09 May 2014page 1 ROCC to PPL ICD Initial Definition ExoMars Rover Operations Control Center ROCC
09 May 2014page 2 Scope of the “ROCC to PPL ICD” is to collect, for each ExoMars Instruments team, the information required to: process science data on ground, at ROCC level, and generating the corresponding Payload Data Products (Primary and Secondary) archive / distribute Science Data Products at ROCC and transfer them to ESAC for long-term archiving accommodate instruments-specific software for data processing at ROCC accommodate instruments teams at ROCC ROCC to PPL ICD: why
09 May 2014page 3 The ‘ROCC to PPL ICD’ contains information specific for the ROCC and does not represent a duplication of other ICDs (in particular the E-ICD) Major applicable document for this ICD is the [R0170] ’ExoMars Mission DataBase ICD’, EXM-MS-ICD-AI-0023 ROCC to PPL ICD: why
09 May 2014page 4 The ROCC is responsible to receive, process and store all the data sent by the Rover to Ground via the Orbiter / ESOC-MOC. The currently defined science data processing at ROCC can be decomposed in the following steps: Step 1: Science Data Pre-processing science data decompression (based on the specified algorithms) preparation of the proper input instrument data file for GDP (based on the specific science requirements) generation of the auxiliary data necessary for subsequent science processing Science Processing at ROCC: overview
09 May 2014page 5 Step 2: GDP processing execution (CODMAC L2 / L3) based on the specific GDP configuration files, specific science data products (already in PDS format) are generated all data products are stored in the ROCC DB for retrieval by the user Step 3: Higher Science Data Products Generation (beyond CODMAC L3) Different options exist, depending on the P/L features: utilization of GDP at ROCC science provided SW running on the ROCC provided platform data processing performed externally directly by instruments teams (using input data taken from the ROCC Archive) with provision of data products back the ROCC Science Processing at ROCC: overview
09 May 2014page 6 Depending on the instruments, Steps 2 and 3 can provide two different types of science data products: Primary data products: set of products considered essential for the daily Rover planning cycle with strict time constraints in their generation and validation if externally generated, to be provided back to ROCC for archiving and sharing with other users. This scenario must occur in a well defined constrained time-frame, to avoid ground processing delays Secondary data products: Mainly related to science exploitation Some needed for strategic planning support no strict time constraints exist for their production expected to be provided back to ROCC for archiving and sharing with other users Science Processing at ROCC: overview
09 May 2014page 7 Each of the above steps require specific inputs by the science teams: algorithms for data de-compression (if instrument-specific) auxiliary data products contents definition data pre-processing specification GDP configuration files specification (TCF, DCF and PCF) Primary data products specification (including format) Secondary data products specification (including format) Most of the inputs are instrument-specific, others can be general and common to all PPL experiments The Reference ICD has been structured in different Sections, dedicated to common and specific information ROCC to PPL ICD: contents
09 May 2014page 8 All the mission data archived at ROCC during the entire mission will be transferred by ROCC to ESAC at a certain time for long-term data archiving Thus a part of the refeence ‘ROCC to PPL ICD’ contains information that will be re-used by ROCC to generate the ICD with ESAC for the long term archiving and subsequent maintenance of the data products ROCC to PPL ICD: contents
09 May 2014page 9 Other aspects expected to be incrementally covered in the ICD: naming conventions for the data products definition of associated metadata data validation approach data products versioning methods data access rules for external teams science SW delivery to ROCC, platform restriction, HW provision, sw maintenance and support aspects products format Instruments team accommodation during sim and Mission ops: ROCC provided HW and standard setup Science instruments provided HW or accommodation other science accomodation requirements ICD management aspects: Establishment of ICD issues Baseline of the ROCC DBs Validation and testing Maintenance and updating process ROCC to PPL ICD: contents
09 May 2014page 10 In order to support ROCC design and, where necessary, assumptions, the following preliminary information, when available, are required from each instrument team: Preliminary identification of: data processing approach for the different CODMAC levels processing Primary and Secondary data products as well as they expected format. They can be useful also for identifying possible support to the Rover planning experiment-specific requirements for accommodation at ROCC during simulation and mission operations (if any) Short-Term Input to ROCC
09 May 2014page 11 ALTEC have responsibility to generate and maintain the Interface Control Document A first reference Draft ICD - the ‘ROCC to PanCam ICD’, EXM-RM-ICD- ALT-0002, issue 1DR3 - is available This Draft issue, once agreed with TASI and the Agency can be distributed to instrument teams for initial inputs collection Planning for data provision and their review will be coordinated with ESA, TASI and the Instrument teams ROCC to PPL ICD Development