Safeguarding and Dangerous Dogs The Dog Warden Service Joanne Housley Environmental Health Manager
Areas to be covered Environmental Health Dog Warden service Risk Assessment Work instruction
Environmental Health Env Health Dog Wardens Food Safety Health and Safety Pest Control Env Enf Animal Health Communicable disease Air Quality Pollution Control Gypsy Liaison
Dog Warden Service Collect stray dogs Stray dogs that are fouling Dogs that attack other animals Aggressive dogs
Dog Control Orders Legislation allows local authorities to introduce Dog control orders within their district Necessary and proportionate Consultation with residents Enforced by Dog Warden Council Wardens, PCSO and Env Enforcement Team
Risk Assessment Duty in law Adequate precautions to eliminate or reduce risk Health and safety is everyone's responsibility
Work Instruction Information on premises file Dynamic risk assessment Simple practical precautions Recognise signs of aggression Any concerns leave site