Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European Union activities supporting AfriGEOSS Geneva, 12 th November 2014 José Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS Research Programme Officer Climate Actions and Earth Observation Unit Directorate Climate Action and Resource Efficiency Directorate General Research & Innovation - EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Summary of European Union programmes and policies supporting AfriGEOSS goals Research, innovation and support actions within the Research Framework Programmes of the European Union (FP7 and Horizon 2020) GMES and Africa programme MESA – Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa Copernicus Programme Policy Framework – Joint Africa- EU Strategy
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 3 Contribution to Research Component of GEOSS through FP7* >200 million €!!! Water Climate Biodiversity Energy Agriculture Disaster Ecosystem Weather Health FP7 Cooperation Environment Theme Annual calls address GEO Societal Benefit Areas and Building Blocks specifically Water Biodiversity Climate *Only projects funded under the Environment Theme are considered
4 Contribution of FP7* to GEOSS in numbers *Only projects funded under the Environment Theme are considered CB AD UE ST
5 Contribution of FP7* to GEOSS Capacity Building *Only projects funded under the Environment Theme are considered ENV Georesource information system for AfricaAEGOS ENV Improving observing systems for water resource managementCEOP AEGIS ENV GEONETCast applications for developing countriesDEVCOCAST ENV Developing necessary research activities for capacity building relevant to Earth Observation and GEO in the Black Sea basinENVIROGRIDS ENV Action in the domain of EO to support capacity building in GEOGEONETCAB, SEOCA ENV Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan areaOBSERVE, BALKANGEONET ENV Developing increased EO capacity for better agriculture and forestry management in AfricaAGRICAB ENV Assessing the ecosystem status, including fisheries, within the Mediterranean marine coastal areas of North African countriesMEDINA TopicProjects funded ENV Supporting the integration of European and international R&D programmes in GEOEGIDA ENV Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy, industry and societyEOPOWER ENV Knowledge platforms, networking and uptake of research results for more strategic international R&I cooperationIASON
6 AGRICAB - A framework for enhancing EO capacity for Agriculture and Forest Management in Africa as a contribution to GEOSS Aims: To bring together satellite data providers, researchers, capacity builders operational practitioners and decision makers, with the target of building a sustainable and comprehensive framework for strengthening the existing African capacities in using Earth Observation (EO) for better monitoring, understanding and managing natural resources. Objectives: While contributing to the GEOSS, AGRICAB framework has the following objectives: 1. To assure sustained provision & availability of EO satellite data and further facilitate their exploitation through free software. 2. To develop integrated applications with monitoring and predictive models on crop production, livestock and forest (including fire) systems. 3. To stimulate the wider uptake of these EO techniques.
7 MEDINA - Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Indicators for North Africa Aims: To enhance Northern African Countries capacity to implement cost- effective monitoring programmes for assessing the environmental status of their Mediterranean coastal and marine ecosystems. Results: - To provide useful suggestions for the implementation of the Ecological Approach by the Parties of Barcelona Convention (inc. NA countries) - Has enriched the GCI with ad-hoc components and datasets, focusing on a particular geographic area for which the GEO entry level barrier is still high -> Medina e- Infrastructure - Through serious consideration of Integrated Coastal Zone Management objectives and achievements, MEDINA has fostered closer international cooperation on this topic between EU and NA Countries. - Carried out capacity building activities in the area (9 workshops)
SIGMA: Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture Aims: to develop innovative methods and indicators to monitor and assess progress towards “sustainable agriculture”, focussed on the assessment of longer term impact of agricultural dynamics on the environment and vice versa. It is the main European contribution to GEO-GLAM initiative and its research agenda. General objectives: - Develop and test methods to characterize cropland and assess its changes at various scales; - Develop and test methods to assess changes in agricultural production levels and - Study environmental impacts of agriculture. In support of GEO JECAM, case studies in different regions of the world. A number of African study areas will be considered (Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Madagascar).
IASON: Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities in Black Sea & Mediterranean areas Aims: To establish a permanent and sustainable network of scientific and non-scientific institutions in the EU and countries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions, to focus on the usage and application of Earth observation in the topics of climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials management. Expected results: Capacity building and knowledge transfer activities, demonstration of market opportunities –best case scenarios and success stories-, identification of projects and networks, creation of innovative web-based common information platform. EOPOWER - Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment Aims: to create conditions for sustainable economic development through the increased use of Earth observation products and services for environmental applications. This purpose serves the higher goal of effective use of Earth observation for decision- making and management of economic and sustainable development processes. Expected results: Stimulate the demand side – opportunities created for economic development in developing countries, identification of key international economic development processes, capacity building activities provided to local communities and authorities, mechanisms for the creation of new products and support services.
Horizon 2020 and International Cooperation International cooperation in R&I contributes to the broader policies of EU – as reflected in the Europe 2020 strategy. Horizon 2020 is the main instrument for implementing the EU's international R&I cooperation actions. Principle of general openness: Horizon 2020 is the most open funding programme in the world: open to everyone! African countries automatically eligible for funding (up to 100%) Targeted actions with developing countries – building partnerships to contribute to the sustainable development and address challenges such as the green economy, climate action, food security or health, supporting the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Funding instruments (projects) where the participation of third countries entities is required and/or considered during evaluation. 10
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 – Priority 3: Societal Challenges SC 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials 1.Fighting and adapting to climate change 2.Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems 3.Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non- agricultural raw materials 4.Enabling the transition towards a green economy through eco-innovation 5.Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems 6.Cultural heritage 11
A Coordination and Supporting Action to further integrate, coordinate and support initiatives in the North Africa, Middle East and the Balkans to deliver EO information services, within the framework of GEO/GEOSS, is sought. Services to be supported (and their providers to be included in the Consortium) shall benefit critical economic and social sectors such as tourism, agriculture, transportation, health, etc., in the target regions. TOPIC: SC5-18b-2015: Integrating North African, Middle East and Balkan Earth Observation capacities in GEOSS – Coordination and Supporting Action (around 3M €) – Up to one project Single stage deadline: 21/04/15 12 Action 5.5: Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems Work Programme activities in 2015
Origin : Maputo declaration signed in 2006 by the African Union Commission, the African MS and the African Regional Economic Communities, Lisbon declaration in 2007 signed during the EU – Africa Summit (GMES and Africa being part of the Joint Africa – Europe partnership) Aims: To set-up an overall framework in Africa for Earth Observation applications through a partnership between African and European stakeholders Budget : 40 Mo€ (Source of Funding: EU Pan African Instrument) Start date for Implementation : Programme under identification, indicative start date Nov 2015 (duration 6 years) Beneficiary Countries : All African countries GMES and AFRICA
Expected results Provision of long-term capabilities for Africa to benefit from the development and application of space technologies Provision of sustainable, reliable and timely services related to environmental and security issues to the public and policy makers Priority Services in the fields of Water Management, Marine and Coastal Areas Management, and Natural Resource Monitoring Support national and regional policies in key areas Improved access to Earth Observation data, including from Copernicus Strong Political and space policy frameworks
Origin : Ouagadougou Declaration signed in September 2010 by the African Union Commission, the ACP Secretariat and the African Regional Economic Communities. Aims : Continuity of past investments on the use of Earth Observation data in Africa and to provide an initial contribution to the GMES and Africa Initiative (Maputo Declaration - Joint EU-Africa Strategy ) Budget : 37 Mo€ (Sources of Funding: 10th EDF) End date for Implementation : September 2017 Beneficiary Countries : 48 ACP countries of five African Regions
Expected results Improved access to Earth Observation data Operational information services are established Cross-fertilisation and continentalisation of services Political and policy frameworks are strengthened Adequate technical level is ensured
Origin : GMES (911/2010) & COPERNICUS (377/ 2014) EC Regulation Aims : The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security is an Earth Monitoring initiative led by the European Union … The objective is to provide information services which give access to accurate data and information in the field of the environment and security … COPERNICUS is a key tool to support biodiversity, ecosystem management, and climate change mitigation and adaptation policies … Budget : Mo€ (for the period ) End date for Implementation : 2020 Beneficiary Countries : European and Global coverage
Expected results An integrated Earth Observation system which combines space segment and in-situ data with Earth System Services A Space Segment providing operational high quality satellite data (SENTINEL 1-6) Six Operational information services established in the LAND, EMERGENCY, MARINE, ATMOSPHERE, SECURITY and CLIMATE CHANGE fields A source of information for policymakers, scientists, business and the public at large, and a contribution to GEO An Open and Free access Data policy
Roadmap th EU-Africa Summit, April 2014 Priority area 5: Global and emerging issues – "Climate Change and Environment" Area of Cooperation -Coherent framework for EO activities in Africa for socio-economic development. -In line with priorities of Africa Space Policy and AfriGEOSS. -Strengthen African capacity through the implementation of the GMES & Africa Action Plan. -Particularly on marine and coastal areas, water resources and natural resources management. -Important contribution from the MESA programme, building on Africa Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD) achievements Africa-European Union Strategic Partnership
The potential for European contributions to the consolidation and functioning of the AfriGEOSS framework is huge: -AfriGEOSS explicitly included in the Roadmap of the JAES. -African organisations automatically eligible for funding in Horizon Up to 100% in Coordination and Support actions, Research and Innovation actions -Key moment: Currently preparing the Horizon 2020 Work Programmes -GMES and Africa, MESA and Copernicus, initiatives from individual partners (ESA, EUMETSAT) offer a wealth of opportunities Avoid duplications and raise the profile of AfriGEOSS in those programmes are the main current challenges. Conclusions
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Thank you! Merci! José Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS Research Programme Officer Climate Actions and Earth Observation Unit Directorate Climate Action and Resource Efficiency Directorate General Research & Innovation - EUROPEAN COMMISSION