Indian Health Service Portland Area Director’s Update


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Presentation transcript:

Indian Health Service Portland Area Director’s Update Dean M Seyler - Area Director April 21, 2015 NPAIHB Quarterly Board Meeting Grand Ronde

To Reform the IHS IHS Director’s Award Ceremony Recipients Notification In Process Ceremony Date – May 29th Location – National Institute of Health – Bethesda, MD Recognition Of Excellence Ceremony Recipients Notified Ceremony Date - June 19th Location To Be Announced – In Portland

To Reform the IHS CMS ICD10 Coding Training August 3-7 and 10-14, 2015 @ NPAIHB IHS, Tribal, & Urban (ITU) 25 slots only 2 left Must have coding experience CHEF Un-Met Need Submission Due February 2015 12 Sites Submitted Un-met need 7 Tribal 5 Federal Operated Purchase and Referred Care (PRC) Peggy Ollgaard, new PRC Point of Contact 503-414-5598 Monthly PRC calls with ALL Tribes CHEF cases submitted - 7 CHEF Balance as of 04-15-2015 - $45.3M National Partnership Meeting – Summer 2015

Ensure that our work is transparent, accountable, fair, and inclusive FY17 Budget Evaluation and FY18 Budget Planning April 28, 2015 Reno, NV Funds Distribution Workgroup Met via conference call on March 23, 2015 $3.7M Increase in FY15 PRC funds $77,974 FY2015 Pay Act funding

Renew And Strengthen Our Partnership With Tribes Save the Date: P.L. 93-638 Orientation & All Tribes Meeting P.L. 93-638 Orientation July 21& 22, 2015 All Tribes Meeting July 23, 2015 More information to follow Urban Confer Meeting May 6, 2015 Seattle Indian Health Board CEO/CD/RN Meeting April 22-24, 2015

Renew And Strengthen Our Partnership With Tribes Sanitation Facilities Construction – Major Projects Inchelium Water Successful start-up of the new water supply wells. New water source for 142 homes, Eliminating use of wells that contained arsenic. Partnership among Tribe, the Town of Inchelium, IHS and EPA. Tulalip Mission Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Renovation - $1.4 million federal contract to restore the existing plant’s capacity and performance. Partnership among Tribe, IHS, and EPA.

Renew And Strengthen Our Partnership With Tribes Sanitation Facilities Construction – Major Projects Makah Wastewater Outfall Outfall pipe damaged by tides and current. IHS has funded underwater evaluations and temporary mitigation. Tribe and IHS are pursuing emergency funding with funding partners . Swinomish Water Tank Bids solicited for tank to serve 200 homes. Partnership among Tribe, IHS, and EPA. Spokane Individual Wells – Radionuclides and Uranium detected in 29 individual wells IHS is assisting the Tribe with a $40,000 special project, and is providing technical assistance $450,000 HUD Imminent Threat Grant to address the issue.

Ensure that our work is transparent, accountable, fair, and inclusive Sanitation Facilities Construction FY15 Project Development Underway Anticipate 24 Projects $5.2 million in funding from IHS, EPA, and Tribal Contributions. Provide access to sanitation facilities at ~120 new or like-new homes. Improvements to community sanitation facilities Benefit/affect ~1587 homes in 13 communities

Ensure that our work is transparent, accountable, fair, and inclusive Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board The FAAB Met in Rockville, MD on March 31 – April 2. The FAAB charged the Facilities Needs Assessment Workgroup with updating the Healthcare Facilities Needs Report. The IHCIA requires the report be updated every 5-years and is due to Congress on March 23, 2016. A DTL letter will request tribal input on healthcare facilities priorities to include new IHCIA authorities. This includes Specialty Care Centers. The report will include an estimate of need for those new authorities indicated as high tribal priorities.

To Improve the Quality of and Access to Care Portland Area Facilities Advisory Committee (PAFAC) The PAFAC met in Portland on April 13 to provide direction for two ongoing workgroups focused on planning the Regional Specialty Referral Center (RSRC) Project. The RSRC Project is a planned network of three facilities serving the Portland Area with an initial focus on piloting the concept with a facility in the Seattle metro area. Current RSRC Project Planning Activities Led by the PAFAC: Collecting specialty referral data from a sampling of tribes to assure the most needed specialty services are available. Updating the Interim PAFAC Report to incorporate marketplace changes created by the Affordable Care Act, including a projection of supportable specialty services and potential for third party collections. Developing facility site selection criteria and reviewing potential RSRC sites.

Renew And Strengthen Our Partnership With Tribes IHS Director’s 2015 Listening Session Today’s Session Cancelled Face To Face Session Location - TBD Date – Will be rescheduled Youth Regional Treatment Funds $1.1M* Recurring Dear Tribal Leader Letter – February 20, 2015 Recommendations Received – Continue with nine Oregon Tribes

Improve the Quality of and Access to Care

Improve the Quality of and Access to Care

Improve the Quality of and Access to Care Influenza Vaccination Portland Area led the agency in vaccinations for: 65 years and older (63.2%) Diabetics (53.2%) Portland was 3rd highest for: All patient 6 mo and older (42.9%) 18 yrs and older (41.8%) 6 mo-17 years (46.1%) Asthmatics (42.1%) Data as of 3/7/2015

Improve the Quality of and Access to Care Influenza Vaccination Previous vaccination efforts have focused on adults ≥ 65 years. Health People 2020 goal was recently changed to achieve 70% seasonal influenza coverage among children 6 months-17 years and adults over age 18. 2014 IHS data: Children (6 mo-17 yr): 38% Adults (18 +): 38% IHS has set a goal to reach the Healthy People 2020 goal.

Improve The Quality Of And Access To Care 2015 Portland Area Special Diabetes Programs for Indians (SDPI) 52 Community Directed diabetes programs 8 Demonstration diabetes programs Implementation of Best Practice models to improve diabetes care, reduce complications, and prevent new diabetes Area Tribal Consultation for FY 2016 SDPI funding formula & distribution Funding amount & duration to be determined by Congress IHS & NPAIHB hosted teleconference for Area Tribal Leaders consultation (April 15) Tribal consultation results due to Acting IHS director April 20, 2015

To Improve the Quality of and Access to Care 2015 AAAHC Surveys Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) Western Oregon Service Unit – April 13 & 14 Warm Springs Service Unit – April 13 & 14 Ft. Hall Service Unit In Collaboration with The Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Health & Human Services – June Yakama Service Unit – August Wellpinit Service Unit – September Colville Service Unit - October

Questions or Comments Our Mission... to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level. Our Goal... to assure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people. Our Foundation... to uphold the Federal Government's obligation to promote healthy American Indian and Alaska Native people, communities, and cultures and to honor and protect the inherent sovereign rights of Tribes.