The general structure of the facilitation notes will be:


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Presentation transcript:

District Response to Instruction and Intervention Reflection and Planning The general structure of the facilitation notes will be: Time: this is an estimate of how long the slide/activity should take Use with: This is an alignment with document(s) in the participant book when applicable Additional Materials: if there are additional materials needed beyond the RTI2 toolkit, they will be listed here. Directions: these are the steps to follow Additional information: if there is additional information, it will be included here

Our goal By 2017, the RTI2 Framework will reduce the number of students scoring below basic on the NAEP. Time: 1 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Participants read the goals on the slide. Facilitator needs to reiterate that this goal is the state ‘s focus, but districts need to reflect on goals that are appropriate for their district. Additional information: N/A

Additional Materials: Cover of Toolkit Guiding Question One: How do you use data? What are your sources of data? What data do you use when? Guiding Question Two: How do you ensure that RTI2 is running with fidelity? Guiding Question Three: How are interventions different than what happens during regular instruction? Guiding Question Four: How do I create a space for skills instruction to occur regularly for all students at different grade levels and with different needs? Time: 4 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: Cover of Toolkit Directions: The facilitator reviews the structure of the modules, and he day is structured around four questions. These questions come from the key question areas from districts throughout the state. The first question focuses on how student assessment data is being used to drive instruction and drive interventions. This question focuses on how mastery assessments and skill-based assessment data are used to impact student learning. The importance of this question is focusing on how data is used to change classroom practices. The second question focuses on fidelity and the assurances that interventions and programming are meeting the needs of all students. This section focuses on how district and school data teams are working to ensure that fidelity is occurring. The third question focuses on creating a balanced system that includes instruction and intervention. The section focuses on ensuring that the core instruction is balanced and reinforced as intervention components are added to the entire system. The fourth question focuses on creating a time during the day that every student gets time that meets their needs whether it is skills-based intervention, standards remediation or standards-based enrichment. Additional information: N/A

Material Walk Through Next Steps Action Planning Toolkit Agenda (p. 3-4) Four Guided Question section tabs Discussion protocol Notes page Discussion Tool, SWOT, Guided Question Planning Resources (p. 15) Next Steps Action Planning documents tab Time: 5-8 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: reference pages from the RTI2 Toolkit Directions: Walk through the materials and show the participants where the agenda is for the day. Show the participants that the manual is divided into the four questions. Then, show participants the action steps section to help them build out their plan. Next walk participants through the Guided Question One section. In this section point out the discussion scenario available, the notes pages that is where participants can take informational notes from each section of the presentation. Third, walk the participants through the planning tools (discussion tool, SWOT, and guided question planning document). Finally, walk participants through the resources section showing them the tools for planning that are in this tab. Additional information: N/A

Our Guiding Principles 1. Leadership at the state, district, and building level is essential for ensuring the success of ALL students throughout the RTI2 Framework 2. A culture of collaboration that is focused on student achievement, for both struggling and advancing students, should include educators, families and communities 3. RTI2 is a process focused on prevention and early intervention that uses assessment data for instruction, intervention and transitions between tiers Time: 5 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Discuss the hard work districts are engaged in. Leadership is about hard work, and each of you engage in that hard work every day. You should receive more accolades then you do because you overcome many obstacles so that children can learn and become successful adults. Our guiding principles in this work include: Leadership…THEREFORE LEADERSHIP IS ESSENTIAL and the key. That is why we are here today to develop the next action steps and further the vision of the RTI framework in your districts next we must create a culture collaboration ,,, this is not just for our teachers and within our buildings or even within our districts we need to have opportunities to collaborate with each other and learn from each other. We have built several opportunities into the day for your to share and make connections with each other. We are working on the same work and to work smarter not harder we need to share ideas. We hope that this space will help us. Additional information: N/A

Norms Objectives Develop/revise an RTI2 action plan with clear next steps that is tailored to district capacity and meets state requirements. Respect for diverse needs of district teams in whole group discussions. Engage fully and avoid personal technology use. Use planned agenda items fully and respect the air time of whole group to ensure agenda timeline is followed. Transparent collaboration during district work time and whole group discussions. Utilize work time effectively to clarify district needs and plan steps to move forward. Parking Lot for unanswered questions and return answers sent through CORE office in one week. Time: 3 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Participants read the norms with the facilitator. Clarify that the goal of this session is reflection on successes, identification of weaknesses, and developing action steps to overcome these weaknesses. Additional information: N/A

The why of RTI2 Rucker-Stewart Middle School student Sumner County Time: 1 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Facilitator will explain that the middle school student is a struggling student who has gained a great deal from RTI2. Additional information: N/A

Guiding Question Two: How do you ensure that RTI2 is running with fidelity? Mark Gullion, Cedar Grove Elementary School, Rutherford County Time: 3-5 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Facilitator will refer to tab two in the toolkit and lead a brief discussion around the guided question. Additional information: N/A

Discussion Scenario Two We need five volunteers. Then, turn to the discussion scenario on page 28 of your Action Planning Toolkit. Role Play Discuss the questions provided. Think about suggestions for this team on how to improve this planning meeting. Time: 10 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: Page 28 Directions: The facilitator will either model the scenario on page 28 or will let each group role play this school team planning session. Allow districts enough time to revise the agenda and create a meeting that is supportive of the second order change being asked of this team. Additional information: N/A

Data Team Levels District level teams School based teams Responsibilities: ensure the fidelity of the RTI2 framework work to organize professional development set and monitor timelines for implementation guide the implementation of RTI2 Responsibilities: make data-based decisions evaluate effectiveness of instruction and intervention based on school level data review and discuss all student data and student attendance in interventions align interventions to specific area(s) of deficit for each student ensure that interventions are implemented with integrity Time: 1 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: The facilitator will compare and contrast what district teams do and what school-based teams do. Additional information

How do we determine fidelity? Fidelity of Intervention Delivery Fidelity of Student Placement Data collected: comparative groups of student progress monitoring data, walk through observation checks, intervention lesson plans, and overarching student transition data Note: walk through observation vs TEAM observation Use: determine if the intervention is being delivered effectively. Data collected: individual student progress monitoring data, analysis of rate of improvement, attendance in intervention, student behavior, student social and emotional needs Use: determine if student’s rate of improvement is showing adequate progress Time: 2 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: The facilitator will reiterate the two types of fidelity that needs to be monitored at the building level. The facilitator will compare how the roles are similar and different. Additional information: N/A

Why do we determine fidelity? Tier I Instruction TEAM Observations Mastery Assessments Ensuring Core Curriculum Effectiveness Tier II/III Intervention Walk Through Observation Progress Monitoring Ensuring Intervention Curriculum Effectiveness Time: 3 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Facilitator will emphasize the TEAM fidelity checks and similarities in the intervention system. The facilitator will define what a fidelity check is and what kinds of actions would be acceptable fidelity checks. Additional information: N/A Student Achievement of grade level curriculum Student Growth towards skill mastery

What does fidelity look like for school data teams? Tier II think “targeted” fidelity Tier III think “intensive” fidelity Student data as targeted group Student data as individual Lesson Plans Walk through observations Student data as small group Student data as individual Consistent walk through observation data Time: 1 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: The facilitator will review the targeted nature of Tier II and the intensive focus of Tier III. Additional information: N/A

District Discussion Time Discussion Protocol (p. 31) analyze the existing data tools what are you using the data results for how the data drives decisions for different tiers of instruction SWOT Protocol (p. 35) what are the strengths of using data where are your gaps how can you use your strengths to overcome your gaps what are threats to success 15 minutes Time: 15- 25 min. (Check in with participants at 15 minutes to determine if they need additional discussion time). Use with: N/a Additional Materials: Refer to above pages in the toolkit to support work. Directions: The facilitator will provide groups with ten minutes to prepare the Discussion Protocol. Then, districts prepare for SWOT where you will move and share what your district is doing with other educators in the session today. This time may take longer and needs to be flexible dependent on group needs. Additional information: N/A End

SWOT Sharing Count off at table and move to numbered group. Share with mixed group. Return to district group to share experiences from other districts. Prepare post it for shared. Move to the Post It note that matches your number and share with others. Time: 10 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: Use chart size post its to support conversation reflections. These can be used during the mixed groups or during the home groups. Directions: Participants will circulate to a regional group and discuss the strengths of data use in their district and share with others in small discussion groups. Try to mix your participants for this strategy to ensure high quality sharing is occurring. Additional information: N/A Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Action Planning (p. 36 and p. 144) Resources Walk (p. 37) Planning A Focus on Key Messages and General Rules of Practice 20 minutes Time: 10-30 min. Use with: N/a Additional Materials: N/A Directions: Remind participants of the resources on page 37. Point out key resources that will be of interest to participants. Participants should take discussion protocol and SWOT and prepare the action planning steps on page 36. The work time in this section needs to be flexible to meet the needs of the group that is planning. Additional information: N/A End

Contact Information Suzanne Keefe, Director of Special Projects Lisa Coons, Deputy Director of Instructional Leadership Support TDOE points of contact for RTI2