Manifest Destiny and the Growing Nation Chapter 15
Oregon What agreement did Great Britain and United States make in the 1820s concerning Oregon?
Oregon What agreement did Great Britain and United States make in the 1820s concerning Oregon? Great Britain and the United States agreed to a peaceful joint occupation of Oregon.
Oregon Why Oregon was called a “pioneer's paradise”?
Oregon Why Oregon was called a “pioneer's paradise”? There was fertile soil, towering forests, sunny weather, no disease, and free farms.
Oregon What did James Polk mean when he declared “fifty-four forty or fight!” in the 1844 presidential campaign? Did he follow through with this campaign promise? Explain
Oregon What did James Polk mean when he declared “fifty-four forty or fight!” in the 1844 presidential campaign? Did he follow through with this campaign promise? Explain Polk wanted the United States to have the entire Oregon Country and was willing to fight Britain for it. He did not follow through with this promise, but instead used diplomacy to reach a compromise that gave half of Oregon to the United States and half to Britain.