IB Diploma Program Exams – Semester Report Cards I would like to welcome you to the MYP to DP journey presentation. My name is Janice Medenica and I am the Middle Years Program Coordinator.
HOW DO WE READ THEM? Slide 2: MYP to DP I will present a small part about the curricular transition between the Middle Years Program on to the Diploma Program. Then, I will hand the stage over to Ms. Branka Sreckovic-Minic, the DP coordinator, where she will present a larger part about the DP program, requirements, course choices, as well as expectations of the program. Then, I will take you through the next steps and show a timeline of Grade 10 events leading up to final course selections for next year.
ASSESSMENT Assessment is an on-going process. Assessment results are communicated in informal and formal ways. To assess planning, teaching and learning To allow meaningful reporting to students and parents about student progress.
ASSESSMENT Information collected using balanced range of strategies and methods, both Formative and Summative Addressing DP objectives, using criterion-referenced approach during the time of two quarters per semester, and REPORTED FORMALLY to parents
EXAMS for DP / Gr. 11-12 Preparation for the IB finals (assessment under the exam conditions – for regular and online studied DP subjects ) Exact duration like the IB exams Comprehensive papers 1-2-3 style IB style questions Exam grade helps estimate (with other indicators) the IB predicted grades for university purposes and IB final scores.
Exams Vs Tests (other summative assignments) Tests examine short-term memory (usually right at the end of a taught unit; skills development) Exams test long-term memory, skills application, and application of knowledge in unfamiliar situations; Much bigger corpus of content examined and assessed; strict time duration
EXAMINATION TIMES Grade 11 – SEMESTER 1 (mid-year) Grade 11 – SEMESTER 2 (end of year) Grade 12 – Semester 1 (mid year) Grade 12 – IB Mock exams (March of Semester 2) Grade 12 – IB final exams and ISB final exam (for non-IB students) in May
EXAM FEEDBACK Exams assessed using the IB rubrics Feedback and comments discussed with students in class, immediately after assessment / grading takes place. Discussion with the whole class – if the identified issue(s) relates to most Individual discussion with students about specific issues
FEEDBACK PURPOSE To communicate What is understood and done well (knowledge and skills based) What is not done well or was wrong Areas for improvement (content or skills) Ways how to deal and overcome them, offering strategies
REFLECTION Exam reflection by students before receiving teacher’s feedback is discussed in class – “what and why” is discussed. Exam reflection by students after receiving teacher’s feedback – different from the above? What am I going to do? Different if student is Gr. 11 or Gr. 12 Curriculum teaching continues
SEMESTER GRADES QUARTER 1 = 40% QUARTER 2 = 40% SEMESTER EXAM = 20% SEMESTER FINAL GRADE = 100% (goes in the ISB transcript, calculated into the GPA)
REPORT CARD COMMENTS Teachers provide detailed and individualized most important information Student overall semester work Strengths / Areas for improvement / Strategies Performance, effort, attitude to course Content knowledge, skills development
REPORT CARD COMMENTS This semester we have studied the basics of _____ and methods for measuring ____. X is a positive member of the classroom, and is very confident when communicating ideas in classroom discussions and presentations. X took part in an in-depth investigation of ____ within the school. S/he collected most of the data needed, but should work on processing and analyzing the data X collects in order to make a more clear conclusion which is based on the evidence collected. One area for X to improve is coming to class more consistently and prepared in the second semester. Overall, I am very pleased with X”s progress so far, but I encourage X to put more effort into the written work in the second semester.
REPORT CARD COMMENTS X is a very able student with a good grasp of the content discussed in ___ class. X is keen to participate in class discussions and also listens carefully to the viewpoints expressed by peers. X produced some interesting assignments in our exploration of the _____ analysis of ______However, X’s performance in the recent examinations was only satisfactory. X should be encouraged to put more consistent effort into work and improve revision technique in order to achieve a grade that is reflective of X’s true capabilities.
REPORT CARD COMMENTS X. has had a solid first semester, did better during quarter 2, compared to quarter 1, but didn't do as good as expected in his semester exam. The reason is that X didn't review outside what was reviewed in class, and this was not enough to achieve a really good result. I hope X will learn a lesson here, which will be important once we start reviewing for the Mocks and final IB exams in May. X devoted time studying and reviewing more for other subjects' exams, and needs to learn how to balance and distribute his time and efforts for all subjects. Additionally, X needs to practice when writing essays, separating relevant evidence that needs to be used to support explicit analysis of the essay question, from very detailed knowledge X owns, but is not necessary to be addressed. Overall, good semester, with space for improvement until graduation, and I hope X will use the time in front of him wisely and efficiently
What now? Parents task Discuss the challenges Discuss with your children all subjects’ written comments in details. Acknowledge the positives Discuss the challenges Pay special attention to ways for improvement!
What next? Grade 11 – learning and development continue, there’s time to address challenges, first time exams; Grade 12 – learning continues but we are running out of time, skills should be nearly mastered – (mocks in March) Email, contact teacher, if clarification or anything else needed (after report cards received)
THANK YOU! For more information, please contact your students’ IB DP Coordinator/SBC (IB online) - Mrs. Branka Srecković-Minić (bsreckovic@isb.rs)