Creating a Valuable Workplace David A. Sbarra, Ph.D. University of Arizona Division of Human Resources 2015 Summer Reflection Series 36% of our day is at work!
Who am I and what is this session all about?
Let’s Get Oriented: What Are Values? From Harris (2009): “Values are statements about what we want to be doing with our lives: about what we stand for, and about how we want to behave on an ongoing basis. They are leading principles that can guide us and motivate us as we move through life” (p. 189).
Making Distinctions Values are how we move. Goals are what we achieve. You cannot achieve your values. Getting married vs. being loving. Quiz: “I want to get a R01 research grant.” Values are empowering because they are always available to us. Desired qualities of ongoing action. Values are not feelings. “I want to feel good,” is not a value. We can get to values by asking, “How do I want to respond in the face of this situation?” Adapted from Harris (2009), ACT Made Simple
Defining YOUR Values
Values at Work 1.What are a few ways in which you can bring this value into your work life? (BE SPECIFIC) 2. Identify barriers– what knocks you off track and what makes it uncomfortable to move toward your value? 3. If you were able to better live your value at work, what would you be doing differently? What would that mean to you?
Group Consultation: Anonymous “Values at Work Problems” 1. Your value(s). 2. The ways you’re having trouble incorporating your values into work. 3. Question for the group. (Avoid TMI please!)
Poof: You’re Retiring! Imagine it’s your retirement party and three different people stand up to make speeches about you. Invite whomever you’d like from your imagination– everyone who truly (or may truly) matter to you. If magic happens and all your dreams come true, what does your ideal retirement bash look like? Each of the people you choose stands up to say a few words about you. What do they say? 3-4 sentences each.
Values Guide Action and Goals Adapted from Harris (2009), ACT Made Simple
Values Guide Action and Goals Adapted from Harris (2009), ACT Made Simple
Summary: Living Your Values Behavior (action or thought) is the key to a rich, meaningful life. We spent 36% of our daily lives at work! Value- based reflection may be a key element for creating a meaningful work life. Values guide behaviors– these are the principles we live by and the “desired qualities of ongoing action.” Willingness– what are you willing to do to get past the barriers?