North East European Structural and Investment Funds February 2015
North East Local Enterprise Partnership The Strategy
An Agenda for Growth - “more and better jobs” – with clear vision, objectives and actions Substantial investment proposals Basis for a Growth Deal for the area, including the Local Growth Fund European Structural & Investment Funds Strategy delivers on local aims Context: Strategic Economic Plan
Employment rising (NE)- Jul-Sep 2014, 27,000 more employed than Jul-Sep 2013 Labour productivity (GVA per hour worked) growing at fastest rate in the country GVA per head growing among highest rates in the country 79% of jobs in the area provided by the private sector (72% in 2009) Still shortage of private sector jobs to provide a balanced and sustainable economy. The challenge is not just the number of jobs but the quality of these jobs. Educational achievement has been on a steady rise since but need to increase volume of higher level skills Economic context
Vision and objectives By 2024 our economy will provide over one million jobs Halve the gap between the North East and the national average (excluding London) on: Gross value added (GVA) per full time equivalent (FTE) Private sector employment density Activity rate Fully close the gap on employment rate, Scale and quality of employment matching an increasingly better qualified and higher skilled workforce.
1.Innovation 2.Business support and access to finance 3.Skills 4.Employability and inclusion 5.Economic assets and infrastructure 6.Transport and digital connectivity Strategic Economic Plan Theme
Local enterprise partnerships were asked to develop ESIF strategy responding to local needs in line with European funding framework European Structural and Investment Funds European Regional Development Fund European Social Fund European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Youth Employment Initiative
Split of ESIF in North East by fund, £m
Split of ESIF in North East by fund & area £m
ESF £m
Innovation (£53.2m) Creating competitive advantage; open innovation, smart specialisation Building collaborative research between enterprises, research institutions and public institutions Bringing new products and business processes to the market, including those linked to ‘key enabling’, the ‘eight great’ and health science technologies Development of innovation space to support commercialisation of research and development Includes social innovation and health
SME competitiveness (£112.1m) A2F for SMEs to support growth and innovation Provide coordinated business support Support the development of strategic sites Incorporates entrepreneurship and social enterprise Broadband infrastructure (Durham, £4m) Address broadband funding gap and ensure opportunities for growth through digital connectivity are exploited
Low carbon and green infrastructure (~£75m) Sustainable Growth Study Built Environment and Business Energy Efficiency Low Carbon Supply Chains Innovative Technologies and Renewable Energy Generation Green Infrastructure Improvements Sustainable Urban Development
ESF -Inclusive growth study -ESF and Opt-ins- match provided, process managed Employability (£53.3m) -Provide additional and more intensive support to help people develop the skills and aspirations needed to move towards work, enter work and to progress into work -Help older workers, workless people and those facing redundancy to upgrade their skills, learn new skills or re-train to enter, re-enter or stay engaged with the labour market and adapt to new market conditions -Young people- Northumberland and Tyne and Wear/Durham Social inclusion (£44.5m) - Tackle multiple barriers - Support for those with protected characteristics - CLLD
Skills (£113.6m) Support for intermediate, technical and high level skills and studentships especially linked to areas of economic advantage Support collaborative projects, placements, internships Support for activities to start and grow a business Better links between businesses and educators
EAFRD (£10.5m*) Rural Business Growth Fund, Strategic Economic Infrastructure Tourism Running to a different timetables to ERDF/ESF LEADER Durham Coast and Lowlands; North Pennine Dales; Northumberland Coast and Lowlands; Northumberland Uplands
Financial instruments JEREMIE: Current JEREMIE now to 2015 end. North East LEP and TVU working together to deliver £160m fund from 2016 NEIF: Recognising benefits of loan-based funds to meet infrastructure needs. To consider best deployment of ERDF, ex-ante evaluation to support market assessment will help determine scope and demand
Application process (ERDF, ESF) Call published in line with local strategy, applicants prepare and submit outline application Calls will address a specific local need or opportunity and fit one priority or thematic objective Some will stipulate single award/defined number of awards and budget Outline application assessed against gateway criteria and core selection by MA and must meet local strategic context. Need to ensure eligible match, meeting outputs, value for money Local sub committee provides local intelligence and understanding of priorities for calls and project applications.
Timescales Potential limited early calls launched - March 2015 (to be confirmed) Anticipated sign-off of national Operational Programmes – June/July 2015 (subject to change) Most calls published and opt-ins launched - summer 2015