The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space, Riddle Poems The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, And the end of every place. – The Guess Book (c. 1820) The answer is…??? The letter e!
Often talked of, never seen Ever coming, never been. What am I? Often talked of, never seen Ever coming, never been. Daily looked for, never here, Still approaching, coming near. Though they expect me to appear, They will never find me here. The answer is…??? Tomorrow (the future)
What am I? Until I am measured I am not known. Yet how you miss me When I have flown. The answer is…??? Time
I may fall, but I never break. Children I may cause to quake. What am I? I may fall, but I never break. Children I may cause to quake. You lose energy as I come your way. I’m part of your week, But not your day. The answer is…??? Night
oo What am I? At the back of every Igloo, And the middle of the Moon, Always running around in Loops you’ll find me, If you look inside the Room. The answer is…??? oo
Vowels! – Jonathan Swift We are little airy Creatures, All of diff’rent Voice and Features, One of us in Glass is set, One of us you’ll find in Jet, T’other you may see in Tin, And the fourth a Box within, If the fifth you should pursue It can never fly from you. – Jonathan Swift The answer is…??? Vowels!
What am I? Though some might say I blossom, I am not a flower. I am an impromptu roof, Your friend in weather foul and fair. I sometimes stand my ground, But when people give me a hand, I can go anywhere. The answer is…??? An umbrella!
REMIT (A Teacher’s Aide) by Mr. Kilby I deal in numbers But I’m not a calculator, The business I’m involved in Most people savor. This precious commodity I won’t let you squander, If it’s efficiency you’re after I won’t let you wander. Some find me annoying Others necessary, Toward the end of a test I can make things scary. I always run out Yet I stand very still, If you haven’t guessed me yet You probably will, In… 3 2 1
Riddle Poems What are the characteristics of strong riddle poems? Closure: Write your own riddle poem! Try to use poetic devices we have studied—simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, rhyme, imagery, etc.