Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER2 Dr. Elsayed Nasser Theories Of Motivation
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER3 Learning Objectives 4 Explain the difference between Management & Leadership 4Why motivation is important ? 4 Define the terms management & Leadership 4 What theories of Motivation? 425 Factors for motivation
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER5 Management Definition: “Management is having things done through others” (Peter Ducker ) “Management is having things done with others & through others well & willingly” (Peter Ducker )
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER6 هو تحقيق مستهدفات الشركة من خلال قدراته ومهاراته وقدرات ومهارات الآخرين مع حسن إستثمارة للموارد الخمسة الوقت والجهد والآلآت والموارد البشرية والمال ***
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER7 Planning: Developing your plan Directing: Implementing your plan Controlling: Seeing that your plan was carried out Managing
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER8 Implementing Controlling Planning
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER9 Implementing: Selecting Training Coaching Supervising Motivating Counseling Helping Etc.. Deciding Communicating Improving Planning: Setting Objectives Setting Budgets Organization Action Planning Etc… Controlling: Measuring Evaluating Appraising Correcting Etc…
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER10 Planning Organizing Directing Controlling Set Objectives Determine Sales Force Size Select Territories, Recruiting Selecting Evaluate & control Training & develop Motivate Sales Management Decision Areas Customer Needs/wants Compensation
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER11 Supervising salespeople Achieve company objectives through him & his team using his & their ability & skills 1 st task ( Team building ) 1- Recruitment & selection 2- Training 3- Development 4- Motivation
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER12 Leadership & management ?? Leadership Management
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER13 Leadership: Ability to influence people to achieve extra ordinary results without authority The one most important words We _______ I The two most important words Thank you The three most important words If you please The four most important words What is your opinion ? The five most important words I am pride of you - أنا فخور بك The six most important words Yes I admit I made a mistake
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER14 التزم بمبدأ الاستقامة التامة في كل ما تعمل المبدأ الاول : المبدأ الثاني : كافح في أن تكون خبيرا في مجال عملك
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER15 المبدأ الثالث : استعمل لغة قوية للتأثير في نفوس الآخرين وفي توضيح الأهداف المبدأ الرابع : كن ملتزما وصادقا في التزامك تقبل المخاطر في سبيل الاصرار والالتزام بمواقفك وحتى في أوقات العسرة
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER16 المبدأ الخامس : توقع الأفضل التفكير الايجابي له قوة دافعة بشرط التزود بوقود من الحماس المبدأ السادس : اهتم بشؤون من تقود حاجة من تقود في أعلى قائمة اسبقياتك فكّر في مجموعتك قبل أن تفكر في نفسك المبدأ السابع : افعل ما تعنيه كلمة القيادة – أي كن في المقدمة القائد الناجح يتألق نجمه في ميدان العمل اما القائد العاجز فيختبئ في مكتبه ويصدر الأوامر
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER17 Leadership & management Leadership Management
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER18 علاقة القائد بالأتباع قال نابليون : جيش من الأرانب يقوده أسد خير من جيش من الأسود يقوده أرنب.. القائد يكون قائدا عندما يكون لديه أتباع.. إ ن جيش من الأسود يقوده أسد أفضل.. هل القيادة فطرية أم مكتسبة؟ 3% فقط هم الذين عندهم القيادة فطرية.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER19 إدارة - تحفيز = إدارة + تحفيز = فشل نجاح
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER20 Performance is… Ability Motivation Opportunity Motivation Ability
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER21 Motivation and Performance Performance= M*A*O M=motivation:intensity, direction, and persistence of EFFORT in attaining a goal. A=ability: Personal resources that can be applied to attain a goal. depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is a slow and long process O=opportunity to perform absence of obstacles and providing support to attain a goal.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER22 Why we need motivation ? الأداءPerformance = القدرة Ability* الدافع *Motivation* الفرص الــقـدرة Ability = المهارة Skills * الثقة Confidence الــمـهـاره Skills = تدريب علمي وبيعي Training + خبرات Experiences + دراسة Education *************************************** الأداء = المهارات العلمية والبيعية والخبرات * الثقة * الدافع * فرص النجاح
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER23 Motivation Motivation is the willingness of a person to exert high levels of effort to satisfy some individual need or want. The processes by which individual’s direct, and persists their efforts toward attaining a goal. All human behavior is motivated by something (motivator).
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER24 Motivation …is a concept used to describe both the extrinsic conditions that stimulate certain behavior and the intrinsic responses that demonstrate that behavior in human beings. Motivation is a process that stimulates a person to act. The Drive to Achieve a Goal is a process of moving Stimulate, directing,driving oneself and others to work toward organisational objectives The processes by which individual’s direct, and persists their efforts toward attaining a goal.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER25 التحفيز : هو حث واستثارة دافعية العاملين لأداء جيد الآخرين : الدافع : حاجة تصاحب النفس حتى يتم اشباعها كل من تحتك بهم في المؤسسة مصطلحات مهمة هو القوة التي تحرك الناس للفعل
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER26 & ليحب العاملون عملهم ، ويشعرون بالرضا تجاه ما يعملون & لتتحقق أهداف الشركة & ليساعدك في إدارتك أناس فاعلين محبين نشطين
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER27 Why Worry about Motivation !! Better Morale for Supervisors and Staff Good achievement Better Public Relations Fewer Accidents Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness Lower Turnover
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER28 MASLOW ABRAHAM HAROLD ( ), was an American psychologist Maslow was born in New York City. He wrote several books, including Motivation and Personality (1954) and Toward a Psychology of Being (1962).
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER29 Theory of Abraham MaslowAbraham Maslow The basic human needs, according to Maslow, are: –p–physiological needs (Lowest need) as hunger,thirt, sleep.etc –s–safety needs; as security,protection from danger. –l–love needs; as belonging, love,frindship. –e–esteem needs; as self respect,status recognation –s–self-actualization needs (Highest)is achieved by few as Nageeb Mahfowz self actualised as the first arabic person to win the Nobel Prize for stories in unsatisfied needs equal motivator when one need is satisfied he aspires for the next higher one.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER31 Money earned from the job توفير العلاج physiological needs Secure job + stable policies التأمين على الأشخاص ونظام عادل للأجور وعادل للتوظيف والتسريح ** فارما تريد safety needs Partially satisfied by friendship التفاعل الإجتماعي فى الشركة العمل الجماعي وتكوين علاقات love needs our job can satisfy the esteem needs,participating in decision making esteem needs Hardest need to satisfyself-actualization needs
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER32 2-Theory X Assumptions can be ascribed to Sigmund Freud (1856:1939) –People dislike of work and will avoid it if he can. –Most people must be controlled, directed and threatened before they will work hard enough. –Most workers prefer to be directed because they do not like responsibility and want security above all. –These assumptions : tough management punishments tight controls –These are "wrong" because man needs more than financial rewards at work.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER33 Dangers of punishment Create fear Losing the work efforts. Seeking protection through informal groups. Best employees may leave work.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER34 3-Theory Y Assumptions Assumptions –The worker naturally enjoy work. –Man will exercise self- directed and self- controlled if he is committed to the aims of the organization. man learns under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility. Imagination, and creativity can be used to solve work problems by a large number of employees.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER35 4-Frederick Herzberg Theory Hygiene / Motivation Theory Tow Factor TheoryFrederick Herzberg This is based on analysis of the interviews of 200 employees. According to this theory, Peoples needs are of two types: Extrinsic factor (hygiene factors) Intrinsic factor (motivator factors)
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER36 Extrinsic factor (hygiene factors) Factor outside the job. –Salary –Security –policies –Supervision –Interpersonal relations –Working conditions Unsatisfactory hygiene factors can act as de- motivators, but if satisfactory, their motivational effect is limited. Hygiene / Motivation Theory
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER37 Hygiene / Motivation Theory Intrinsic factor (motivators) Factor inside the job. –Recognition –Responsibility –Advancement –Growth and development –Achievement –Work itself
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER38 achievement Recognition Work itself Responsibility Advancement Company policy and administration Relationship with supervisor Work condition Supervision Security Personal life Relationship with peers Salary Percentage frequency Events on the job that led to extreme satisfaction Events on the job that led to extreme dissatisfaction
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER39 Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory Two independent scales: –Satisfaction and No Satisfaction These are the motivators –Dissatisfaction and No Dissatisfaction Hygiene or maintenance factors
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER40 Salary Security Policies Supervision Interpersonal relations Working conditions Job performance Motivators Hygiene Recognition Work itself Responsibility Advancement Growth and development achievement CAN RAISE CAN LOWER
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER41 5- ERG Theory 3 groups of core needs –Existence ( physiological and safety ) –Relatedness ( social ) –Growth – intrinsic desire for personal development ( esteem – self actualization ) ERG demonstrates that More than one need may be operative at the same time
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER42 6-Equity Theory Motivation decreases when employees feel under-rewarded by comparison to Coworkers Neighbors Self in an earlier state
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER43 7-Enhancing Motivation u Management by Objectives (MBO) u Participative management and empowerment u Modified work schedules Work-share programs Flextime programs
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER44 8-McClelland’s Needs Theory The need for Achievement: الإنجاز –is the drive to accomplish challenging goals. The need for Power: والنفوذ –is the desire to control others; to influence others’ behavior according to one’s wishes. The need for Affiliation ( belonging ): الإنتماء –is the desire for close relationships with others.
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER45 9-Covey theory نظرية التوازن
Theories OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER46 الدكتور السيد ناصر حاصل على ماجيستير إدارة الأعمال م جامعة ميزوري الأمريكية أكتوبر 2010 حاصل على دبلومة الموارد البشرية يناير 2010 جامعة القاهرة حاصل على دبلومة إدارة الأعمال من كلية كامبريدج مارس 2008 حاصل على دبلومة تدريب مدربين من كلية كامبريدج مايو خبرة في مجال التسويق والدعاية بالإمارات العربية ودولة قطر ومصر أكاديمية المهارات المتقدمة للتنمية البشرية دورات الدكتور / السيد ناصر نظريات التحفيز