Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Behaviors Module 10
Copyright Ernsperger Review Reinforcement Strategies –Negative and positive reinforcement Reinforcement Hierarchy Guidelines for reinforcement Token Economy systems Can’t teach any new skills without reinforcement
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement and/or Alternative Skills Review BIP and function of behavior Teaching replacement skills should result in: –Meeting the same function or purpose for the student –Teaching a skill which can be implemented across settings –Efficient and effective alternative for the student
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Skills for ASD Power and Control –Choice Making –Compliance Training (reviewed in a later Module) Stress Management Skills –Sensory Management Social Skills –Attention Seeking Communication –PECS –Pragmatics
Copyright Ernsperger Example If the student is running away from the table or from work demands, the behavior is a function of Escape Therefore, the replacement behavior is to teach the student to request a BREAK This can be taught with a visual for Break or teaching to expressively ask for a break The replacement behavior meets the same function as the target behavior
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Skill: Functional Communication Assessment As part of the student profile, the team should ask the following: Can the student adequately: –Express their wants and needs –Request help –Protest or refuse –Initiate a social interaction –Ask for affections or comfort
Copyright Ernsperger Back to School Ideas! Picture Exchange Communication System: PECS: Expressive Pyramid Products ( Not just the use of visual supports: Receptive Intended to increase and expand language Students are taught to approach and give a picture of a desired item to a communicative partner in exchange for that item.
Copyright Ernsperger
Pragmatics and AS Pragmatics involve vocal inflection, volume, body language, and hidden meanings? Teaching Pragmatics as a replacement behavior is part of a proactive plan Do YOU want to do that? Do you WANT to do that? Do you want to do THAT?
Copyright Ernsperger Communication Impairment Students with ASD may be able to use language quite effectively to discuss topics of interest, but they have tremendous difficulty expressing anger, sadness, frustrations, and other emotive messages. Problem Behaviors are therefore selected to communicate emotions Jacob: blurting out inappropriate comments
Copyright Ernsperger Back to School Ideas! Replacement Skills Social Scripting
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Behaviors for Power and Control If the function of behavior is power and control- provide the student with more choices Forced choices throughout the day –With one a preferred choice –Visual of “Choices” –Teach “Choice making” –Provide A+ reinforcement for choice making –Follow a compliance program –Have student choose activities for schedule from a choice board
Copyright Ernsperger Favorite quote from Dr. Lori: “There is no tug of war…… IF you don’t pick up your end of the rope”
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Behavior: Stress Reduction Skills Skill must be able to be implemented across settings Should not appear odd or more disruptive Build on a current adaptive skills Teach in a structured setting Provide a non-verbal cue Implement sensory diet to reduce stress
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Skill: Visual Pictures depicting stress and frustration
Copyright Ernsperger List of Potential Skills Deep breathing visualization Counting Squeeze ball Break time Listen to music Walk/Pace Read Talk to a trusted person Massage or vest Jumping Swing Head down
Copyright Ernsperger Back to School Idea! 5-Point Scale Poster: allows students to identify at various points of the day the state of their emotions as a means of learning to better self- regulate. The 5-Point Scale is featured with ample white space for writing multiple names, scenarios, various behaviors.
Copyright Ernsperger Replacement Skill: Social Skills Training Appropriate and effective social skills are the best predictor of positive, long term outcomes for people with special needs Foundation upon which many other crucial skills are built Often the first priority for families
Copyright Ernsperger List of Potential Social Skills Emotions Reading verbal and non-verbal cues Conversation starters/greetings Making a friend Abstract thinking Giving and Receiving Compliments Tone of voice Eye Contact Emotions Joining a game
Copyright Ernsperger Social Skills Instruction Pictures Video Modeling = EBP – (DVD’s for teaching social skills) Role-play Direct Instruction Scrapbook of Emotions –Happy or Sad Book Incidental teaching Social Skills Training = EBP Social Stories = EBP
Copyright Ernsperger Social Stories (Gray, 1996) ¬Select a clear goal or desired outcome Write in the first person ®Use Wh questions as an outline °Write positive behaviors and outcomes ±Visual and concrete information ²Consider a student’s cognitive level ²Provides the individual with the opportunity to practice a new or difficult behavior ²Include already acquired skills (strengths) ²Older Students: Include student in writing the Social Story ²Antecedent Strategy
Copyright Ernsperger
Replacement Skills Overview Identify function of behavior Select one replacement skill or alternative skill –The Replacement behavior must serve the same function Write the goal and objectives Determine the reinforcement Develop curriculum Select data collection methods Review Reactive Program
Copyright Ernsperger Assignment Web Exploration: Positive Behavior Supports and read the file “What is PBS?” Web Exploration: –Rethink Autism- read instructions and take notes as there will be a question on the final exam regarding the 3 steps for teaching “Come Here” Case Study- Replacement Behaviors for this module No quiz this week Field Experience Students Only: Lesson Plan, Video, and Self-reflection due.