The Proven 201 Step Home Prelisting System For Max Commissions!
The Law Of Reciprocity!
Agenda Prelisting package to win the deal –Sent to them prior to appointment Automated Weekly listing report to your sellers for continued referrals –Sent prior to appointment Buyer Idea for immediate status
What You Will Need Google account / – –You can use your current Google Maps (You Will Love This) Single Property Website System (Doesn’t matter which one) Iphone / Droid / Camera –If you can take live photos of the home Prelisting template (I will give you)
Most Importantly
New Seller Lead Comes In
Step 1: Before You Go To The Listing Generate –Property Website –Property Text code –Property QR Code –Property Flier –Property Post Card –A bunch of systems do all this with a couple clicks and uploads, doesn’t matter which one, just pick one.
Fill In The Blanks On The Template You Are Ready To Go!
Live Demo
Setting Up Google Drive
Google Docs - online documents with real-time collaboration Web-based documents, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations that let users edit the same file at the same time so you always have the latest version.
Anytime, anywhere access to your work Google Docs is securely powered by the web, giving you the flexibility to be productive from your desk, on the road, at home and on your mobile phone, even when you're offline.powered by the web
Works across operating systems Google Docs works in the browser on PC, Mac and Linux computers, and supports popular formats such as.doc,.xls,.ppt, and.pdf.
Easily upload and share files Files stored on Google Docs are always accessible from anywhere and backed-up online.
Secure access controls Administrators can manage file sharing permissions system-wide, and document owners can share and revoke file access at any time.
Ways To Use This Prelisting BUYERS LISTING Pending Closing After Close
How Often Do You Call Your Sellers? Do you find yourself hating to call your sellers once a week as you know you should but don't because you have nothing but bad news, thus losing listings and future referrals because you’re not making the call???
What If I help the seller come to realize that if there is an issue it’s their fault and that it’s price related and not related to your efforts or actions
Listing Report To Help You Get More Leads Weekly Property Report Using Google Docs Save as favorite on their computer / Save As PDF Share with Sellers automatically when updated Set the sellers up with gmail account (FREE) Set them up so they receive updates automatically when updated (FREE) The Report if needed using
Buyer Lead Google Doc For Your Office
Buyer Lead Google Doc With Lender Relationship
Lets Set Up Your Weekly Listing Report
It’s A Spreadsheet!
Lets Go Live!
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The Template And Stuff Don’t use the www. It won’t work. Join us on our private Facebook group at 11,262 and growing