Discrete Trial Teaching: Prompting Strategies Module Twelve
Review DTT DTI breaks skills down into small teachable parts Begins with the Sd Goal is a correct response and provides reinforcement Data Collection
PROMPTS Specific Cues To The Learner Must be effective A Planned Teaching Strategy Easy to Fade Used To Teach New Skills Strengthen The Association Between: Instruction Behavior Consequence
TYPES OF PROMPTS Physical Prompts Gestural Prompts= pointing Modeling Prompts Verbal Prompts= Teacher= Pt. to the letter “B” VP. = It is in between the letter A and C
More Prompts Stimulus Manipulation= ( 17 71) T.= “Pt. to the number 71” Positional Prompts PP with stimulus –Add an additional stimulus –White paper under the correct response –Fade the white paper
Prompting Guidelines Prompts Are Deliberate Teaching Strategies. Beware of Inadvertent Prompts. Prompts Need to Be Faded During Teaching. Prompt Fading Should Be Gradual. Do Not Create Prompt Dependency.
GENERAL RULE OF THUMB Try to Avoid More Than Two Consecutive Incorrect Responses. Follow Incorrect Response With a Prompted Response. Use Differential Reinforcement for Prompted Trials.
INTERTRIAL INTERVAL Last step in sequence Pause Or Short Break Between Trials Breaks Up The Trials And Allows Processing Time May Be Used To Organize Materials Or Record Data Teaches the student to wait Teacher directs the pace
Working with Older Students Age appropriate materials Flexible and Creative Functional Curriculum –The Curriculum must be meaningful and purposeful to the student Increased Independence
DTT & Generalization of Skills Across: –Settings –People –Materials –Instructions –Time –Prompts
RECEPTIVE & EXPRESSIVE PROGRAMS Expressive Demonstrates understanding through a verbal response –More than flashcards –Incidental Teaching opportunities: playground, cafeteria, grocery store “What is he doing?” Receptive programs demonstrates understanding nonverbally Often start with receptive and move to expressive.
Assignment: Listen to the 2 audio instructions and written instructions for the DTT Video Assignment Upload video to Youtube Complete self-reflection paper based on provided questions Provide correct username and password for the video assignment