Methods of Instruction Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Methods of Instruction Characteristics ILLUSTRATED LECTURE DEMONSTRATION DISCUSSION Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Uses words and or instructional aids to convey ideas Instructor controlled Best method for large groups or lots of information in short time overheads -videotape -movies slides -posters -displays handouts -models Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI DEMONSTRATION Involves skills training Instructor controlled Only way to teach a skill practical sessions -skill sessions evaluations Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI DISCUSSIONS Effective when students have background Instructor control varies with type Best used for problem solving and simulation guided discussion -conference case study -role playing brainstorming -critiques? Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Techniques for Presentations Illustrated lectures relate to student need keep students involved know when to use aids use actual examples use only 1 aid at a time Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Techniques for Presentations Demonstrations be thoroughly prepared -allow space be sure everyone can see explain carefully The Presentation 1. Normal speed 2. Slowly with explanation 3. Slowly with student explanation Application provide assistance practice 3X correct evaluate with 2 inst.. use skill sheets Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Techniques for Presentations Discussions define objectives clarify topics allow sufficient time encourage and expect alternative answers use leading questions keep discussion on topic summarize Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Questioning Techniques Types direct overhead rhetorical relay Techniques avoid yes/no questions don’t bluff pause for students to answer avoid answering your own questions Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
CHARACTERISTICS OF LESSON PLANS Organizes lesson Identifies key points Can be reused Can be used by others Available Assures consistency Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
The Four-step Method of Instruction Preparation Prepare the students to learn Presentation Provide information Application Students practice skill or knowledge Evaluation Verify that learning has occurred Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Components of a Lesson Plan A. Topic identifies the subject obtain info from occupational analysis B. Time Frame how long it will take to teach lesson C. Instruction Level degree of mastery a subject will be taught Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Components of a Lesson Plan D. Behavioral Objectives. what student will do define condition, behavior, standard E. Materials Needed list of supplies projector, slides etc. F. References what material used to present the lesson Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Components of a Lesson Plan G. Preparation 1st step in 4 step method prepares student to learn H. Presentation 2nd step in 4 step method information to be given to students info must be covered Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Components of a Lesson Plan I. Instructor Notes personalization J. Application 3rd step in 4 step chance for students to practice give as much time as needed K. Lesson Summary recap closing statements Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI
Components of a Lesson Plan L. Evaluation 4th step in 4 step method verifies learning has taken place feedback to student about their progress M. Assignment information required before next class session readings research practice Methods/Lesson Plans - ISFSI