitoring and responding to SC DHHS transparency efforts. Recommends that SCHA work as quickly as practical to develop a consumer-oriented, SCHA-sponsored pricing and public education website. Participation by hospitals would be voluntary, but critical to success.
SC DHHS will soon release charge data Plans to include charge and payment data for Medicaid and State Employees side by side. No indication that profitability data will be cleaned up. Continue to upload entire documents without explanations (i.e. 990 forms, tax returns, Medicare cost report). Has changed focus from consumer to policymakers and media. This is just the beginning of transparency efforts at state agency.
SC DHHS charge/payment info will not be for consumers
SC DHHS uses brief commentaries to share important information
Task Force recommends Price Point SCHA can work with the Wisconsin Hospital Association to build and maintain SC website, using Price Point. Wisconsin’s Price Point is used in 12 states. (Wisconsin, Oregon, Texas, Washington, Oklahoma, Virginia, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Wyoming) Wisconsin updates the data quarterly. Much more affordable than building a custom site. Tested and proven by several other states. There is a group of Price Point users that share best practices and trouble shoot as a group.
Coming soon to Price Point More updated format, which SC can help develop. Cost estimator for consumers. Possible to add average payment information, compared to average charges.
Recommended info for SCHA website average charges and number of cases for select number of frequently billed DRG or CPT codes audited, consolidated financial statements of hospitals to accurately show profitability charity and bad debt numbers by hospital payer mix for each hospital links to hospital policies regarding financial assistance general consumer information about the health care system information on where to go for help in finding insurance
Hospital support is critical to getting timely and accurate information to South Carolinians in a way that will help them understand the health care system and enable them to make better decisions for themselves. Will your hospital support SCHA’s transparency initiative?