Module B. Organization behavior. A global view. José Onofre Montesa Andrés Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Escuela Superior de Informática Aplicada
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.1 Introduction In this Module we are going to review the management concepts, and we will focus in concepts as directing, influence or leadership.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.2 ¿What is direction? Management functions. Management levels. Director Abilities. Manager functions. Management Objectives. Management sciences base. A systemic view.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.3 ¿What is direction? Individuals who achieve goals through other people. Management activities conduced to energize, motivate and guide staff to achieve organization goals. Behavior Sciences are necessary in this field
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.4 Management objectives. Clarify the objectives. –Usually identify… Organizes team objectives in order to obtain the enterprise ones. Easy the tasks work giving the necessary support. –Participate in decisions and respond of them.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.5 Manager effort Manager responsibility Management responsibility Responsible for team achievement and failure Team effectiveness: –Achieve Objectives Team Efficiency: –Use the minimum quantity of resources to achieve the objective.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.6 PLAN ORGANIZE STAFF, DIRECT, CONTROL Management process
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.7 The functions of Managers. Planning –Selecting missions and objectives, and the actions to achieve them. Organizing –Involves establishing an intentional structures for people to fill in an organization leading –Influencing people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals. Controlling –Measuring and correcting of the activities of subordinates to ensure that events conform to plans.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.8 Management at different organizational levels. Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Percent effort Top level Managers First level supervisors Middle level managers
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.9 Managerial skills and the organizational hierarchy. Technical skills Human skills Conceptual and design skills Top level Managers First level supervisors Middle level managers
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.10 Technical skills The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise in: –Methods, –processes y –Procedures. Example: –Software project manager: Take decisions about tools, Understands the generated problems by this tool. Teach workers how to use this tools.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.11 Human skills The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups Cooperative effort. Create and manage teamwork. Creation of an environment in which people feel secure and free to express ideas their opinions.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.12 Conceptual skills The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. See the “big picture”. Recognize significant elements in a situation, Understand the relation among the elements.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.13 Design skills The capacity to solve problems beneficing the enterprise Generate practical solutions to problems. This is an important ability because seen problems is not enough manager must solve problems.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.14 Operative vs. directing work Directive work consists in organize and impulse other people to work. Operative work consists on applying intellectual and physical capacities in an individual or collective manner as a part of a process. Trabajo Operativo Trabajo Directivo Alta Dirección Directores de primer nivel Dirección media
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.15 Management Roles Mintzberg concludes that managers perform then different highly interrelated roles. This roles can be grouped in: –Interpersonal roles –Informational roles –Decisional roles
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.16 Interpersonal roles: Figurehead: Ceremonial and symbolic. The enterprise face. Leadership: Shows the way to follow. Includes hiring, training, motivating and disciplining employees. Liaison: contacting outsiders who provide the manager with information.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.17 Informational roles: Monitor: receive and collect information from outside their own. Disseminator: transmit information to organizational members. Spokesperson: transmit information to outsiders (plans, policies, actions and results).
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.18 Decisional roles: Entrepreneur: initiate and oversee new projects that will improve the organization’s performance. Disturbance handler: responsible for corrective action when organization faces unexpected disturbances. Resource allocator: responsible for allocating human, monetary, etc… Negotiator.
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.19 Systemic view. Transformation Process Transformation Process Inputs Output Environment Management
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.20 Management visibility Organizational Behavior Structure, Environment, Management functions...
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.21 Contributing disciplines to management Engineering (efficiency) Economy (Resources) Accounting (Records, Auditoria) Law (Justice, Legality) Statistics (deal with uncertainty) Mathematics (models) Psychology (Needs, emotions…) Sociology (groups) Anthropology (history,environment) Communication (nets…)
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.22 Principles of management –Objectives Harmonization (people- organization) –Motivation (recompenses system) –Leadership (efficacy) –Communication (clear message) –Communication integrity (oral, written and non verbal messages consistency) –Use of the informal organization (quick communication)
GpiIC-0 Module B. Organization behavior. A global view.23 Bibliography: Weihrich, H. “Management: Science, Theory, and Practice” en Software Engineering Project Management, 2ed. IEEE, Mackenzie, R.A., “The Management Process in 3-D” en Software Engineering Project Management, 2ed. IEEE, 1997.