Invasive Species in New York State Marlyn Orque Claro Inwood IS 52
What are invasive species? … invasive species include non-native organisms that cause economic or environmental harm and are capable of spreading to new areas of the state Economic HarmEnvironmental Harm , the OTA estimated that a total of $100 million is invested annually in invasive species aquatic weed control in the US - Introduced rats cause more than $19 billion per year in damages - exotic fish cause up to $5.4 billion annually, and the total costs of introduced weeds are estimated at around $27 billion annually - The total damage to the U.S. native bird population due to invasive species is approximately $17 billion per year - Approximately $2.1 billion in forest products are lost each year to invasive plant pathogens in the United States, and a conservative estimate of the losses to U.S. livestock from exotic microbes and parasites was $9 billion/year in Snakeheads can become invasive species and cause ecological damage because they are top-level predators - Asian carp have the habit of jumping out of the water, which can injure boaters. Introduced to eat algae in fish ponds in Southern U.S., escaped during flood events - Multiflora Rose introduced for erosion control and promoted as a "living fence" to attract wildlife, now competes with native understory plants - Spiny water flea Competes with native fish for prey, spines prevent many native fish from eating it as prey
Invasive Species PlantsDidymo (Rock Snot)Phragmites InsectsAsian Longhorned BeetleSirex Woodwasp Fish and Shellfish Chinese Mitten CrabSnakehead Fish
Step 1: Identify the Problem What specific problem can invasive species create in New York State? Research information, discuss with your partner and share. Complete worksheet in this link: elect.html
Step 2: Gather Evidence Read the articles in the following websites and gather evidence. You may design a data table to organize evidence from the articles
Step 3: Identify the Causes From your research identify and list the factors that caused the problem. Cite specific data or evidence. Complete Step 3 of the PPA Prepare to share your list in the class.
Homework Finding Better Solutions - Research current state policy in controlling invasive species. Evaluate the policy and prepare an argument whether the policy should be changed or not. If you believe it must be changed, explain changes clearly. (Students will also complete Steps 4, 5, & 6 of the PPA.)